Fable Of Lust Pt. 3 I drifted towards the light slowly. I pondered whether I actually wanted to get to the light or if I should roll over and swim back into the darkness. "You must wake, Miguel," a male voice accented with British inflections said. I shook my head. "The woman is ready for him to feed on, Robert," another male voice said. I shook my head even harder and rolled over. I tried to swim back into the welcoming arms of nothingness. "What is he doing?" male voices asked together. "How would I know?" the British voice answered with anger. "I haven't been human in a hundred and fifty years." The swimming was not carrying me away from the voices; I was being dragged closer to them somehow. I swam harder. "Wake, Miguel!" the British voice commanded. "Fuck you!" I answered and tried harder to escape. I felt pain in my arms and opened my eyes. I had slammed my arms against the top of the car I was lying on. I turned my head to the right and saw a nattily dressed man. "Very well done, Miguel," he said with a nod. The Brit. He put his hand on my arm and pulled at me. I didn't have the strength to yank it away so I had to let him drag me off the car. "You're completely drained," the Brit said to me. I tried to pull away as he guided me down the block. "No, Miguel," the Brit admonished. "You must feed!" A burger with extra-extra bacon sounded real good so I stopped fighting him. He stopped in front of another male who was looking up at one of my neighbor's bedroom window. I looked around for the person who was going to take my burger order. "What a waste!" the man said with remorse. "She has a strong sexuality, but her husband ignores the fruit that fate has gifted him with." "Is she ready?" the Brit asked. "Ripe for plucking, Robert," the man answered and stepped back. Robert set me down carefully, making me realize how much of my weight he had been carrying. My legs couldn't hold me so I collapsed to my knees. He crouched by me and turned my face towards the window. "See her, Miguel," Robert ordered. "Who?" I asked confused. "I really want that burger with extra bacon so could you get her to bring me one." "Open your eyes and look at her, brother," he encouraged. I focused on the window and beyond. It was beautiful, way better than a hill of extra bacon! A painting of sunflowers, an aria, my mother's chocolate chip cookies, and perfume on the inside of a woman's wrists rolled into one perfect thing. I reached out for it. "No, Miguel," Robert said. "That's the succubus way." My hands stretched grasping for the thing I needed. Robert got behind me and grabbed my wrists. He stretched my arms out to the sides. "You are incubus!" Robert whispered. "She comes to you." I growled and tried to pull away. "Be still, Miguel!" Robert said. "Open, and let her nature drive her to you!" I stared up watching the thing get sweeter. Robert would not let me go so I relaxed hoping to catch him by surprise. The thing tasted brighter suddenly! "Yes!" Robert whispered excitedly. "A black hole for a woman's desire is what you are!" I felt the thing get closer to me. "Now, twist her around you," Robert instructed. "Make her travel the outer edges of your gravity, building up speed as she gets closer to the core." I didn't know what he was talking about it, but I turned the thing's momentum in a circle around me in a way that felt natural. As it spun behind me, it got closer. That was it! I arched my back and stretched my arms out as far as I could. "Make her dance for you, Miguel!" The thing danced in circles around me getting closer and closer with each revolution. "You see, Miguel," Robert said happily. "They will always come to you!" The thing became frantic in its desire to get nearer; I had to work at controlling its spin. "Closer," Robert said. "Let her come closer." It/she was almost touching me. "Now, push!" Robert commanded. I shoved the thing away at the same time that I shutdown whatever was holding it near me. She exploded! A shockwave of pleasure-made-energy struck me, and I absorbed its power. "You're weak, Miguel," Robert said. "Take everything she has to give you!" Some of her pleasure was escaping. Robert said nothing about my reaching out for it so I pulled as much as I could into myself. She exploded again, and then once again. Robert gave me time to recover from the gluttony of the woman's feast. I could see her; she lay on an empty marriage bed bathed in sweat and gasping sobs of breath from the intensity of her release. "There's a wall between us," I whispered. "Why can I see her?" "She is a sexually vibrant woman, Miguel," Robert said pulling me up to my feet. "You're not seeing her with your mind, but with your soul." "It's true then," someone said. I looked around to see six men surrounding us. I was thrown by how good-looking they were. "The mother's direct sons are the strongest," a different male said. "I told you that," Robert replied in an exasperated voice. "Only you have met a direct son, Robert," the others chorused. "Okay, fuck that shit!" I exclaimed. "Pod people who can't talk as individuals have to go across the street! I'm not going to listen to six voices explaining what the FUCK is going on here!" "Forgive them, Miguel," Robert said soothingly. "They have the same mother, and learned how to be incubus together." "Incubus?" I asked. "That is what we are!" the others said. I turned to glare at them, and got half-shamed smiles for my effort. "Go," Robert told them. They turned and got into the six expensive sport cars that lined in the street. "You should tell them to move those cars," I informed Robert. "Mrs. Smith is a nosy bitch, and she'll call the cops if you're parked in the street too long." I noticed the silence surrounding us finally. "Actually, Mrs. Smith should