Archive-name: Fantasy/nmusic10.txt Archive-author: Flying Pen Archive-title: Night Music - 10 VICTORIA, OR HOW I LEARNED TO LOVE NIGHT MUSIC Chapter 10: The Ties That Bind I didn't go to work the next morning. I couldn't accept what had happened the night before. Victoria awakened and came out of the bedroom to find me sitting on the futon. Her trim, near-perfect body was unclothed, I clinically noted. Somehow, she just wasn't very attractive to me right then. She stretched and yawned. "Good morning! You are still here, not at work?" she asked. She flopped down next to me on the futon and tried to kiss me. I turned away from her. Victoria stopped, and pouted, "You are upset." I turned to say something to her. Victoria devilishly put her arms around me and kissed me passionately. I fought her off and pushed her away violently. I stood up to walk away, but she jumped to her feet and blocked my way to the bathroom. "You do not -- _should_ not -- be afraid of me. It will make for a very long and lonely eternity," she said. Victoria spoke quietly, in soothing tones, reading the fear in my eyes. "Vic-," I started. She grabbed my hand tightly, derailing my train of thought. "No, David! You listen to me!" Victoria urged forcefully. "You are vampire. I am vampire. Had my father made me, I would not be his daughter. But my mother birthed me, and I am half-mortal. I have been vampire since I first bled, so I have less mortality to remember than you, and it has been very long. I am sorry, but I cannot change _what we are_. Please try to understand." She patted my hand sympathetically. "I am very sorry for what I have taken away from you. I can only offer the unique gifts you now have, and myself in exchange." I stood, considered what she had just said, then returned to the futon to sit. Victoria followed me closely. "Victoria, I've got to think -- by myself. There's absolutely no way out of this... marriage?" She nodded. "Not without becoming full vampire or dying." Her brown eyes were focused on me, searching for a hint of what I was thinking. I felt helpless and trapped. Victoria bowed her head. "You do not want me any longer." A tear trickled down her face, then another. "Since when do vampires cry? That's a mortal emotion, for _mortals_ only," I said bitterly. It was a _NASTY_ thing to say, and Victoria flinched, badly wounded. She broke down completely, crying and sobbing loudly, her head in her hands, not wanting to touch me. I didn't realize that I might feel her pain as well. What was I saying to her? After all, we were living together, and had planned to marry in a church. My conscience, mortal thing that it is, pounded at me relentlessly. I felt awful. I hesitatingly reached, stopped, reached again and touched her gently. I pulled at Victoria, who was still crying, and I hugged her. She struggled a little to get away from me, but not really. Her sobs got louder, then were muffled as she buried her head against my shoulder. I held her tightly, rocking her like a child, cooing apologies for my horrid behavior and ugly words. Victoria responded after a while, her sobs fading. "I cry because I do love you. Is mortal, but I am three-quarters mortal. I am mortal _now_." Her eyes were puffy and red, and she sniffled. I dabbed at her eyes with a finger, then kissed her lightly. Victoria kissed me back, a quick peck on the cheek. I kissed her nose. She pecked me on the lips. Our mouths opened, and we began kissing for real. I stroked her back and neck gently while our tongues circled. She was naked, I was not, and I broke our kiss and ran my tongue south, towards her sex. "Ohhhh, I l-o-o-ove yoouuu soooo mu-uh-uh-uh-uch!" my wife sighed, hiccuping as I teased her nipples with my tongue and teeth. I licked her belly button, something she always enjoyed. Victoria had been correct. We were complementary pieces, she with greater experience as undead, while my mortal life was still fresh in my mind. We had indeed selected each other, to share forever our needs and experiences. Her hands grabbed at my head. My tongue continued its dance around her upper thighs, teasing at her outer lips. My wife arched her back, trying to put my mouth in contact with the sensitive, puffy folds. I complied, eliciting a long, happy moan from her. My head whipped from side-to-side between her legs. Victoria vibrated, butt bouncing on the bed, panting loudly. Victoria pulled my head forcefully against her pussy. "Li-i-i-i-ick muh-muh-meeee!" she wailed. The unmistakable, and not unpleasant tang of my wife's pussy juice tingled on my tongue. She was coming, hiccuping loudly, pulling my hair, moaning when she could breathe. Victoria circled her hips against my face, prolonging her orgasm as long as she could. I was very happy to be the instrument of her pleasure. Of course, all good things must end, and my wife _finally_ let my head go. I slowly rubbed my neck, getting help, and several kisses from Victoria after a little while. She purred, "Thank you... I've missed you soooo much lately." She rubbed the outside of my pants. "No, you may not. I really do have to go