Archive-name: Fantasy/prophecy.txt Archive-author: Archive-title: Prophecy She had never been submerged in water. She would not have known the simple joy of bathing in a steaming tub, nor that of swimming fast in bubbling creeks or merely splashing in sedate ponds; the sybil had warned her parents soundly and their only daughter knew no other way to cleanse herself than to scrub her skin slick with scented water from a basin. She often wondered what life might have been had her family not moved inland, far from their island home when she was but a babe. No matter, Athens was the land she knew and it was here that she would live and die and never would the prophecy be fulfilled. Nysa smiled absently as she wove her hair and groomed her clothing, dusting off the clinging pollen that rose from her skirt like dandelion fuzz. Her neck seemed to incline naturally, evidence of her graciousness; and her hair was thick and shiny-black, a perfect complement to her creamy skin and darkly ancient-seeming eyes that resembled the hearts of pansies. Her face was sweet but beauty found itself there only in the eyes of those who knew her...her intensity was startling and her voice, replete with dignity and a trace of haughtiness, completed the picture of a young woman who could grow to command legions with her strength or who might, if neglected, become the quintessence of viciousness. Her opinions of her world were still relatively unformed given the extreme protectiveness of her parents. The horses were resting, their coats gleaming brightly from their long and arduous ride. Petros, Nysa's brother, watched them lazily as he dipped into their baskets for his lunch. He grinned when he saw his sister walk toward him and he waved their companion, Agios, to join them for their repast. "Agios, see anything exciting?" Petros called to his friend who seemed reluctant to leave his vantage point near the small cliff overlooking the road ahead of and below them. "There's nothing yet. I'm expecting to meet another group of travelers's much too quiet today for such a busy area." Agios shook his head and chuckled, then headed back toward the clearing. Nysa thought the world of her brother, and he of her, though neither would have acknowledged that fact to anyone else. They were the two younger children of five, the others being away from their parents' house and raising families of their own; Nysa was her brother's junior by barely a year and she was a good child, though spoiled, while they grew up. Their playful disdain of one another had lessened considerably in the last year or so, and both felt keenly the growing weight of maturity. They had gone out together with Agios, the son of their neighbor and a close friend since childhood, to look for medicinal herbs for the family's store; the road was well-known to the three and they were considered old enough to travel the quarter-day's journey alone. Still, it was strangely liberating to be so far from the gentle influence of home. The trio ate their bread and fruits and rested for awhile in the shade. When she woke an hour later Nysa was surprised to find that both Agios and Petros had fallen asleep as well; she remembered only vaguely feeling drowsy and hadn't realized she was nodding off. She thought it best to wake the pair only after she had combed and repaired her mussed hair and had shaken the dust out of her skirts again; she wandered several yards away and hid herself behind a cluster of rocks to disrobe and effect her grooming. Her dress was full and typical of the ancient Greek style, held in place at shoulders by a series of ornate pins and ties and covering an underslip that was much simpler and cooler. Nysa shook out the folds of cloth and draped her garment over a portion of the stone after dusting it off. She unwound her heavy coils of hair and was beginning to rebraid it when she heard a noise that startled her. The sound was brief, and sharp; as though some creature had drawn near and sensed her, then had stopped so as not to betray its presence. The sound came again, and nearer, and Nysa ran swiftly to the far side of the rock formation, away from her brother and companion. She flew quickly toward a small, natural path and ran as fast as she could toward the wood, hoping to call for help when she caught her breath; Nysa's heart pounded and, when she looked back, she stumbled and fell. She lay still a moment, her arms bracing her up, and glanced back in the direction whence she had come. She gasped, then laughed aloud when she saw a pair of kids frisking, and chided herself with relief for being so frightened and skittish. She shook her head ruefully, her hair even more scattered now than before, and began to stand. She slipped again, however, and landed with a small splash in the shallow creek that ran at the foot of the damp and slippery incline which was the culmination of the path she had taken. Her exasperation and growing disgust at her predicament were driven from her mind by a bolt of foreboding as Nysa looked down slowly at the water in which she was now standing. "She will be a noble child, and grow into an even nobler woman," the sybil had intoned; "but her fate will be sealed when she gazes from her pool into the eyes of a foul monster, a misbegotten spawn of the gods and of the beasts. He will take her