be out here," I said confused. "It's been a while since someone got thrown out a window in this neighborhood. Like maybe never, but if it ever happened Mrs. Smith would definitely know!" "We're redirecting your neighbors' attention," Robert said nonchalantly. "Come, Lilith is almost done with your daughter." "Lilith?" I asked following him when he started walking back to my house. "The mother," Robert said when I caught up. "That's her name." "Lilith," I whispered trying it out. "You didn't know?" Robert asked curiously. "She told me her name was L," I told him. "That if I were lucky, I would learn the rest some day." "You were... lucky," Robert said sadly refusing to meet my eyes. "Very lucky, I guess." "Lilith," I repeated softly. "I like it." "For now," Robert answered. I looked up at the space that used to be my window; the white and orange lights had softened. "So what's this about incubus?" I asked. "It's what you are now," Robert replied. "A very special kind of incubus." "Huh?" "You must have noticed Lilith was different," Robert said turning towards me. "The Christmas light imitation gave it away," I said sarcastically. "I haven't fucked every woman, but I think I would have heard about one that did that if it were something that happened even rarely." "You are Lilith's creation," he said shrugging. "I simply assumed there was something different about Lilith from the other women in your life." "Okay, how about this... start at the beginning," I said angrily. "None of this shit makes sense anymore." "God created woman, and she was good," he intoned. "But Adam did not agree." "What the fuck are you talking about?!?" I spat. Robert raised a hand towards the window. "So Lilith was cast from the Garden for refusing to lie beneath Adam," Robert concluded. I looked up at the window; the lights dimmed. "You've got to be on some good shit if you think I'm going to buy that!" I exclaimed. "So why don't you pass some to me, and you can try again in fifteen minutes." "You don't have to believe anything you don't want to, Miguel," Robert said with another shrug. "You're different now; I hope you believe that at least." I stared at him angrily. "Lilith was the first succubus, that is what I was told by your predecessor," Robert said. "I believe it." "Why?" I asked. "Because as her son, you can do something I cannot," he told me. "Something that makes you very special to every incubus." "Let me guess," I said putting a finger over my lips. "I've got the biggest cock and all of you love a Saturday night cornholing! I really hate to disappoint, but it's not my thing." He looked up at my window again. "Any succubus can make a man into an incubus, Miguel," he said. "But we are mules." "Excuse me?" "We cannot turn a woman into a succubus," he said looking at me. "Only a direct son of Lilith can do that; the last one died a hundred years ago." "I need to sit down," I said and hopped onto the car in my driveway. "We haven't had a new succubus since his death," Robert said. "The last one was extremely active as you can tell by the others, but she died a couple of decades ago." He closed his eyes and got on his toes pressing his face towards my window. "It has been a long time since one of our sisters walked with us," Robert said worshipfully. "She will make one of us a fine wife." "A wife?" I asked putting my face in my hands. "Didn't you feel it when you converted her?" Robert asked. "That desperate wife over there can feed us, but only a succubus can satisfy our hunger!" "I don't understand what's going on here," I said feeling nauseous. "Lilith has been lonely without a daughter," Robert said. "We felt her pain, and knew she would go looking for someone like you. You are a direct son of Lilith, Miguel, and you will give us succubus to mate with." I turned my face towards the house. "They're coming," the other incubi said walking up to us. My front door opened and Lilith walked out guiding Susan. My housemate followed anxiously behind them. They walked past me without saying a word. I got off the car and started towards them but Robert stepped in front of me. "Don't, Miguel," Robert said shaking his head. "You've given Lilith what she wanted; she has no more use for you." I watched Lilith and Susan getting into my housemate's car. He climbed into the driver's seat and started it. The car pulled out of the parking spot and came to a halt in front of my driveway. My housemate got out and approached me. "This is my share of the rent and utilities for the rest of our lease," he said holding out an envelope. He didn't look at me. "Thank you," Robert said accepting the envelope. The other incubi followed my ex-housemate's car when it drove off. "Let's go inside, Miguel," Robert said gesturing towards my door. "I'll explain everything to your... I would say satisfaction but that's beyond you now. Let's go inside, brother. You have much to learn." I stared in the direction that Lilith had gone for a long time before following him into the house. ==== I looked out at my students from the lecture podium. The class was predominantly female, and a few of them wore their hearts in their eyes as they stared at me. Angela leaned towards me, leading with her breasts to offer their bounty. A couple of girls glowed with a light only I could see, but Angela's blue aura had been a distraction since I met her. "Make sure that you've read the two Miguel Sanchez books that I assigned before next week," I told them putting my lecture notes into my briefcase. "I love his last book," someone announced. "It's sad that he died so soon after writing it. I think the fifth anniversary of his death is next week." "'The 'L' Word; and I Don't Mean Love'," Angela sighed. "What a great title for a book." "I agree," I said to