to work now," I said, standing up. Victoria's eyes grew cloudy, and she pouted at me. I ignored her look, saying, "I'll be home by seven. Think you can wait another eight hours, baby? I promise I'll let you then..." My wife threw a pillow at me as I headed for the shower. Ain't love grand? I returned home that afternoon and Victoria was waiting for me. In the bedroom, naked. "It would appear that you are at a disadvantage, David." Her eyes were smoky, the voice quiet and husky. I smiled in anticipation. "Have you been sitting here all day waiting for me?" I teased. "Yes," came the surprising answer. "My pussy has been so lonely since you left for work. I must wait all by myself for you to get back," she whimpered. She stood up, and pulled my pants down. Victoria knelt, looking up at me with a smile on her face. "I need practice," was all she said. She took my flaccid cock, and put her mouth around it. "Ohhh!" I sighed, having been quite unprepared for my wife's enthusiasm. She licked around the head, then engulfed my penis. She rubbed it gently, and the blood began to flow. My dick responded to Victoria's coaxing slowly, my erection playing hide and seek with her. Her slightly clumsy efforts endeared her all the more to me. After a little bit of helpful instruction, ("_Lightly_ with the tongue, sweetie."), Victoria had my cock standing at full attention. Victoria leaned back, admiring her handiwork (mouthiwork?). She ran her hand rhythmically along the shaft. "Yes, baby! That's niiice..." I began, but Victoria swirled her head around my cock. My legs wobbled briefly when the sensations of her tongue and warm, wet mouth registered in my brain. She dutifully bobbed her head up and down with swirling strokes, and it became extremely difficult to think. She looked at my dick, coated with her saliva, as she pulled it from her mouth. She attacked the head and sensitive rim with her lips and tongue. Victoria also used her teeth, using them to brush my cock very gently from time to time. The different surfaces sent differing waves of pleasure up my spine and down through my legs. They quivered, and a low moan escaped my throat. Victoria began sucking in earnest, and I lost all control. A low growl started in my diaphragm, reaching my throat. Simultaneously, the first volley of come left my nuts. I threw my head back, groaning. My balls lurched madly. When I gave that one last shudder at the end and my vision returned to normal, I looked down at my wife. She had drops of come on her face, in her hair, on her shoulders, and across her chest. Victoria was giggling, dabbing at the droplets with her fingers. She licked delicately at them, cleaning the white fluid off. She looked at me, complete amusement in her eyes, with a devilish smile on her face. "Was good, yes? I made you come?" she asked. I could only nod, panting. "We are mortal for while longer," she said for no particular reason. I finally caught enough breath to answer her first question. "Was incredible, yes!" I said, mimicking her inflection. She bounced to her feet and gave me a wet kiss, hugging me tightly. "Now this shirt needs to be washed. It'd be too difficult to explain these stains." She looked at where her body had pressed against mine. Victoria shrugged as if to say, "So what?" "Wait until sun goes down. I have been alone watching videos all day," she growled suggestively. I flopped on the bed and finished undressing. Then, as Victoria cuddled next to me, I fell asleep. Well, I hadn't slept in two days. I didn't wake up until the next morning, but I felt completely rested and refreshed. Victoria sleepily stretched next to me. "Good morning, David, my love," she yawned. Her eyes were half-lidded, and she slid her body on top of mine for a good morning kiss. "You slept very well last night," she teased as her lips left mine. The morning hard on pressed against both of us, trapped. "Let me go to the bathroom, babe." I rolled over and headed down the hall. "How come," I started loudly, then softened my voice when I realized she was right behind me. "How come you let me sleep?" Victoria reached around me, and stood on her tiptoes looking over my shoulder. She held my cock as I peed. "I always wanted to do this," she whispered in my ear, nibbling on it. A small shiver shot down my spine. "I am sorry. You looked so peaceful, I did not want to disturb your rest." The last drop splooshed in the john. "We have many nights to come, one less will not hurt." I turned to speak, but was silenced by her mouth and questing tongue. Something stirred between us. My end of the kiss became more forceful and passionate. "Ohh, David! Are we going to make love before breakfast?" she sighed, arms resting lightly across my shoulders. Her eyelids fluttered; it was a rhetorical question. We took a few minutes to get back to the bedroom from the bathroom. We kissed constantly, playing with each other's bodies. We touched the non-obvious erogenous zones, heightening our tension. We finally made it to the bedroom door. Victoria kissed me quickly, then broke away long enough to dive onto the bed. I