Archive-name: Fantasy/pandmrph.txt Archive-author: Archive-title: Lure of the Panda People An erotic story set in the not-so-far future. It was a warm day in late spring in he year 2014. Karen Ball had just gotten off work from her job as an artificial intelligence programmer for the huge North Am CRYSTAL HOLOGRAPHIC CO. It was 4 p.m. and she had a date that was so exciting that she could hardly contain her eagerness. If the people she worked with knew whom she had a date WITH, she MIGHT be in danger of losing her job, but that was all, there was nothing ILLEGAL in what she was going to do, and she hoped that someday MOST people would come around to her way of thinking that many others nevertheless shared. In fact she had several close friends that had enjoyed these special 'dates' and after hearing their erotic and sometimes rather wild and fantastic accounts of what they had experienced, she just KNEW that she would never be completely satisfied until she had tried one, also. Her friend Becky had arranged this date for her, and now she was almost at the address that had been given her. Her date's name was Bruce Pong, and he was a 'hybrid' cross between a Giant Panda and a man! This was her first time trying something like this, but deep inside her she had a wonderful warm feeling as she entered the front door of the apartment building, that it would not be her last! She climbed a flight of stairs until finally she was at apartment C-33. Nervously, as her trembling finger slowly reached to push the door buzzer, thoughts flashed through her head as to how such a wonderful thing as a Panda-Man could come to be. It had really all begun back in the late 1990's when a millionaire Biologist/Geneticist named Prof. Russell had, at the age of 60, secluded himself for several years on a small tropical island that he owned. He did not appreciate visitors, and never left the place until he died of heart failure in the early 2000's, having had all his supplies flown in. And strange supplies they were, indeed, any and all sorts of laboratory equipment and machinery and components and wild animals! No one could really figure out what the old Professor was really up to as he toiled long days on his island, running from one booby-trapped and electric-fence guarded compound to another at odd times, as reported by casual boaters who often wondered at his strange behavior. Some thought he was dangerous. others thought his mind had snapped, but no one really guessed the truth, and as he was stationed in International waters and nothing that he had ordered delivered to the island was considered to be any real kind of threat to anyone, people left the man that some called 'Old Looney' pretty much alone, if for no other reason than the heavily-fortified fortress-like aspect of the place that he had set up to keep people away from whatever he was doing. Oh, there were times that he radioed to the mainland for hired help to do construction work and other things that he was unable to do himself, but even they were allowed access to only a small part of his compound, and as soon as the work was done, he sent them back, their pay sent directly into their account back home from his Swiss bank. The people who worked for him did say that, although extremely odd and fiercely protective of most buildings on his island, he did seem to be a nice old man, and no one ever said that he was not generous when it came time to pay them, so no one really minded doing work for him. Anyway, one day after the turn of the new century, All of the radio links that Prof.Russell used to occasionally keep in touch with the mainland suddenly began beaming out a strong S.O.S. on many frequencies, interfering with normal radio communication. Unable to contact Dr. Russell and almost sure that something was wrong, a rescue team was sent to his island. Upon arriving, they found that all of the power had been shut off to the high-voltage electric fencing, electronic locks, and booby-traps surrounding his compound., but not to the interior of the buildings themselves., so it did'nt take them too long to get into his encampment. They found Russell on the floor of the first building, hand clutching his chest, radio control panel in his other hand, the long coiled cord snaking up to the main unit. On the wall they noticed that the main switch on the island's electronic defense panel had been turned off, probably by Russell himself. But why? If he did not want anyone on the island while he lived, why would he want to make it easy for strangers to get on it after he had died? Was there something here that he felt needed to be found quickly? One man touched Russell's body. It was already cold. However, upon feeling his chest, the man opened Russell's shirt and noticed that he had a small flat foil packet taped to his chest. It contained a note. The note read, in part: "If you are reading this note, it probably means that I am dead. I have labored many long years on a project that I hope will bring harmony, peace, and unity to mankind. We have been in the 'space age' for over half a century and despite the billions upon billions of dollars spent on probes, telescopes, radio antennas, and other things, there has so far not been one shred of evidence to show that life exists anywhere else in the cosmos. I believe that it does, but it is currently beyond our means to detect or contact such life. In the centuries to come, when we