Archive-name: Bondage/jen1step.3 Archive-author: Magician Archive-title: Jenny's first step - Part 3 Why, Jenny, you're trembling..... Your nostrils flare, your reddened breasts heave invitingly as you fight to calm your breathing. Sweat glistens on your face, neck and belly, trickles down from your armpits. A mixture of tears, sweat and saliva drips from your chin onto your breasts, but you're not really able to do much about it, are you ? Your hair is damp from the sweat of fear. Your legs shake, partly from their stretched position, partly from reaction. Gently, now, little slave, the lesson is over, but you won't forget it, will you ? You'll be a more obedient plaything from now on, won't you ? Time to show you the more pleasant side of your captivity. I remove the bar from between your ankles, and reconnect the cuffs with twelve inches of light chain. Unhooking the heavy chain from your collar, I pick a short silver leash from the table and snap it to the ring at your throat. Once, just once, you tug against its pull, then your shoulders shrug, as much as the straps will allow, you make a sort of exasperated sound in your throat and meekly follow, pacing carefully with your hobbled feet, as I lead my new slave through a small door at the rear of the room. The room beyond is large, comfortably warm and gently lit. The carpet is a soft grey, warm on your bare feet. Occupying the centre of the room is a very large four-poster bed, with a single pale cream satin sheet and pillows. Steel fixtures glisten at several points around its base, and in the posts supporting the canopy, suggesting that this is not a bed likely to provide a restful night's sleep. To your right is a tall white built-in cupboard, an easy chair and a low coffee-table, bearing a bottle of wine in a cooler, a single glass, and, incongruously, a telephone. To your left an open door shows the tantalizing gleam of bathroom fittings, and you become suddenly very aware of your bedraggled state. I lead you to the chair, push you to your knees beside it and hook your leash to its base. Taking the chair, I pour some wine and sip it, returning the glass to the table in front of you. Ice chinks softly in the cooler, condensation beads on the side of the glass, aggravating the raging thirst that has resulted from your exertions. Paradoxically, although you're still drooling idiotically around the gag, your mouth and throat are parched. "Would you like some wine, Slave ?" My voice startles you. You wag your head in pathetic gratitude, and mew a plea through the wadding in your mouth. You're conscious of holding your breath and trembling as I lean over and release the web of straps that hold your head captive. Your jaws ache from accommodating the invader for so long, and it hurts like hell to open them still further, so that I can pull the ball out, with a moist 'pop'. The harness drops to the table, your saliva glistening wetly on the ball and staining the hide. I lift the glass and hold it to your lips. You're unused to drinking this way, and you gulp down too much, choking and spluttering. Wine runs down your chin, mingles with the sweat between your breasts. "Please....err, Master... couldn't you free my hands ? It's hard for me to drink this way, and I'm making a mess...." "You are in a bit of a state, yes, little Jenny.....but the wine is the least of it......" You look down at yourself and blush in embarrassment at your body covered in mixed liquids, glistening and sticky..... just about the only thing you haven't done is to wet yourself. Although, talking of which..... "M..Master ? May I go to the bathroom ?" You're really blushing, now, at having to ask such a childish question. A delightful flush spreads up across your breasts, neck and face, and you hang your head as I simply look at you, saying nothing, for a very long time. "That's probably a good idea, it may be some time before you get another chance." Now, what does that mean ? Instead of releasing, or at least easing, your bonds, I stand, unhook your leash from the chair and lead you into the bathroom. You stand, uncertain, as I simply drop your leash and make no move to leave the room, turning instead to run the shower. Pressure from your bladder is competing with a rising sense of shame and humiliation. You know that things will be a lot worse if you wait, but, in front of me ...? "Master ! I..... could I be alone... please ?" "Jenny, it just hasn't sunk in yet, has it ? While you're here, I own you. You don't have any rights, or any secrets, or any modesty. Slaves don't have privacy, except such as their master may choose to allow them. You have not yet earned any such privileges, so you may as well get used to the idea that your body is not your own, it's mine, to please myself and amuse myself with. Now, I intend to make sure that it will be quite a while before you have another opportunity, so I should make the most of this one. " I push you back by your shoulders, the seat catching you behind the knees and obliging you to sit without thinking about it. Your leash clicks onto a hook on the wall behind you, and I turn away to check the temperature of the shower water. It doesn't particularly amuse me to watch you relieving yourself, but the humiliation, amply betrayed by your crimson cheeks and tears of shame, is another part of your lesson. That I can bring you to this, that I can own and manipulate you to such a degree.....scary, isn't it, Jenny ? What else might you find yourself helplessly agreeing to, before the night is out ? When I turn back to you, after a few minutes, and ask "All finished ?", you are unable to speak for hot embarrassment, you simply hang your head. "I said...", grasping your chin and lifting your face to mine, "..All finished ?" "Yes". Barely a whisper. I watch your eyes, in silence, waiting for you to work it out. "Yes, thank you...Master" Better. You're learning, Jenny. Time to get you cleaned up. The shower is billowing steam into the room, as I remove your collar and push you under its jets. You close your eyes and gasp as the warm water stings and caresses, turning and twisting to get as much of you wet as possible. Eyes and ears full of water, you're blind and deaf to everything but the hedonism of hot water, so it comes as a shock to you when I begin rubbing scented shampoo in your hair. You give a start, then relax and enjoy the feeling. Rinse, conditioner, the whole works. Never let it be said that I don't groom my slave well. Once again, I wait for you to work it out for yourself....... With the clearing of the water from your eyes, comes greater clarity of thought......If I'm in the shower with you, why are my clothes not getting wet ? Ah. Right. The situation is suddenly crystal clear. You are naked, wet, helpless, tied very tightly by the hands, and in close proximity to your naked master. Your master who has, so far, devoted all his attention to your subjugation, but who now shows every sign of requiring some pay-back. Oh. Kneel, Jenny. On your knees, little slave, and begin your service. I told you earlier that I could think of better ways to fill your mouth than with a gag, and here is the first. No, I didn't ask you to talk about it, I didn't say "Would you like to.....?", I didn't free your lips to waste on conversation, I left your mouth free because you're going to serve me with it, just the way I tell you to, and you're going to do it NOW. --