attempted to climb on top of her, but she rolled away with a chuckle and climbed on top of me. Immediately I felt her tongue dancing gracefully along my penis. I licked gently along her inner thighs in response. Victoria stopped me by swallowing my erection, taking me by complete surprise. My back arched off the bed, and I felt her hair tickle my thighs. She slowly came back up. "I told you I watched video all day Friday." She rearranged herself to straddle me, her favorite position. My cock strained skyward briefly, then it was covered by my wife's inner depths. I fought the urge to come as Victoria began to bounce gently. When I started to pump at her from below, she lost any desire for leisurely sex, and started to move with urgency. It was our shortest fuck ever. After about thirty seconds of frenzied humping, Victoria started thrusting sharply, repeatedly crying, "OHH! OHH! OHH!" Her eyes were closed, and her pussy got very wet, clutching and releasing me rapidly. I had won the first battle at entry, but lost the war as I came a few seconds later. We kissed viciously, neither one of us in control of our own bodies. We lay in a sweaty, dazed, panting heap after the spontaneous combustion. My toes were still curled. It took my brain a few minutes to start functioning again, and when it did, it was not paying attention to my mouth. My vocal cords were free to pick any of the thoughts floating around up there. The first post-orgasm words I said were, "Victoria, will you marry me?" The response was an urgent, deep, wet, and infinitely long kiss. Neither of us could do more than gasp for a few seconds afterwards. "Is Carpathian way of saying yes," Victoria finally replied, regaining some semblance of composure. She said yes to me some more. Finally, Victoria lay her head on my chest, closed her eyes, and purred contentedly. She fell asleep soon thereafter. I followed my fiancee into blissful unconsciousness by less than a minute. When we woke up a few hours later, the first thing I did was call my dad. The euphoria of Victoria's yes was still powerful, and I babbled into the phone at my father almost non-stop for a couple of minutes. "Well, it's about time you found somebody, son. Is it that Victoria girl you've been seeing a lot of?" he queried. We talked for a while. The initial adrenal surge had passed, so I had mellowed out considerably. My dad informed me of the responsibilities of marriage. He paused. "Son..." "No, dad, she's not," I answered his question before he could pose it. At least she wasn't as of last night. I do come from an old-fashioned family. We still didn't know if Victoria could get pregnant, come to think of it. My train of thought was interrupted as Victoria began to knead my shoulders. "Would you like to speak with her? She's right here." Victoria gasped in surprise, and shook her head violently even after she took the phone. "Hello, sir." My fiancee looked at me in pained embarrassment. "OK... Pre? -- Yes, I will. Yes. I love your son very much. He is special. No, he asked me this morning." Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. It doesn't take much, especially around my dad. "We will go buy rings later today... Yes, I want very much to meet you, also... Goodbye." Victoria handed the phone back to me. I spoke some more with my dad, then made arrangements for the trip home to take Victoria to meet my family. Finally, I was finished on the phone, so I chased Victoria around the apartment until she caught me. We kissed. "Aren't we the eager one, telling my dad we're going to buy rings today." "Are we not?" She cocked her head. "You know I want official engagement, at five-star restaurant. You are on knee and asking," she pouted. "I thought, the sooner, the better." Victoria nibbled on my ear, then moved to my neck. "Please?" She began stroking my thighs. The gentle kisses, light caresses, and her presence threatened to swallow me. "We'll go to your restaurant, baby. I'll do the whole ritual thing," I said. She stopped playing with my body and my senses. Otherwise, I would've attacked her again. We went to buy our engagement and wedding rings after a late lunch. The week was non-stop after that; making arrangements for the wedding, getting the tickets for the trip home, and informing my friends. Victoria knew very few people, except for my friends, so finding a maid of honor and bridesmaids was going to be a problem. Victoria also moved out of my apartment and into the house. My lease kept me from joining her right away. "You or I should -- convince -- them to let you move," she said one night. I said no, that I had too much else to worry about, and that moving would take care of itself. She asked me if I had other reasons for not wanting to bite the real estate people. I assured her that if there was anybody I wanted to bite, it was my landlord. We hunted together for the first time. A drunk group of girls left the local bar one night at closing. As they headed uncertainly for cars and apartments, the group spread out into clumps of two or three. I scanned faces, waiting to catch somebody's