for his own and she will be chained to him for eternity." The words echoed, roard through Nysa's mind and her voice rose in a wail of terror. She looked up to see him watching her with something skin to amusement in his eyes. At the sight of him Nysa's voice stilled: he was hugely powerful, with shoulders broader and more muscular than those of any man she had ever seen; and his face was oddly angular, his nostrils widely flared and the bridge of his nose as sharp as a knife's edge. His gaze was languid and his eyes were an even more penetrating darkness than her own, hooded by brows that were thick and stern and frighteningly intelligent. He smiled at her, kindly, and his grin revealed his obscenely white incisors; it was then she noticed that his hair was coarse and covered tiny horns, and that his lower body was quite similar to a goat's. No, not quite -- his tail was long and thick and scaled rather than furred; and his genitals were presented full rather than sheathed as one might have expected. "The water is'll catch your death." His voice was oddly velvet, and hypnotic, like the embers crying from the ash. His words were chilling in their simplicity. Nysa was afraid to move. Her nightmare, a boring burden thrust upon her by her parents, was all too real here in the daylight. She remembered her brother and Agios with a start and noticed, bleakly, that this creature was armed. "I won't harm your companions, though they should have been protecting you instead of sleeping with their bellies full." His grin broadened and his eyes became appraising. "I wonder what price you are worth, petted one? Can you cook, and keep a house well, and preserve fruits for the winter? Or are you a mere trinket, a luxury for a wealthy man whose slaves can do the work one leaves for his wife if his means are humble?" He smiled again with genuine humor evident in his pose. His questions were either mocking or showed his limited knowledge of what women were supposed to do in the human world, and Nysa was unsure if she should risk crying out to Petros and Agios or if she should try to cross the pond; never having been in water before the cloying moisture surrounding her legs made her feel on the verge of panic and coming face to face with this devilish creature only lessened her ability to think clearly -- her views on superstitious nonsense, as she had believed it to be, were clearly deva- stated because *here he was* and he was grinning at her and... Nysa's thoughts spun and she wavered wildly in her indecision. The longer she stood in the water the more upset she became but she seemed trapped gazing into this monster's eyes. The girl who had led a carefree existence was gone forever...Nysa would have sneered at her own melodrama if her situation hadn't been so terrifically absurd and horrifying. To be chained to this half-beast for eternity? Her indecision vanished abruptly and Nysa flung her body backwards into the pond; she had seen fish swim and it was better to die trying to escape than to surrender herself to the loathesome thing that was predestined to be her husband. Her breath was lost in the unfamiliar force of the water and she began to choke, then flailed in panic when she couldn't see, couldn't breathe, couldn't control her limbs in their panicked struggle to break the surface. She felt a dull pain in the pit of her stomach and wondered what death would bring her. A moment later she was hoisted out of the water by a very strong hand and then the world was born again to her eyes, and the sky began to swim like the fishes...then night fell. "Don't worry, I wasn't planning to sell you in the marketplace." The creature grinned again - she was obviously a great source of amusement for him, though her cynicism receded when the nausea hit. Her stomach reacted strongly, as though she had eaten a great deal of unripe fruit; but the pain subsided quickly and she did not disgrace herself by emptying her stomach. "My name is Kalimenos," he remarked, as though it were of interest to Nysa. "I thought to frighten you, for sport, and then to have you on the grass before turning you loose. You would have liked it, that I promise." He spoke again, insulting words, and his voice still caught like a damp, soft paw on silk. The tone was hypnotic though its effect frightened Nysa and it disturbed her to wonder if this were real or part of her passage to the underworld. Her head ached suddenly, as if to assure her that she was, indeed still alive. She groaned softly, unable to suppress herself. "You are safe, I will not harm you. Rest now." The beast murmured soothingly and then the world was dark again. When she awoke later Nysa felt her apprehension return. She looked around as surreptitiously as she was able to see if Kalimenos were still with her; he was, his back to her. He had built a fire and was warming himself before it. She saw, too, that he and the bulk of a very large cave lay between her and the door. The creature turned slowly as if he had felt her eyes. "I see you are awake. Would you care for some bread?" His tone was almost courteous and Nysa realized, with a jolt, that she was hungry. She shook her head, then cursed herself silently for deigning to respond to her captor. She also made a mental note to learn to swim when she got home. His smile returned, as cordial