her. "Miguel's last two books are considered breakthrough works because of their handling of male sexuality. Be prepared to discuss them." I managed to escape before any of them could corner me. Most had not learned to flirt or seduce except with the sledgehammer of their good looks and took it as a blow to their self-esteem when I did not respond to their charms. They would not have understood that I was doing it for their sake. On my walk home, I pondered the irony of teaching my own books when everyone thought that Miguel Sanchez was dead. It took Robert nearly four years to convince me that I could not continue living my life like before; stabbing me with a butcher knife finally did it. I watched the wound close and heal completely within seconds. It is difficult for an incubus to die: most have to choose it and then take lengths to achieve that goal. Robert assured me that I was even harder to kill, as much harder from an incubus as an incubus from a normal man. I wrote my last book, about Lilith, and let Robert stage my death. There was not much to stage; I drove a car with a fresh corpse over a cliff and walked away at the bottom. Robert arranged for the changes in my medical records that led the coroner to believe the charred body they pulled from the wreckage was Miguel Sanchez. David was a good name, though after five years I still was not used to it. The changes Robert had shown me how to craft in my body to make sure no one would recognize me were also hard to get used to. He had advised nothing extreme; hair a little lighter, eyes hazel instead of brown, a couple of shades lighter skin color. I did not recognize the person in the mirror, but it had very little to do with how I looked. I opened my front door and walked inside without locking it. I disliked the house, the town, and the school. I had never been one for change but continuing to live around people that no longer knew who I was proved too difficult. A new college town was the best I could do to keep any part of my past intact. Robert took care of everything; I did not bother thanking him. Incubi were willing to give me anything I wanted. It was not long after Lilith left that I learned why, and none would get a thank you from me as long as I lived. I sat in the living room and waited. The first succubus I converted after Susan was my department head's wife. She knocked on my door the day her divorce finalized and left my life that night in the arms of one of my so-called brothers. "Sir," Angela said from the doorway of my living room. I turned towards her. "Your door was open," she explained softly. "I left it like that for you," I told her. "You knew I was coming?" she asked with virginal confusion. "I felt you following me," I said looking her up and down. I did not have to feel her. I knew she would come someday, just like I knew an incubus waited outside for the inevitable. "Take your clothes off," I told her. There was no protest; the fire that caused her blue light would not allow it, not this close to her goal anyway. She stepped out of her sneakers and undid the belt of her skirt. She pushed the skirt down her legs and pulled her sweater off. I shook my head at her lack of underwear. Angela would fit in perfectly among the three succubi I had made. I closed my eyes and centered my sexual gravity. Angela's flame was already beginning an orbit around me. Most women reacted to me without realizing it; tightened inner thighs, the natural moistness of arousal, elevated heartbeats, and hard breathing. I fed on their pleasure. A potential succubus like Angela was different. I could try to push them away, but it was impossible. They were drawn to me like light to the black hole Robert had told me to emulate. I ignored the ones I could, but Angela had crossed my threshold. She circled behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her breath was hot against my skin. The kiss she placed on my skin burned with need. It was the biggest difference between a potential succubus and other women; their sexual desire was need rather than want. The energy of it cracked their skin and shone out from the wounds making them visible to me as shining bodies of pleasure. I turned my face, and Angela's lips met mine. She had taken every class I taught at the University. She sat in the front and dressed so that I couldn't miss her. Angela needed me and I needed her. No matter how much I wished I didn't, I needed her. A potential succubus is the only one that I do not have to push away as they approach my center. I can let them spin and spin, getting closer and closer, until they fill me with their souls. Angela did not notice that I was naked when I stood up and pulled her tight against me. Her thigh lifted as she tried to fit me into her. I wanted to make it last, but I had made another mistake. The suddenness of Susan and divorcee's abandonment after being converted made me take my time with the next one. The time made our parting more painful than it needed to be. I still felt the ache of that loss when I met Angela so I stayed away. Our foreplay had gone on for too long though; flashes of pink in a classroom, a light touch on my wrist in office hour meetings, gentle smiles, and her blue eyes swimming in the heat of her desire. I held out for nearly two years against Angela's need, but I could not go another second. I was desperate for her! My tongue invaded her mouth, and she surrendered to its plundering. I dug bruising fingers into her hips. She gasped accepting the pain as long as we completed. I threw her down on the couch; her eyes scalded me. Her arms came up, pleading with me to fill her. I lay down between her legs feeling the first touch of her wetness on the tip of my cock. "Yes!" she whispered arching her back