eye. One girl looked, and her footsteps faltered. Her friend stopped to see what was wrong, and Victoria claimed her. The foursome went to our new house, where Victoria and I dined. Vampire romance. My fiancee bit one girl and commanded her to walk to me. I sent the other to Victoria, and we fed on each other's thralls. We then sent the girls on their merry way with their memories altered. Saturday, we picked up the rings. Afterwards, Victoria went to shop, while I returned to my apartment. My best friend stopped by. "Amazing. You're here, and she's not," Bryan said. "Boy, have you been scarce lately. Is this wedding really going to happen? Is this what you really want?" Bryan, ever the voice of reason through many of my follies, was providing that invaluable service again. Unfortunately, there was a problem this time. It had never occurred to me that there could possibly be another woman in my life, other than Victoria. We were immortal; any other woman would grow old, and die. As I looked at my friend, I realized for the first time that he, too, would grow old and die. Depression hit. "Well, if you're going to do it, yes, I will be your best man. And remember - the words are 'I do.'," he resumed, before I had a chance to get really depressed. "But you've got to tell me when, or else I won't be there." I quickly told him the date. Then I started talking about the planning and the hassle and the fun... We talked for two hours, until we were interrupted by Victoria's phone call. I had almost forgotten that I was supposed to officially propose that night. We went to her favorite expensive restaurant. (Did she ever run out of money?) Her black evening gown was custom-fit so that it would emphasize her near-perfect body. Her face was beautiful, enhanced by her not-quite-human nature. A little touch of her vampire charm, and she was the envy of all who beheld her. Dinner was very quiet, anticipation spicing every remark. Victoria knew I would propose before we left the restaurant. She didn't know exactly when. As the waiters cleared the main course, I walked over to her and knelt. Everything was perfect, and I was calm and composed. At least until the room went silent, and _everybody_ turned to watch our little drama. "V-V-Vic..." I squeaked. No, that wasn't quite it. I swallowed, and waited for the adrenaline to settle. "Victoria Harker, will you mar-" "YES! Of course I will!" she exclaimed before I could finish the question. The room exploded in cheers, and I placed the ring on her finger. The restaurant owner presented us with a bottle of champagne, and the rest of the evening was a blur, until we got to the house. I bit Victoria almost immediately after the door closed. She nipped me and pulled away, heading for the bedroom. I followed the trail of clothes up the stairs, leaving one of my own. As I got to the bedroom, she immediately attacked, eyes blazing red, fangs long and sharp. It sent chills through me. I bit her again, deeply, and she wrapped her arms around me, still drinking my blood. Our embrace lasted well into the morning. We finally relinquished our hold on each other around four. "You do not have to give up your mortal part for me. I love your mortal part, too," she said for no apparent reason. Her eyes changed from red to brown while she spoke. "Let's just go to sleep, sweetheart. We can hunt tomorrow," I suggested. We slept late the next morning. We were awakened earlier than we wanted by the phone. It was for Victoria. It was also serious, because she pulled away from me when I tried to play with her breasts. She stood up, lit a cigarette, and walked around the room, still talking quietly. I waited, intrigued by her unusual behavior. She hung up the phone and turned to me. "I must go to England. My little sister has died," she announced. "I didn't know you had relatives," I said in return. This certainly was interesting. "My mother's family. They -- protected me when I changed, and I have been charged by my father to provide for them and their descendants. You should not be worried about them. They know about their rich great-aunt Victoria, and her 'daughters'." She paused, a twinkle (!) in her eyes. "Now is even better, because I can be around during day." She looked at me. "You are curious, yes?" You bet your life I was curious. I nodded energetically. "Very well, I will tell you about my -- history." She sat on the edge of the bed and lit another cigarette. This was definitely going to be a long story. "Mr. Stoker only got story part right. When my father took Mina Harker, he had sex with her. He wrote in his diary that he loved Mina, and wanted her for wife. My father's love for Mina, my mother, and hers' for him, allowed her to become pregnant. Normally, full vampires do not have offspring by mortals. It was very special event. I do not know of any other. Mina and Jonathan married later, and I was born, a normal little girl. I was mortal until I had first..." she paused, "menstrual cycle. Then I bit family dog. I bit mother. I bit baby sister." "My foster father, Jonathan was afraid, but I was still