have the capabilities to reach other stars, I feel that we will find much life, but also discover that INTELLIGENT life such as we consider such will be exceedingly rare. I have sensed for a long time the dissapointment coming from our failure to find other intelligence, and have felt the great longing and loneliness that humans feel in being the only true intelligent species on Earth. We can freely communicate with each other, it seems, but not with anything else. I have worked hard to change all that, to give mankind friends in intelligence and future companions who will keep him from falling into the boredom and stagnation that loneliness can bring. Please search the other buildings immediatly, and take care of and raise my children. God bless you.' "My Children", the medical team wondered. What the devil? Professor Russell never married. He HAD no children! Nevertheless, as they began to search the other buildings, they soon discovered what Dr. Russell had been doing. And the next morning it was making headlines all over the world. Inside were large cages and.....playpens, containing what appeared to be animals but most of them with the shape and form of young bipedal human children of two or three years, fur-covered bodies notwithstanding! Many were crying a strange yowl that was something of a cross between a baby's cry and a puppy's whine. There were dozens, of all types and descriptions! The team was standing around in utter astonishment at the way the situation was already when a 'child' that somehow resembled a wolfish creature reached for one of the female team members through the netting of his playpen and SPOKE, 'hungwy. pweese, bottle.' She fainted. After an 'inventory' was taken, it was found that there were 8 'children' who had wolfish characteristics, actually they appeared 'human' in body proportions only, and resembled nothing else so much as young Werewolves. There were 17 who looked, apart from their humanoid form, exactly like black-and-white giant pandas! Then 6 were found who resembled black-and-brown bear cubs, and 22 others whose apparent identity was not exactly immediatly certain. They all ended up being shipped back to the United States, which took immediate jurisdiction, and a fierce legal battle ensued for many years over ownership of them and the legal rights, if any, that they had. Other countries wanted them. Scientists wanted to study or dissect them. a few, narrow-minded individuals thought that they should be destroyed, or made slaves. but after being in the custody of researchers for a while, it soon became apparen that these young 'animal-kids' were at LEAST as intelligent as fully human children of a similar physiological age, and were much stronger in most cases. they were soon learning to read, write, spell, even create things as good as, or in some instances, BETTER than a human could do. It was soon decided that, given the gentle behavior they showed, so unlike the animals some of them resembled, and their great intelligence and learning ability, that they should be given the full rights and priviledges of any fully-human citizen, and that anything less would be cruel and inhuman. That was the start, nearly 14 years ago. Many of the Professor's 'children' it was found, reached full Adult body maturity in as little as 7 or 8 years, longer than it would take a 'pure' animal to do but shorter than the time it takes a human. Wether they would have a full human lifetime would not be known for many years, but one Doctor gave most of them possible life spans reaching into the late 50's, AT LEAST. It appeared that Russell had managed to create most of his 'family' by microscopically combining living DNA code from two different species, and then growing the embryo in tanklike artificial wombs and also using other, pure animal species as surrogate mothers. Since the DNA (and RNA) of any species is simply molecular code, it can be extracted from the cell of one kind and parts of it 'spliced' into the living egg cell of another species, without any danger or fear of rejection. In fact, the egg cell not only accepts the strange code as part of itself, but actually thinks it has been fertilized when this splicing has been done and begins to grow! Russell had apparently used human eggs he had obtained. The male cells did not necessarially have to be sperm, all Russell needed was the genetic code contained within any living cell from an animal's body., to combine with the egg. He had apparently exhaustively studied the maps of the millions of human gene bits compiled in the 1990's and had a thorough knowledge of what traits the most important ones were for. Some were for the color of eyes or hair, while other gene bits were responsible, if inherited, for disorders such as leukeimia or haemophilia. Still others apparently did nothing. What Russell had done was to make his own genetic-bit code maps of the animal species whose cells he was using, and using scanning microscopy and micro-lasers, had eliminated the animal traits that he found undesireable, such as those for undue aggressiveness, and spliced the remaining genetic material into the human DNA traits that he wanted, such as those coded bits representing the potential for high intelligence, upright stature, large brain size, and other items. It probably took him dozens of failed attempts for each egg cell that he finally succeeded in getting to grow and divide, but up until the day