as before; and its effect, once again, was to make Nysa feel as though she were being made the fool. She resolved to stand -- slowly -- and the beast appraised her efforts and acknowledged them with the tiniest flick of his brow. Kalimenos was at her side before Nysa realized he had moved and she flinched, betraying her fear, when his arm encircled her waist. "You should take advantage of your chance to sleep. We travel at first light." he said softly. She struggled against him when he tried to lower her back to the bed, and her voice escaped in an enraged exclamation that was almost a growl. He paused briefly, then laughed loudly at her efforts to extricate herself from his grasp; he allowed her to play this little game for several minutes before she acquiesced, reluctantly, to his greater strength. She was young, he noted, and would, indeed, have made an excellent catch for the slave market. He, of course, had no use for gold or baubles -- he took what he wanted from passers-by who wandered onto his territory -- and he had no access to the human world; but he pictured to himself the intrinsic value this pretty little animal with the kitten-snarls must have in the eyes of her kind. Kalimenos indulged his sexual pleasures with random human females who were luckless enough to cross his path, but he was careful to release them undamaged; and he never hunted near his home, though he kept lodges like this one throughout the vast area surrounding his own grounds. When he retrieved this woman from the water he had thought to take her when she recovered, but she had lapsed into unconsciousness almost immediately; as fierce and terrible a foe as he was, his basic instincts insisted that he not allow any innocent being to be harmed by his casual indifference. He carried Nysa with him here and was beginning to be glad that he had. Nysa had made her muscles ache anew in her struggle for release from this horrible demon's solid, hard arms. She relaxed when she saw that hers was a useless fight, but he must have anticipated a greater show from her because he refused to slacken his hold. The heavy, musky odor was more reminiscent of men than of animals and, in close quarters, she could see only his human half. Even his horns were small and the thickness of his hair hid all but their tips. Nysa searched his face for some sign that he was as human as his torso suggested, and realized with shock that this was the face that had haunted her dreams when she scared herself to sleep thinking about the prophecy. The first time she saw goats mating, and knew it for what it was, she wondered if this was how it would be done between her and her mythical husband, or if they would adopt the half-kneeling posture that was most common among humans (as she had heard - she had still not had any direct experience with sex, either as a voyeur or as a participant); she would, invariably, shake such thoughts from her head and wish away the tingling, half-frightened feeling they brought to her when her mind drifted in that direction ever after. The headiness of the warmth of Kalimenos' breath woke Nysa to that strange, bewildering tug deep in her abdomen that had given her sleepless nights from before she had even become a woman; here, in this odd creature's arms, she was amazed at her own body's eagerness to convince her that he couldn't be evil, he had saved her life and hadn't offered to harm her...but the dizziness she felt was not caused by her hunger, or her earlier experience in the pond. Nysa felt enveloped by his strength, by his heat and by the softly reassuring words she heard, dully, flowing from his lips. She had ceased her struggles more than a quarter hour past yet they stood there still, his heart beating smoothly in her ear and his breath weaving gently past her temple to her neck. She shuddered when she felt him lower her, very softly, to the bed. Kalimenos was aware, somehow, that things were not the same with this woman as they always were with others when the game reached this stage: she seemed, at the very least, resigned to her fate and was yielding to him in a way that he found oddly pleasing. The flow of blood to his penis was increasing and he felt its familiar weight swing away from his body. He noticed that Nysa's eyes were closed, and wondered if she realized that he had taken off her remaining clothing before putting her down here when they first matter, their abscence would only hasten the inevitable. He closed his own eyes, for a moment, and remembered with considerable pleasure the morning an insatiably curious woman had come looking for him - the wonders of his sexual agility had been recounted in the public house where she was employed and she had walked purposefully through his domain crying out to the "servant of Bacchus" and begging humbly that he sample her offering of wine. Oh, he *had* enjoyed that one! Kalimenos often satisfied himself with range animals, preferring the goats whom he resembled; but human females intrigued him, somehow, and he was very sorry not to have kept the one who had come to him willingly. She was, however, annoying and vacant-minded in all except the most basic passions, and she had not come back to him. Now a frightened and reticent female, much younger in appearance than he might have thought when first he saw her (not