Archive-name: Fantasy/illiandy.txt Archive-author: Archive-title: Illinois Andy > .....but I found that the enterance to her vagina too small. This sounds like a job for (hit the echo chamber) "ILLINOIS ANDY and the SEARCH FOR THE HIDDEN ENTRANCE TO THE TEMPLE OF VENUS." When we last left Andy he had scaled up the last leg of his journey and then hacked his way through the dense tangle of underbrush. Only to discover the entrance was protected by two verticle barriers. He was able to pry them apart - using both hands and all his strength. Yet, entrance was still barred by a a tiny opening - too small for Andy. All this way to be met with failure. There must be a way. There must be a way to gain entrance and obtain the Treasure of Venus. Andy stepped back to view the entrance. It wasn't a necessarily unpleasant construct. The verticle barriers were easily moved back and forth - he detected moisture seeping through the walls - which in fact made the barriers easier to move. The tangled underbrush was also wet with sparkling drops of dew. Andy glanced upward and spied a small smooth round object - barely covered by the same barrier material - if he could just climb up there he might discover the secret to the entrance - or at least be able to figure out a way to make the entrance larger to gain access to the inside. It was hot, moist, and steamy, yet Andy was able to secure handholds and toeholds in the undulating folds of the side walls and barriers - he pulled himself hand-over-hand upward toward his goal. When he reached the top he noticed a hood-like covering over the smooth nodule. Taking up a precarious balance he reached out with one hand to fold the hood back exposing the whole of the nodule - with the other hand he reached out to feel the texture - with the moistness he could not get a grip - it was too smooth, his hand kept sliding downward - he tried a pressure grip but that too simply slipped downward - at that moment the bulbuous nodule began to throb and shake - Andy almost lost his footing. He had to hang on with both hands hoping the trembling would subside. He noticed the side walls had flexed open a little bit and the tiny opening seemed to enlarge just a bit - before everything stopped moving. Andy resecured his position and again reached out to run his hand over and over the glistening and now very moist node - it began to tremble - a low rumbling growl emerged from below - it startled Andy - he lost his grip and his footing and plunged downward just as the gaping barriers began to close - he slipped right between the slick walls and landed right on the tiny opening - too tiny to let him through but it gave a little - with a little push and nudge he might just get through - but at that moment the walls closed in on him squeezing him between their soft moistness and the outer doors closed emersing Andy in utter darkness....... (to be continued)