he died, he never gave up trying. And the surprises were still not over. It was never learned exactly how, for example, Russell had managed to obtain some live body cells from a Giant Panda, but it was speculated that a fellow scientist stationed in China or one of the world's major zoos had a hand in helping him obtain them. It was clear that of all the creations he had worked on so far, Russell was most proud of his Panda-people, not only because they were most beautiful of form and pleasing to the eye, but because they seemed to show the most potential for adaptability into the planet's family of man. Of all of the genetically-mutated life forms removed from the island, almost all showed at least human-level intelligence potential, although it must be remembered that this was human-type intelligence as interpreted by the thought-processes of another species! It could not be expected to be identical, but was instead a kind of intelligence all to its own, and no one could ever be sure what the end result would be. After removal from the island to the mainland, 2 of the Panda-human children died, plus a few from the other species types, of some unknown malady. it was rumored that some religious fanatic poisoned them, but this has never been proven. Another surprise awaited when the pure animal females of different types---bears, wolves, and others---were removed from the island and found to have been already impregnated with embryos as surrogate mothers. They began to give birth several weeks to a few months later, and this added 4 new Panda-people to the population, among 12 of other gene-types. As they grew, due to their gene-selected gentle nature and high intelligence and eagerness to learn, the Animal-children were allowed to mix and play with human children of their own general weight- range. There were a few non-serious accidents, mainly because the animal- children were surprised to find that their human playmates were so much weaker and more easily injured than they were. But it was not at all uncommon to see kids and non-kids playing together on a playground, or the 'weird' kids being invited over to their friend's house for dinner. And someone thought of giving these geneomorphs average American first names, and last names relating to their background in some way... as in the case of Bruce Pong, who was one of the original 17 Panda-kids! One final surprise came in the last few years when it was learned that some of the animal-people of the same mixed species type had managed to impregnate each other. Far from being sterile, these were not 'hybrids' at all, but an entirely new genetic variation or race of creatures that were fertile! Russell had done his work well. And it was found out that when the mothers gave birth, the babies were true to form to their freaks, throwbacks, or deformities. the world had indeed been given not one, but several races of non-human friends with which to associate and grow with. Many of them, especially the Panda- people, had no trouble finding jobs to support themselves or places to live, mostly due to their celebrity status. many were paid handsomely just to visit a clinic a few times every week and let doctors and scientists do studies and lectures on them. And, surprising as it may seem, at least the Panda-people had inherited something else from their human-spliced genes.....a year-round intense sexual drive. This had been rumored at for some years as the growing pandas were caught at least several times playing 'doctor' with their human ordinary human kids will sometimes do. But it really became apparent two years ago when a couple of the 19 adult Panda-people were known to have made an 'underground' pornographic movie., with humans. Such things were not illegal in 2014, but it was something that was not ever mentioned in 'proper' society, hence the 'underground' status of the movies. Nobody was really sure, anyway, exactly WHICH Panda-people were in the movies, because to most humans they all looked almost exactly alike!. But as all these thoughts flashed through her head in only an instant, Karen realized that that was then and this was here and now! She pressed the button and heard a buzz. a few seconds later she could hear the stepping of heavy padded feet and the door began to open, and she found herself looking into the face of what for all the world appeared to be the face of a Giant Panda like you see in the zoo, except that this one was a bit over two meters tall and standing upright, wearing a bathrobe! "Hello?" he spoke in a strange and mellow, pleasant non-human voice. She was looking down at the floor where he was standing at what she thought were black house slippers of some kind that he was wearing, until she realized that she was looking at his real, furry feet! "You must be Karen", he then said. "Won't you please come in? I think you're very pretty." Blushing as she entered his apartment, and wondering if he was coming onto her already, or just trying to be friendly? The air in his apartment had an odd herbal odor of some sort, but the place appeared to be very clean and spacious and lavishly furnished... Hell, she thought, it was a HECKUVA lot nicer than her OWN apartment. "Won't you sit down", he pleasingly asked, "and I'll get us something to drink?" "Oh....Yes", she finally spoke. "Forgive me., it's just that I've never had a with someone like you...I mean, someone as nice as you....I mean I've