that he discriminated with regards to age, of course), and most assuredly a virgin, at least, in the more important ways, he smiled to himself; lay panting and blinking on the time-hardened leather cot he had made for this shelter, and Kalimenos thought to himself that she might be well worth his efforts to initiate her properly in the various ways to please males. They had all the time in the world... Nysa's brow twitched incessantly and she kept her eyes closed, afraid of what she might see. She was becoming exasperated with her tic, knowing that it would betray her anxieties to the satyr and that he might try to frighten her into submission. Thus far he had used brute strength to serve his purpose, and Nysa didn't want to provoke his anger; besides, though her experience was limited to the covert surveillance of livestock she was familiar with that part of her that interested him through her self-exploration. It might allow him access to her body in a way she'd never dare one of her own kind, and how could she possibly feel guilty about it if she were (obviously) forced to relinquish herself to a monster much larger and stronger than she, a veritable son of a god, if the prophet's words were true? She was afraid but Nysa had noticed Kalimenos' gentleness with her. She doubted that women would live to tell their tales of seduction if such a being as this were to wish them harm, and she also doubted that she would be harmed, even accidentally; he had made his preference that she be whole and conscious evident. She breathed slowly, and deeply, to dispel her fear and decided to allow him whatever he wanted. If, again, the words of prophecy were accurate, then she would live to remain with this promised mate. Either way, of course, she was helpless (at least for the moment) and acquiescing would encourage him to trust her. Nysa's hair was tangled and still damp from her misguided attempt to escape in the pond. His words came back to her with a rush - he would have raped her, but he would have ensured her pleasure? Her body responded to the possibilities behind the words by filling her with a numbed warmth and making her limbs feel heavy with blood. She opened her eyes to see her "mythical husband", as she had considered him since childhood, watching her quizically. His body now resembled a hairier version of Bacchus', the god whom he supposdely served. The sight of his erect penis startled Nysa and the possibilities she had envisioned were suddenly much more a reality than a fantasy. She gasped and blinked hard, unaware that her own body betrayed her eager curiosity and told Kalimenos that this one was, indeed, a very ripe fruit. She shrank away slightly when she felt his fingers smooth her hair, then relaxed when this non-intrusive touch was the only one he offered. She opened her eyes slowly and was surprised when she returned Kalimenos' smile; his mouth widened at that sign and she blushed when she realized how much she wanted him to touch her then. Her heightened color was quite becoming and Kalimenos decided to advance cautiously but steadily with this very charming little prize. "What are you called?" he asked softly as he returned to stroking her hair. "Nysa." she breathed. Her eyes had, against her conscious will, traversed his face constantly, though she was able to restrain them from looking down between his legs. "Nyssaaa..." he spoke, again softly, and allowed the last syllable to trail into a smile. He knelt beside the cot and gazed intently at her body, appraising the strength of her legs and arms and the width of her hips. She was still fairly slender, being young; but she would develop deeper curves as she matured. The thought surprised him and Kalimenos began to wonder what it would be like to keep someone as a companion. He had listened to the conversation that flowed between Nysa and her friends before they had fallen asleep (though he was not able to discern their relationships from it), and had decided that she would provide for some amusing intellectual entertainment for him, a pleasure he had only seldom. His kind were voluptuaries and sensualists but a clever mind was a rare thing that most of them appreciated when given the opportunity. Oh, yes - they were mostly opportunists, as well. His grin widened further with that thought and he wondered what Nysa would think if she could hear the words that swam through his mind constantly. Kalimenos' eyes closed and his nostrils flared as he caught a whiff of her muskiness and his body reddened slightly as his desire increased. The weight between his thighs increased and he brought his hips forward to accomodate it. Nysa's body began to tremble when she saw his penis, erect and engorged, pointing toward her as though it knew she was the source of relief it sought. She closed her eyes lightly and determined to allow him to do as he pleased with her. He was, after all, betrothed to her since a few days after her birth, she mused silently; and she was well past the age when he could have demanded his bride to come to him. She thought briefly about her Mother and hoped that she wouldn't worry much. The oracle had promised a long and healthy life for Nysa, after all. A soft touch at her temple opened Nysa's eyes and she saw Kalimenos' angular face barely inches from her own. His eyes took in her