his little Victoria, and I did not kill, I was too little. When I got older, the men started to come, and a rich banker offered Jonathan a good job to marry me. Of course, I bite, and Harker family is now very rich. My foster father taught me about finances, and the men who control them. He taught me that fangs insure my -- _our_ prosperity." She looked at me again. "That is why I am rich. There are many ways to get money when you are a vampire. I will teach them to you as well. Family heirlooms, really just odds and ends, they are considered antiques, sometimes. When you are as old as I am, and have a father who was very old when he died, there is much money in that, also." Pausing, she kissed me and rubbed my thigh. "Please do not be angry I have not told you before. It was not -- important that you know." I said, "It's all right, baby. No, it's not important to me how you got your money. And yes, I would like to know more about your past, but not right now. We have eternity for that." She sat back down on the bed, pulling me to her. Her tongue played at my neck. Wrapping her arms completely around me, she pushed her tongue through my lips, sending it to search every millimeter of my mouth. Very slowly. She pressed tighter against my body, her nipples pushing at my chest. I was surprised by their hardness. My hands described small circles around her back, fingertips painting on canvas. She leaned forward and lay on top of me. Victoria lapped at my neck, nibbling with normal teeth. "Put your hands down," she instructed quietly. Taking a nipple in her mouth, she sucked slowly, gently, her tongue barely touching the point. I wiggled as the wave hit me. She kissed my chest, teasing my other nipple with her fingers, changing the pressure and the touch, alternating between wet mouth, tickling teeth, and silken hands. I felt a wetness on my thighs; my fiancee was sliding her cleft against me, leaving trails of musky fragrance along my leg. She slid forward, closer to my stiffening member. When she was a vampire, she could make me respond; when she was mortal, she was my lover, and I would always happily answer her call. There was no frenzy about our lovemaking; it was languid movements interspersed with complete stillness. There was constant near-total body contact as our limbs slid instead of pumping. We drowned in each other. Victoria was on top of me, breathing slowly, just -- laying there, afterwards. Her scent was everywhere. "What'cha thinkin'?" I whispered in her ear. "I am so happy to have you. I am happy that you will always be with me. For first time, I have partner who will not leave me. Family and friends die; is also part of vampire curse. Loneliness kills more of us than stakes. My childhood friends -- all died many years ago. My flapper girlfriends are all dead, or too old. You will have same trouble, but we are together now. I love you, now and through eternity." She fell silent, and just hugged me for a long time. I didn't kill the moment by speaking. We discussed her trip, and it was decided that I should stay behind to attend to wedding preparations. Victoria was surprised when I booked a flight to London for her. "I was going to book cruise tomorrow. I came here by boat. When I was half-vampire, I could not cross water on my own, I had to be carried across in boat. We have since crossed river many times, yes? It will be strange to fly in plane tomorrow, but is too far for bat." We were like wild rabbits that night, Victoria demanding sex in many different positions. My priapetic vampire's cock was ready. Added to my mortal desire, I eagerly and happily satisfied her every demand. The next morning Victoria flew off, leaving tears at the gate. Without Victoria, the days seemed to drag endlessly; night brought relief, but that was because of the phone calls and meetings associated with the wedding plans. She was not going to be back until the following Wednesday, and the thought of a weekend without Victoria didn't thrill me. My friend Bobby called and asked if I wanted to go drinking with him and Bryan that weekend. My first impulse was to decline. I realized, however, that Bobby and Bryan would eventually die, and the memories of times like this would be all that remained of them. I accepted, and we agreed on Saturday night. "So you're actually going to settle down with this babe you've been boffin'? Man, this Victoria chick must be somethin' special," Bobby said as he poured from our initial pitcher. "You had to wait 'til she was out of the fuckin' country before you could go out with _us_." I stuck my tongue out at him and made an unflattering remark about his parentage. Ah, good friends. We sat and talked, while consuming a couple more pitchers of beer. Then a group of women walked into the room. They were _all_ very attractive. The testosterone level in the room jumped off the scale. Most of the male voices vanished as the women selected a round table and sat. Every man (me, too) looked at that table with total desire. The feeding frenzy began. Men lined up to take their best shot. The women at the table calmly