never ment someone like you actually in person before!" Bruce the Panda-man chuckled, "Yes, It's ok, I understand perfectly, I get that reaction from almost everyone. I'll be right back." He went into what was apparently the kitchen and in a few moments she could hear the tinkling of glass, and soon after he appeared holding a tall clear glass of pink liquid in each hand. "I like wine"., he said, I hope that does'nt surprise you. "Uh, not at all", she replied, "I enjoy it too. Are you an....uh....vegetarian also?" "Not really", he said as he sat down beside her on the overstuffed couch. "I eat some chicken or fish once in awhile, but don't really care for much other kinds of meat, so I guess I'm a semi-vegetarian of a sort." She noticed the many potted bamboo plants sitting around the apartment. "Do you eat that stuff, too?", She asked. "Only once in a while, as a snack of sorts. My gut is a little different from my wild cousins'. Actually, I really enjoy rice, cottage cheese, pudding...." he trailed off as he looked at her. His bathrobe had come open, and she could see that he was wearing what appeared to be a giant-size pair (about size 'XXXLLL' she would guess) of men's boxer shorts underneath., around his... well, he really had no 'waist' of sorts, but he was wearing them just the same. She noticed her stare and looked down towards his own lower body. She felt her face flush as she blurted, "Uh, I was noticing how big you are., I MEAN, how big the shorts you are wearing are! I mean, you uh, must be quite heavy?" "Not really", he said in such a nice voice. "actually, I'm overweight". "You know", Karen said, looking now at his black furry arm that was holding his glass of wine, "Until this moment I always kind of thought that this whole animal-men business has been some kind of huge prank with people in costumes or robots or something,'re real, ....are'nt you?" His thin, black lips, shiny with wine, curled upwards into a smile at both corners. "Gee, I sure hope so", he giggled. Still looking at the shiny black textured fur on his arm, she hesitatingly reached her hand out, and it hovered in midair. Fingers trembling, she asked, "May I---may I touch you?" "Sure" he replied, whereupon her fingers touched the smooth fur of his arm and, light as a feather, began to slowly stroke up and down. His fur was not quite as smooth as it appeared to the eye, but was not coarse, either. Taking her other hand, she massaged and felt of his heavy arm, feeling the strong muscles and heavy bones beneath, as he watched her with interest. Taking his paw, er..hand, she kneaded his short fingers slowly open and say that it was much like a human hand as far as manipulative ability was concerned, only the whole hand was heavy and covered with black fur on the back, and the fingers and thumb were a bit stubbier, though thicker, and instead of fingernails he had claws on the ends, which had been trimmed short. And the fingers had smooth black naked pads underneath. She was fascinated by his body structure. She lay her palm inside his, and he slowly closed his hand around hers, as if they were shaking hands. Her other hand, that was massaging his arm, continued to do so, and she let her face slowly sink into the wonderful cusion of fur covering that heavy appendage. " really ARE real", she sighed, as she knew it was true., and she could even smell the soft, exotic, barely-there, natural, non-human scent on his arm. He sat the glass of wine down that he had been holding with his other hand, and replied, "Gee, like I said before, I sure hope so. Uh, may I touch YOU now? Would it be allright with you?" Her eyes were closed as her face lay buried in the fur of his arm, she looked as if she was in a dream, and mumbled, "uh-huh, You Bet!" Accepting her invitation, he slowly leaned his massive head over toward the back of hers and she could feel his warm breath softly carressing the back of her neck. He gently touched his shiny, moist, warm, wet black nose into her blonde hair and began drinking in her human scent, along with the scent of the perfume and shampoo that she had used. He looked as if he, too, were in a dream as he slowly drew in her natural scents, with a nose and olfactory arrangement that was many, many, many times more sensitive than even the best human nose. He tenderly lay a paw/hand on each of her shoulders as he lightly and carefully sniffed her hair and now around her face, being oh-so-careful, as if he were afraid he might accidentally harm her in some way. Her hands slowly reached out as he did this and began to bury themselves in the wonderfully thick fur of his chest, and as his heavy arms slowly reached in behind her to pull her closer, she softly moaned and tilted her head back, exposing her long, smooth alabaster neck to him. He looked at it for a moment, thinking it was very beautiful, then slowly, not knowing wether he was driven by conscious thought or some animal desire still hidden deep in his genes, he slowly opened his mouth wide, and leaning forward, lowered his head until his huge, wide-open mouth had completely covered her naked neck, then ever so slowly closed his jaws until only the very tips of his four sharp, pointed canine teeth just made contact with her flesh, but no more. Karen did not try to pull away, nor did she show any fear, because deep in her heart she KNEW that the Panda-man himself realized that he was totally incapable of deliberately harming