mouth then traveled to her hair and followed its tangled curl to the swell of her breasts. She was a far cry from the soft women typical of her class: she ran with her brothers as a child and was an avid climber of trees. Her smoothly rounded muscles appealed to the satyr, and he bent lower to run his nose the length of Nysa's torso. His concentration was a curious thing to behold - he smelled her skin most deeply where her natural curves and creases created small pockets of additional warmth, and he actually licked the underside of the breast nearest him, nuzzling as an animal in the heat of rut. A gutteral moan grew deep in his throat and his intensity made Nysa gasp, startled. His eyes seemed to blaze with a fierce light and, when he lunged for her, Nysa shrank away and resisted him with all her strength. Kalimenos sprang onto the cot, nearly upsetting it, and pinned her limbs firmly against it; he assumed a superior position, maneuvering between Nysa's thighs, and settled his penis on her lower abdomen. He laughed at her obvious outrage and murmured low to calm her equally obvious fear of him. He bent down until they were nose to nose, then kissed her tenderly on her cheeks and her chin before running the tip of his tongue along the inner edge of her bottom lip. She started, but gave him no resistance and he continued this tactic, alternately nipping her mouth and caressing it with his own. When he opened her teeth wide and dipped his tongue deep into her throat she gave a strangled sigh and then returned his kiss with a naive fervor. She arched her hips at the same time, making him almost painfully aware of the closeness of her sweet, warm labia that, in their engorgement, seemed to be surrounding his scrotum and bathing his testicles with their heavy lubrication. He reveled in the moment, certain that any false move on his part could destroy the tenous "trust" between them, a by-product of Nysa's instinctive response to Kalimenos' actions. Nysa lay with her eyes closed, again, almost afraid to open them and watch what was happening to her. She was highly conscious of the furred, bristly fetlocks that brushed tantalizingly again her calves and, in rare moments, against the soft skin of her buttocks. Her movement was independent of her will and her thoughts turned constantly to the stock animals she had watched mating...she was half despairing of her situation, and half hoping that Kalimenos would turn her over, elevate her hips and impale her on the monstrous organ that pushed so insistently against her pelvis with his every move. Her body was so eager to betray her fantasy that her legs found themselves trying to crawl up to wrap themselves tightly against those pelted haunches, to curl around his back, to rub her feet sensuously the length of his tail. At the slight indication she gave by contracting the muscles in her thighs Kalimenos knew Nysa was physically prepared for what he was planning to do to her. The corners of his mouth curved up appreciatively and he lowered his mouth to one small, shy nipple to coax it out of hiding. She gasped and arched her neck and, when she tugged her arms down, Kalimenos released her wrists. She drew her hands immediately around his head and neck, pulling his hot tongue and demanding lips closer to her tingling breast. She noted with pleasure the hard feel of his head between his tiny horns, and her right fingers curled around one as a handle to keep his wonderful, incessantly sucking mouth exactly where it was. He chuckled then, and brought one hand down between then to find her labia; he teased her lips, pulling on them gently and easing a curious finger in between her folds. Nysa began squirming furiously and her knees came up to hug the sides of Kalimenos' chest, her calves and ankles folding in a curve around his waist. He grabbed her wrists again and held them fast; he slithered down and shrugged her feet up around his neck, then dove into the nest of hair between Nysa's legs. His tongue bathed her gently and he licked the curling hair until it was wet and smooth, lapping like a cat, completely heedless of his captive's high-pitched cries. He sniffed her then, her scent extremely musky/salty and her lubricating fluids flowing thickly; and he opened her lips just enough to slide his tongue inside, to find her clitoris and to circle it slowly and deliberately. He took the tiny organ between his lips and began to knead it gently, suckling as softly as he could and slipping his tongue lower from time to time to dip into her vagina and ready it for him. Nysa's hips bucked violently, straining against Kalimenos' strength, and she was nearly incoherent with her pleasure. Her breath came in sharp, gutteral gasps and her voice escaped as deep and heavy moans. She went very still when his assault stopped, and opened her eyes to look at the enormous erection he sported. He mounted her quickly and brought the head of his penis just to the entrance of her vagina; he looked into her eyes, then, and eased inside her gently. Nysa gasped and jerked suddenly and Kalimenos realized that he had hit her hymen: he withdrew a little, then kissed her hard as he penetrated her completely. She shivered uncontrollably, clutching the hair/fur of his chest, and she breathed in shallow gulps until her pain subsided and she felt the