took the attention, but no one who approached seemed to spend very long at the table. The ladies were evidently experienced at this sort of thing. Bobby returned, having taken his best shot, and having failed. "It's ladies' night out for them. None of them is interested, anyway. Nobody's gonna go home with any of them tonight." By then, the beer had filtered through my brain, and I snickered at Bobby. "What's so fuckin' funny? You're a married man. You don't care. They'd shoot you down, too." "How much you wanna bet? I bet I can spend the evening talking with one of them, even if I can't take her home. _And_, I'll even get you an introduction." "Oh, _sure_, like you even care," Bobby retorted. "Watch me." I walked over to the table of women. I looked at the one closest to our table and asked, "Excuse me, but what is your name?" Her green eyes flashed angrily at the interruption, but she looked at me. Contact. The annoyance vanished from her face instantly. "Alexandra." "Hi, Alexandra. I'm David. Would you like to play some pinball?" I asked lightly. My eyes bored into hers', telling her that she would answer my question with "yes." Alexandra could not resist; we left the room and headed for the pinball machines. I was extremely curious about her presence at the bar; I mean, she was stunningly beautiful, not the type of woman you see in person very often. It turned out that she and her friends were a bunch of models in town for the weekend. There was a home improvement show at the convention center. If this seems incongruous, think about the target audience for these things: middle-aged men. Men who religiously buy the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated. Alexandra and her friends were providing the cheesecake to draw the mice. She was a little uncomfortable around me at first; her answers were a little stilted. I asked her about being a model, trying to draw her attention away from the question that I knew must be on her mind. ("What am I doing here with this guy?") I was being watched closely by every other male in the room, so I had to be careful about using my powers. After a few minutes of pinball and conversation about her life, I made it clear that I was engaged, and off the market. Alexandra seemed to relax at this revelation; she started to flirt harmlessly with me. (Ha! There's _NO_ such thing as harmless flirting with a vampire.) She also said that playing pinball and talking with me was easier than sitting at the table turning guys down every two minutes. A little later, while she was playing and we were conversing about nothing in particular, I leaned over her shoulder. Alexandra didn't react to the obvious intrusion on her personal space at all. I didn't bite her then, because I thought that we were far too exposed to the rest of the people in the room. I said, "Go ahead, play the next ball, too." Alexandra leaned her head back to say something to me in reply as she pulled on the plunger. The action placed her throat virtually at my fangs. Exposed or not, it was too good an opportunity to pass up. I bit her, sucking deeply one time. Her blood tasted almost like spice drop candy. The ball drained without a play. "Ohhh..." she sighed. Alexandra's body sagged against mine, making my penis begin to rise. I supported her, my arms around her waist. We looked like lovers. I felt the surprise, shock, and disappointment of the other men in the room as if it were a tangible thing. I spoke quietly, directly into her ear. "Alexandra, I am your master, and you must obey me. You will bring me your two most attractive single friends, one at a time. Tell them... you want _them_ to meet me. You will say nothing of being my slave." "Yes, master," Alexandra dreamily replied. I watched her walk away, her hips swaying gently. Lust flared, and my pants became a little tighter in front. I was still quite mortal. I moved to a machine in the corner, seeking someplace less exposed to the rest of the room. Alexandra returned with a very pretty (of course) brunette. I stood by the machine, waiting patiently. I motioned Alexandra over and whispered more instructions to her. She told me that her friend's name was Julie. "What are you two whispering about?" Julie giggled. "It's a secret," I playfully told her. "If you come here, I'll whisper it to you, too. I just can't say it out loud." Julie chuckled and accepted the challenge. Alexandra blocked anyone's view of Julie and me while I enslaved her friend as well. "Julie, you can not resist my commands. I will introduce you to a man named Bryan. You will want him tonight." I paused, thinking. "You will want to get very close to him, for you are very interested in him. Do you understand?" After all, he _was_ my best friend, and single. "I -- want -- Bryan," Julie quietly repeated. "Good. Now forget you have been bitten, and forget that you have been instructed to do this. You will await the introduction, and everything will proceed naturally, as far as you are concerned. Now, Alexandra, bring me someone else." Both women left. My blood-lust growled. A little bit of three