her. still, it was a strange sensation, as she first felt the warm wetness of his lips spreading slowly across her neck, could feel his hot breath, and then the fantastic tickling sensation of the thousands of tiny short hair tips surrounding his stretched-open lips making contact with her naked flesh. Then followed the incredibly erotic experience of his smooth slippery tongue dancing a waltz up and down her adam's apple and windpipe! She moaned loudly in spite of herself, looking for all the world, with her arms now outstretched, like a freshly-killed gazelle caught by the throat in the iron jaws of an African Lion! Submitting oneself like this to a true wild beast would almost surely be inviting certain death, as he could easily have crushed her throat in less than an instant. But he could not, would not, and she felt safe and secure in knowing this, and also quite wonderful in this mock 'surrender' since it would have to have no less an effect than to demonstrate to him how much she truly and totally trusted him, and as he himself showed her how much he valued her by not biting down, as he acted out what must have been a primitive impulse that had come to the surface in a spontaneous moment that probably he did not understand himself. Slowly the moment passed, and as he lifted his large, black-and-white furred face easily from her neck, mouth still partially open, she slowly tipped her head down and opened her eyes even as he looked up at her, faces only a small distance apart. They tenderly gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, and he thought that he had never seen a more beautiful shade of blue, and wondered if his wild cousins were really colorblind like he had heard? the wonders they would never know if that were so! At the same time, Karen was staring into his large, dark-brown almost-black irises and wondering how they could appear to be so beautiful and sexy-looking to her, like deep dark pools. They stared for a few minutes more. Then, as if in perfect harmony, their faces and mouths drew slowly together until her partially-opened full red lips were touching his thin, wide, black shiny ones, which slowly drew tight and parted, then opened wide. Almost as if by a reflex action, her tongue thrust out into his open mouth and was greeted almost instantly by his wide, long, smooth pink tongue which slid across the top of hers and into her own mouth, which she was now holding open as wide as possible in order to give him as full access to the inner regions of her oral cavity as was physically possible. She could feel his warm wet tongue tickling the back of her throat, could smell his sweet breath which reminded her strangely of warm spring air, could taste his saliva, which was like nectar, and she wondered what he was thinking of her as his long flat tongue explored every nook and cranny of her mouth, and even as it did so, her own tongue was busy carressing his, whirling and fluttering around it like a butterfly, lubricating it still more with her own saliva so as to enable him to reach the deepest penetration possible., it was no less than a form of oral intercourse as the two so-very-different tongues snaked around each other in an orgy of pleasure, their arms around each other as the sensitive naked pads on the underside of his fingers felt the smooth warm flesh of her back, even as her own fingers explored the deep fur of his, feeling the slight rise caused by his spine. After many minutes this part was over, as both of them, breathing heavily with pounding hearts, drew their faces slowly away from each other. The tongues were the last to come apart, and when they did it was easy to see a long, stringy bridge of clear saliva still connecting them and being stretched thinner and thinner until finally it broke, and both of them tasted the remnants of their deep thrusting kisses with the relish of a connisseur. Moaning, she stretched out backwards on the couch as his hands moved around to the front of her blouse and gently began to pop open the snaps until both her large luscious breasts were exposed. Staring, he really gotten to see. The Panda-females like me I have been with have nothing like this..... I mean, they do not look the same, and they are smaller, and furry..." "So, my naked meat turns you on, lover? Well, YOUR furry bod turns ME on!" She said. Then he asked, "Can...can I touch them?" "Oh, God," she cried, "PLEASE! PLEASE!" Whereupon he began to knead and massage them carefully with his short, smooth fingerpads, gently pinching the nipples between two of his fingers, feeling the nipples get harder, and wondering why they did that! "Oh, God," she moaned, head turning from side to side, as he felt of her large full titties, "PLAY WITH THEM! SQUEEZE THEM! PULL ON THEM! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......" She could feel her underpants getting all soaking wet and sticky in front as he manipulated her boobs, and suddenly as he lowered his face to one of them, she began to finger herself. He took one long hard nipple into his pursed black lips and began to nurse on it as an infant would, finally working up to getting the whole auroale region into his mouth as he sucked on it, subconsciously kneading the exposed flesh of the breast at the base with his paw/hands at the same time. Karen could feel herself working into an orgasmic frenzy. Finally, he gingerly let the breast plop out of his mouth, then with all the precision of a watchmaker, softly clamped both rows of his short, even, upper and lower front teeth over the hard, stiff nipple, trapping it between them, and gently pulled outwards on it just a bit, stretching it temporarily to over twice its normal length. karen's breath was coming in shorter and faster gasps now, and as he let go, the nipple snapped back into position. Karen frigged herself faster, and Bruce began licking both her breasts and gently kissing them all over with puckered lips, then he grabbed one in each palm and began to knead them like dough as he moved his head to one side and began to sniff up under her armpit at the new fragrance appearing there as Karen worked her body up into a sweaty frenzy. "Oh, Jesus," Karen thought, "I have NO secrets about myself hidden from him," then loudly moaned, "OooooOOOohhhH" as her vaginal lips begn involuntarily contracting around her frantically working fingers and beads of perspiration broke out all over her body., as the orgasmic contractions began to wave over her in full force! She did'nt know if it was the pheremones or what in her perspiration, but Bruce the Panda-man lover seemed even more excited than before! Rising up off her back, she reach for him like an infant learning to crawl, and as she touched him, he lay back himself. That was when she notice the boxer shorts he was wearing had a strange peak in them, like a short pencil had been inserted under them. The front of his shorts also appeared strangely moist. Giggling, she reached out with a finger to touch the clear moist spot and found it slippery. The Panda-man smiled and sort of sunk back into the soft couch, spreading his legs apart as if to give her even greater access to the area which interested her. The 'peak' that she had touched was hard and quivered and jerked slightly! With trembling fingers, she took hold of the waistband of his 'boxer' shorts and drew the front of them down. The object of her desire came into view! It was a pinkish-white pointed tip that had been creating the 'peak', about 3 cm long! Staring at the beautifully sculptured point, she saw where it emerged from a naked pink orifice that was stretched tight around the exposed shaft the rest being hidden in a furry black sheath of a sort that seemed to be growing taughter even as she watched! Laying her trembling hands on each side of the slim hard shaft that was inside the sheath, she thought to herself, "It is so beautiful....I must, I must, see the rest of it!" Glancing up at Bruce's face, he seemed to nod in approval and anticipation as slowly she grasped the furred cylinder and began to slowly peel the skin down and away from the main pinkish-white core. Her eyes were growing ever larger and her breath coming in faster and shorter gasps as more and more of the panda-man's naked penis came into view, shiny, slick, and ever-so-delicately curved. About two-thirds of the way down she encountered a kind of resistance that momentarily stopped her from peeling his foreskin the rest of the way down. With about 12 cm of moist pink jerking shaft exposed already, she knew that this could'nt be all that he had, so she gently tugged down on his sheath just a bit harder and watched the opening of it stretch bigger, and rounder, and larger.....until with a rush, the part of his weird- shaped penis that was causing the problem popped out all at once. It was a whitish, golf-ball-sized swelling which reminded her of the same thing that she used to see in dogs that she used to jack off as a teenager, but this was different, fuller, more perfect-looking. Now that it had been exposed from within it's constriction, the 'knot' began to flush with a pink color and Bruce, head tipped back now and eyes closed, moaned softly. Karen felt like the luckiest girl that ever lived, she was seeing something close-up that very few humans, to her knowledge, had ever gotten to see! She had once read about wild panda bears having a 'knot' of sorts like a dog's but smaller and of a slightly different shape. She remembered reading that raccoons had this, too, but strangely enough, not bears. So, it seemed that although he had a human's sexual desires, he had inherited most of the shape of his genitalia from the part of him that was pure Panda. Now giggling to herself, she found it easy enough to peel the rest of his sheath right down to the surface of his abdomen....where to her surprise, she found that the very inner edge of it was attached to the bottom-most part of his penis shaft, and she could go no further. Leaning back now just a little, she gasped with admiration as she saw his full 15 cm or so penile length....she knew that it was twice as big as a wild, natural panda's, although it would be considered small for a Man's. But Karen thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world, and she told him so. It had a strange, very slight s-curve to it, sort of reminding her of the shape of a skinny dolphin's curved body! Karen could feel quivers running through Bruce's body as she licked her own hand until it was moist, and then gently grasped his naked pink shaft in the palm of her right hand. bruce felt as if a jolt of electricity had touched him, and involuntarily thrust his hips forward several times. Karen smiled and, as Bruce watched in astonishment, stuck her tongue out and let the tip slowly be coated with the clear slime that was oozing slowly out of the meaty pointed and now-red