pleasure once again. "You belong to me, Nyssaaa..." he whispered as he began to thrust into her hot, tight vagina, making sure to brush her pelvic bone with the base of his penis to stimulate her as much as possible. He barely knew her name, but Kalimenos was sure that keeping this human female was the best idea he had had in a very long time. He was aware from her response that her piercing had been a painful one, yet she was already beginning to thrust back against him, obviously seeking her own pleasure as she was giving the same to him. She was very wet, perhaps a mixture of her natural lubrication and her virgin's blood; and she was as hot and as tight inside as any partner he could remember having. He smiled to himself as his tempo increased, feeling her labia flare against his testicles and seeing the look of concentration on her face as her legs grasped him firmly and guided him ever faster inside her. Nysa was overwhelmed with this experience, both overheated with emotion and tender from the heavy concentration of pleasure and pain. The former increased as the latter diminished, though, and she was sure that Kalimenos would keep his word - she *would* enjoy this very much! She was still a little frightened of him but his sensous nature, both human and animal, was irresistibly appealing to her and she strove to please him. She discovered that the underside of his tail was exquisitely sensitive and his voice rose in a high-pitched whine when she curled her toes behind him to stroke as much of him as she could. She raised herself against him, meeting his thrusts, to scrape her tender buttocks on the coarse, thick hair that covered his scortum and he responded by deepening his pace, plunging as much of his huge, red penis inside her as possible. He was close to his climax and Kalimenos wanted very much to ensure his partner's pleasure before his own. If he could make a virgin insane with passion, he reasoned, surely she'd remain with him. By choice. He withdrew from her swiftly, against her protests, and turned Nysa in one motion to lie on her stomach. He spread her legs wide, grasping them at her kneees; and began to bathe her inner thighs with long licks of his tongue. He pinched the full flesh of her buttocks and pulled them apart, trailing a finger there to tantalise her tightly-clenched anus. He draped his arms over her hips then to pull and twist her clitoris between finger and thumb as he inched up behind her, taking care to make her completely conscious of his fur-covered hindquarters as they rubbed against her soft, white, slender legs. Nysa shuddered, then backed up to him, lowering her upper torso to intensify her angle for deeper penetration. Kalimenos thrust himself forward with his full weight, taking Nysa by surprise and planting him firmly and deeply within her. His right hand felt the fullness of her abdomen, and he could imagine its firmness was caused from the pressure his penis created inside her; and his left hand held her genitals firmly, slamming her back against him with every stroke and masturbating her with his thumb simultaneously. Nysa gripped the upper corners of the cot tightly, bracing herself against the almost- violent assault her lover had launched; she sighed low in her throat, hoping for a fast conclusion to the unbearable heat rising within her. Her nipples were on fire, they felt the strain of their increased blood flow as well as the rough, harsh leather of the cot pressing them with each movement on her part. Kalimenos inched his right hand up until he could cup her left breast firmly, then he brought her up with him, held firmly against his chest; his fingers tortured her nipples, alter= nating between them, while his left hand continued to pulse against her clitoris, spreading her labia and opening her sensitive skin to the nearly brutal harshness of his fur. His testicles raised up slightly and, with his penis impaling her completely, they smashed hard against the underside of Nysa's exposed clitoris with his every thrust. A sharp pain drew her attention immediately to her shoulder, which the satyr, in his furious desire for orgasm, had begun to bite with his predator's teeth. He ground his pelvis into her buttocks, describing circles with the base of his penis; Nysa felt the uncontrollable conclusion he had been building in her begin to break and she shrieked her passion, turning her head to nibble his lips, to lick his cheek, to smell the wild smell so like that of the rolling meadows and pastures. She rested the whole of her weight against him, trapping his throbbing, pulsing organ deep inside her and gushing its contents into her. His grunts and growls dropped an octave but increased in their intensity until he bathed the walls of her vagina and the mouth of her cervix with his hot, sticky semen and Kalimenos grabbed her hair in mouthsful, pulling her to him until his spasms subsided. They collapsed on the cot together, both completely spent. Nysa's blood had splashed onto the leather, proof of her innocence in his eyes. He woke, in the early dawn, and covered her sleeping form with a pelt he carried with him when he hunted far from home; and he crept to the fire to stoke it, briefly, before returning to lie beside his bride once more. His curious, half-smile was still on his lips when he fell asleep. --