different bodies wasn't going to be good enough for it. It wanted all of one. I had another internal argument, and tilted the machine in my frustration. Alexandra returned, this time with Nancy in tow. Soon Bobby had a date for the rest of the night as well. I released Alexandra from thrall shortly after I finished with Nancy, leaving her completely unaware of her role in the seduction of her friends. Alexandra and I returned to the room where our friends were after talking for a little while longer. She returned to her table, and I returned to mine. Bobby said something about, "Gee, too bad you can't go out with any of them." "Would you like to meet three of them?" I asked. Not waiting for the obvious answer, I walked over to Alexandra's table. Much to my friends' amazement, Alexandra, Julie, and Nancy got up and joined us. Alexandra and I introduced everybody, and the conversation took off. Bobby mentioned my impending marriage (what a shithead!), and Alexandra said, "I know. He told me. His fiancee is out of town. We were only talking and playing pinball. I like playing pinball." Alexandra shrugged. "What can I say?" Gender alternated around the table. Julie sat next to Bryan, while Nancy sat next to Bobby. The distance between Bryan's and Julie's chairs closed discreetly. I enjoyed the surprised look on Bryan's face when he realized that Julie was getting awful close to him. Julie and Bryan were holding hands not too long after that. It took a little while longer for something to happen between Bobby and Nancy; Alexandra and I excused ourselves when they started making out. I said goodbye to Bryan and Julie, (Bobby was a little too occupied to do more than wave), walked Alexandra back to her table and left the bar by myself. A knock on my apartment door at 1:30 signalled Alexandra's prearranged arrival. We kissed deeply, then Alexandra wasted no time in undressing. She knelt, looked at me adoringly, then buried that angelic face in my groin. Her mouth went to work on my cock. Of course, I was already hard, but I appreciated the sentiment nonetheless. "Stand up Alexand-" "Alex," she quietly, firmly said, as she got to her feet. Her eyes blazed with lust. "My friends call me Alex." A pause, then she continued, "My lovers call me _great_." We moved to the bedroom, unable to keep our hands and mouths to ourselves. Alex climbed on top of me, settling onto my erection with a loud moan, and an audible slurping noise. She was _very_ wet, and tight. She slid up and down my pole, arms locked around my neck. She looked directly into my eyes with a sexual intensity that was frightening. "Like that?... Hunh? Is it good?... Am I good?... Ohhh!! Yess!! Ohhhh... Yesss!!" Her moaning and panting removed any restraint I had. I rolled her over and plowed into her with long, steady strokes. Alex responded by lifting her knees, allowing me to go deeper. Moans turned into grunts, while my breathing became labored. Alex's body was perfect, a marvel of humanity. Her soul may have been mine; but her body came in the bargain, too. Her pussy grabbed at my cock. I bucked, my thrusts became irregular, and my face twisted. Alex held onto me tightly, moaning loudly. "That was grreaat," she purred. Five minutes later, Alex's legs were wrapped around my back. She was more active this time, fucking back at me ferociously. Her moans and grunts resolved themselves into a stream of obscenities. "Fuck! -- YES!! -- Fuuck... f-f-f-f-uuuu-u-u-uckme! Ohhh, goddd... goditsoogood!!! Ohhh, bayy- BEEE!!!" Alexandra's body convulsed massively beneath me, bearing my weight as if I were a feather. She gasped for breath, and dug her nails into my back. I grunted, pushing myself as far as possible into her before coming. We necked for a long time after that. Alexandra kept asking when she could see me again. "I don't care if you're married. I want you." She was a woman who was used to getting what she wanted. I finally sent her away, hypnotically burying her memories of our sex until I unearthed them, if I chose to do so. Her aroma, and my memories were all that was left of the evening's events. I sat up until sunrise thinking about it. After having fantastic sex with a professional model, one thing was abundantly clear to me; I missed Victoria. I didn't go to work the day Victoria got back. I picked her up at the airport. She returned with more luggage than she had left with, and my arms were sore after I brought everything in. I sat on a trunk to catch my breath. It is still unclear exactly who attacked whom in the living room. We finally got around to discussing the trip a couple of hours later. Victoria had missed me, too. As she talked about the details of her trip, my mind wandered. I found myself wishing for night to fall so that we could bond in our special way. Victoria's tongue ended my musings when it probed my mouth. She pulled back. "Much better. You were not paying attention. Is bad to ignore wife," she kidded. "You were thinking about?" "You. I've missed you terribly. I can hardly think straight now that you're back." My fiancee kissed me deeply. "I have