tip of his Panda- shaped Penis! Bruce wailed a low moan as he arced his head back. He could'nt believe that this human woman, whom he had met only a little while before, could care so much for him that she would gladly, even eagerly, expose his most private parts into her full view and then begin to proceed with what could only be called a sort of worship of them. Now Karen's tongue was licking and darting all over the pointed tip, touching it, bending the tip down and then letting it spring back up into shape. Turning her head slightly sideways, she began to 'polish' the underside of his shaft with a slow, deliberate up-and-down motion as more of his thick clear ooze ran onto her tongue. She thought that it was the sweetest, most delicious substance that she had ever tasted! While her mouth was now noisily sucking on his penis and kissing it all over, while she was taking the full length of the shaft into her mouth down to his knot, then over it and beyond, her left hand was pulling his shorts even further down, and she got another, wonderful surprise: laying there in full view in a black, sparsely-furred sack were two large oval- shaped testicles, the size of large eggs! She cried out in wondrous astonishment, because she knew from her readings that, although Natural Pandas have large testicles, they are completely internal and never seen outside the body, but here his were! It must be another wonderful result of his crazy, mixed-up genes! Bruce smiled, as if he knew what she were thinking. She could almost hear his heart beating loudly with excitement in the otherwise-silent room, and she could also tell that the black fur of his belly was very slightly, HE could perspire at least a bit, too! Her joy almost too much to contain, she softly slid her open palm beneath his warm velvety scrotum, and, lifting her palm, enjoyed the feeling of his heavy balls sliding around in her hand inside their soft fur-lined pouch. They were at least three times as big and heavy as a Man's nuts, and were perhaps even swollen slightly from his sexual excitement. Holding them was most enjoyable for both him and her, they felt like large liquid-filled eggs or plums as they rolled about. Taking her mouth off of his now-red penis that was swollen up past the diameter of a large man's finger, she watched lovingly as it danced, jerked, and twitched around with each beat of Bruce's pulse from his heart, as if it were some sort of fancy, brightly-colored glistening underwater sea creature with an independent life of its own! Now gently holding his testicles in one hand and patting them with the other, Karen began to lick them, making her tongue into a point and raising up the loose skin in between his balls with it, then letting the wrinkly flesh fall off the tip of her tongue, then doing it again, and burying her face in the middle of them, drinking in the pleasant, musky aromatic smell of his sexual region. Bruce loved it, he was making some kind of unfathomable 'purring' sound, and Karen was treating his testicles as if they were the most valuable treasures on Earth, and indeed, perhaps they were, because here, in those two lopsided spheres, and in the less than 20 other Panda-people, lay the sole hope of continuing their newly formed race. No scientist was yet ready to clone large mammals, and only Prof. Russell had ever perfected the technique that created them in the first place. He had kept very few notes, and what WAS found were indecipherable. Again, Karen felt like the luckiest girl on Earth, to actually be able to play with such irreplacible and expensive 'toys.' Drawing one of his testicles almost all the way into her mouth by suction and then sucking on it and gently nibbling on it made Bruce writhe and moan in pleasure, the sensations of what she was doing to him going directly to the pleasure centers of his expanded brain. He softly stroked her silky blonde hair with one paw/hand as she continued her downward exploration of his secret hidden parts. Bruce felt as though his throbbing penis were going to burst, and he kept telling Karen how beautiful he thought SHE was... At last giving his shorts one final tug downward, The panda-man felt his shoert, fat black tail pop out from behind, and he wondered what new joy she was getting ready to bring to him now? Karen was in ecstacy and barely able to keep conscious, as she masturbated herself to one orgasm after another as she worked on Bruce's Panda-bear body. "I've got to get him to FUCK me", she moaned to herself, "I'll never be satisfied until I get that lovely red panda-dick deep up inside me and feel it squirting it's juice even deeper into me! But...Ohmigod, I just happened to think....I know that a human can't get pregnant from a pure animal, but Bruce has human genes spliced into his genetic material! Oh, God, what if he makes me pregnant?? What if...." but her thoughts trailed off as once again the pure lust of unbridled passion overcame her and she returned once again into her frantic lovemaking of Bruce's furry panda form, the unashamed frenzy of it being of a kind rarely seen since the Earth was formed! To hell with the Earth, she thought, To hell with her own body! Bruce was BEAUTIFUL, she WANTED him to get her pregnant if he could, she WANTED to carry his cub! If pandas and humans last had a common ancestor millions and millions of years ago, then she figured it was time to bring the lines together again! Reaching