and sinking the head of my dick inside of her. Her nails dug into my arms as my size took her by surprise. It was too late for gentleness; I powered forward and she bit down on my shoulder in reaction. I pulled back and split Angela's body with my cock. Her head fell back, her eyes opened wide, and she screamed. I rode her body's convulsions and felt my breathing increase as her pleasure fed me like so few women could anymore. Angela was close but not yet inside my core. I spun her faster and tighter around me. ---- "I claim this one for myself," Robert said walking into the living room a half-hour after I was fulfilled. I stood up and moved to the chair I had been sitting in when Angela walked in. "You should leave the room, Miguel," Robert said gently. "Miguel is dead," I told him. "My name is David now." He nodded placatingly and looked at Angela's sleeping form. "I've always liked blue," he said almost to himself. "It's a peaceful color." "She's not a quiet one," I said. "I heard," he replied smiling. "She shouldn't see you when she wakes. You know what will happen." "I want to see it," I told him. "Why, Miguel?" he asked. "It is the way of things." "I want to see it," I said staring at him. He backed off as I gathered power. There were more differences than daughters between regular incubus and me. To feed they needed to wrap an individual woman around their center; I could stand in a stadium and draw energy from every female in its circle. None of them could match the power output I could get from a woman. I could also store vast reserves of the energy the women gave me; they needed to feed constantly. Robert bowed his head in acceptance and settled down to wait for Angela to waken. She did it in degrees, stretching to enjoy the way her body communicated its pleasure after a hard fucking. She opened her eyes and looked at Robert. He smiled with kindness at her. "Hello, my love," he said. "Hi," she answered sitting up. "Do I know you?" There was no shame in being naked in front of a stranger. "Not yet," Robert replied. "But you will." I watched him begin her rotation around him. Her back arched as she felt it. "What are you doing to me?" she asked with sexual curiosity. "Someone has to lead in a dance," he told her. "For now, it should be me." "I like the way you dance," she said closing her eyes and bathing in the pleasure Robert gave her. She turned her face towards me and I set myself. Her eyes opened and focused on me. Angela jumped off the sofa with her nails stretched out for my eyes. Robert caught her halfway and turned her so that she could not see me. "Is that enough?" he asked me. "Let her see me again," I ordered. "Brother!" he pleaded. "You're not my brother, Robert," I said. "Let me look into her eyes!" He turned her until her blue eyes could see me. She struggled against Robert's grip as the hatred overcame her. Her hands reached out to me, and she began to draw power to strike at me. "Enough!" Robert yelled putting her over his shoulder and carrying her out. He came back a couple of minutes later and stared at me. "Thank you for my wife, David," he said simply. I dismissed him with a wave. The darkness of night fell over the living room while I stared at nothing. It was Lilith's curse on her sons. My daughters hated me the instant that their conversion was complete. I had not seen it with Susan because Lilith had launched me out of the room, but I received a full dose of the unremitting loathing that a succubus feels for her creator with the department head's wife. It was such a vast emotion that nothing could soften it. Their hatred left me alone in their world. Succubus and incubus ran in packs. L, Susan, and my old housemate were one, while Robert headed the other. Every female among them hated me, leaving no room in the pack for my presence. Lilith had no need for another direct son as long as I kept having daughters. I tried to hold out after the second time I felt the hatred of a succubus. I managed it for over five years before Angela came to my house. "Trying to kill Lilith," Robert told me when I asked how the last incubus like me had died. It had been after I converted the department head's wife so I did not need him to explain anything else I dressed and went for a walk. The church doors were open. My footsteps echoed in its size as I walked up to the altar. "Can I help you, my son?" the old priest asked. "Sleep, father," I commanded and caught him as he collapsed. I set him down gently and straightened to go back to staring at the cross that hung over the altar. The last incubus like me lived for a thousand years of being alone. I wondered how Lilith could recognize a man that would continue living even seeing the future I had in front of me. Any woman could be mine, but I would never have children so keeping one that could not be converted was to rob her of life. They would love me deeply, and get nothing back for it. I touched women but tried to leave them happy that I left. I accepted that I would never stop making new daughters as long I breathed. They filled the void, and if it was for only seconds it still kept me going. Lilith was created before death so she did not need reasons to continue living. She had no conception that life ended like I did. She also had my daughters and their sons to keep her company. "He was a fool to reject her," I told the one on the cross. "But how could you abandon her like that?" Lilith's hatred was the source of my daughters' feelings for me. I understood it. L's hatred for her creator had no end, and it poisoned every succubus that came after her. I turned and walked out. I understood Lilith better with each day that passed as I contemplated centuries of loneliness. I hated the one who had made and abandoned me too.