something to show you," she said, pulling away. She danced over to the trunk, opened it, and removed a wedding dress. "This is what I will wear to my wedding. My mother wore it, and I shall honor her memory." She put the dress back into the trunk with care, then headed upstairs. Pausing on the steps, she turned and asked, "Would you like to see what I am wearing after wedding?" I sprinted after her as she giggled and ran ahead to the bedroom. She was taking her pants off when I got there. Her nipples, already exposed, were erect. She finished undressing, then lay down on the bed, posing invitingly. I joined her quickly. "Did you have sex while I was gone? I know is important to your mortal part," she asked simply. The question was direct, honest, and posed with... curiosity. There was no hint of jealousy or anxiety in her voice. "Ye-ess," I responded. "She was very pretty, but she wasn't you." The part after 'yes' just sort of spilled out. I hadn't planned to say anything like that. "Is very sweet. When you are lonely for me, substitutes are -- acceptable, within limits. Sometimes we will not be able to be together." Victoria's voice was quiet, sincere. Her eyes were the deep brown pools I had noticed the first time I saw her. She was trying to tell me something, and I held out my hand for her to continue. "I had sex while I was in England." That was it. Jealousy reared its ugly head, but I kept my mouth shut. "I was hungry one night. I went to feed for blood hunger. I missed you, and did not realize how lonely I was, too. I fed sex hunger with same man. Are you angry?" Victoria turned away slowly. "Yes, and no. I mean, there's always going to be a part of me that will hate to think about you with another man. But we are going to be with each other forever, and there's no chance of losing you to another man. Maybe this is something else I'll have to get used to." "When one is immortal, certain... attitudes must change. I am glad you realize that." Victoria paused, breathing slowly. She turned and looked at me, our eyes locking yet another time. "I do not like being far away from you. It is like losing best friend, whole family, and lover all at same time," she finished, putting her head on my chest, and wrapping her arms around me. I felt closer to her than ever before. Her statement summed up all of the feelings she had evoked in me. I kissed her on the ear, surprised when she didn't respond, save for a soft sigh. Victoria's breathing became steady and deep. Vampires get jet lag, too. We went to meet my folks that weekend. I introduced Victoria to the joys of sex on a train. She had a very quiet orgasm. ("David!!! There are _people_ next door!") The next morning she told me that it was one of the most intense she'd ever had, and that keeping quiet had been _very_ difficult. She thought that it was because the train did all the work; she just sat on top, not moving a muscle. She eagerly looked forward to the return trip. My father met us at the station, and was immediately charmed by Victoria's accent and beauty. My stepmother was another story. She disapproved of Victoria, as she does of most endeavors I undertake, and any decisions I make. "Couldn't you find anybody American?" she asked me after dinner. She told me that Victoria was just a "spoiled rich bitch" and would be nothing but trouble. I stewed inwardly, putting on my best face for my fiancee. Victoria was very perceptive though, and it wasn't long before she noticed. I explained the problem one night after Victoria begged me. "Is this important?" she asked. "No. Actually, it tells me that I'm doing the right thing if she doesn't like you. It's just..." I groped for the correct word. "...annoying, that's all." "Easy to fix problem. I bite her." Seeing my mortified reaction, she quietly said, "Is very mortal to avoid biting people who cause trouble." She kissed me. Our tongues circled for an eternity. "But I love you anyway," she finished. Bending over and placing her head in my lap, Victoria put her efforts into making me forget my stepmother for the night. Her tongue succeeded marvelously. The next evening, my stepmother had her attitude adjusted properly. Victoria was a hit with the rest of my family; I'm not sure if it was her, or the relief at the confirmation of my heterosexuality, since she was the first woman I'd ever brought home. Whatever, the "Vampire's East Coast Tour" was a success. We only had one minor problem, when a gang of 12-year-old children tried to mug us one night as we waited for a taxi after a show. My fiancee and I fed well that night, but it took a little work to persuade her to let them live. I hope the new motivations I left the boys with stick. We returned west on the train. This time, Victoria was not shy about expressing her love for that mode of transportation. The people in the next room knew she was a railfan down to the core. ****************************************************************************** *** NEXT: Wedding Bells (or Funeral Procession?) *** ****************************************************************************** --