down and massaging under his moist furry hips, she made a motion for Bruce to lean back farther and raise his legs up into the air. What was she......"OH! Bruce thought! She could'nt be going, she could'nt love me that much that she would do something like that for me...She..." But his thoughts caught in astonishment as she began to lower her face down, down, between his black haired hips, taking the palms of her hands and spreading his hips apart, then pulling his short tail down and back and out of the way with one hand, her tongue beginning to dart in and about her mouth as she smiled, lowering her face ever closer to the brown puckered ring of muscle that was his anus. Bruce's breath was coming in the shortest and fastest gasps yet as he tipped his head forward, watching in astonishment as Karen's tongue danced ever deeper down below his hips where he could'nt see. Her right hand, well lubricated with his own Panda lubricating fluid, was pumping up his prick as big and hard as it would go. It was SO big and hard and purple now that it was almost painful! Something had to happen soon! Bruce sucked in air with a loud GASP as the tip of her tongue made contact with his sphincter muscle, and began licking it moist. Karen thought about what a nice butt-hole he had, it was free of any odor or fecal matter whatsoever. The moment of triumph approached as Karen, orgasming again, suddenly thrust her tongue directly into the Panda-man's garbage-disposal hole and began to wiggle it around, back and forth, in and out, cleaning his insides out! This was more than Bruce could BEAR! With a LOUD MOAN and LONG GROOOOOAAAAANNNN that must have been heard two floors below, he seized his own penis by the base below the knot with his own furry hands and began to work it frantically around, then pointed the tip down towards Karen's head. drawing in a loud, tortured-sounding breath of air, he arced his back up off the couch and his legs went stiff, padded toes splayed outwards as if afflicted with rigor mortis. Suddenly he BLEATED, a long, wailing noise that sounded like a sheep, astonishingly, the same kind of noise that a wild panda makes, he gritted his teeth, clenched them hard, and his eyes rolled back into his head until nothing but the whites showed. One hand/paw still holding his fully exposed engorged penis, the bloated purple organ began to twitch and jerk convulsively, and suddenly, a long, thin JET of milky, viscous, transluscent fluid SQUIRTED outward from the tip of Bruce's penis into Karen's hair, followed immediatly by a second and a third. Squealing with delight, Karen jerked her head up just in time to be hit square in the face by a fourth high-pressure jet of Panda-man semen, and immediatly opened her mouth so that the fifth blast was directed exactly into it, along with the sixth, seventh, and following spurts, even as the one that hit her in the face was dribbling down off her chin and down onto her tits. She thought the slimy stuff was the most delicious liquid she had ever tasted, as she orgasmed once again. It was certainly the most VALUABLE liquid she had ever tasted, and it was HOT, she almost felt as though it was burning her face and mouth, because Bruce's body temperature was somewhat above human. At this point the two of them, Panda-man and woman, looked as though they were having seizures, each caught in their own private whirling hurricane of sexual climax! Karen cried out again as more of his semen, under diminishing pressure, splattered her in the face and she wiggled her ass around in tight little circles, breathing with sharp, whistling noises through her nostrils as she toppled over the edge once more and fell into yet another series or orgasmic throes. A Panda-man was unloading his cock and balls in her mouth, and she was drinking it! The thick sap was all over her face, and a ribbon of slime ran across her parted lips---where her tongue was sliding. She pushed her face directly onto his spurting cockmeat, as he hosed the inside of her mouth with yet another thin stream. She worked her mouth down onto his prick, on past the knob, until her lips came into contact with the curled rim of his fuzzy sheath! She felt one final trickle run down her throat, then, with a sloppy wet sound, she let his Giant-Panda-Prick slide out of her mouth and flop onto his belly, laying red against the black-and-white fur. Bruce's sides were heaving in and out, and his lips were curled back, his face frozen in what appeared to be a mask representing some perverse pleasure. His tongue was hanging out one side, and saliva had ran out from between his clenched teeth and onto the material of the couch. It was obvious that he had temporarily lost most of his voluntary control, so intense was his sexual climax. Also there was a dazed look in his glazed eyes, as if he had been completely drained and fucked-out by the tremendous force of the climax that Karen had given him. With the taste of Bruce's succulent cock-meat and delectable jism still lingering on her taste buds and lips, and still warming her gut any belly, Karen could'nt hardly wait until her precious Panda-man was fully recovered so they could try full copulation and a few other things....and maybe on her next visit, perhaps Bruce could even introduce her to some of his Panda-people friends when they visit him? She would be sure to bring some of her male and female friends, too! ............THE END. (FOR NOW). --