Archive-name: Fantasy/rat.txt Archive-author: Archive-title: Rat I By the twenty-second day since the rat had found Smurfette guiltily masturbating in the forest and introduced her to the idea of lust, she had been cast out of her village. The others had not known what to make of her appearance and demeanor and thought her to be lycanthropic. Through the constant application of ratty fluids doubled with will, the skin on her enormous breasts and now curvy body grew palely caucasian except for the fur on her head, which had by degrees elongated into the caricature of a mouse's head. Not a rat's -- the rat wanted to continue dominating her dramatically in size. A forelorn mouse tail followed her human rear out of her village. The rat had been waiting for her in the forest. They cohabited a dismal network of rat-dug tunnels furnished with old furniture and shabby rugs they continually collected from the refuse piles of other miniature societies. At this instant, the springs in a dusty sofa were squeaking constantly as the rat worked what was once Smurfette in a piston-motion on its shaft. She was leaning against the rat's chest, hugging its back to her and resting her long chin on its shoulder for support as the intensity of the act caused her to cry out in the rat's pointy ear. She managed to keep her head somewhat stationary as the rat held the bottom of her thighs and crotch with huge hands, thumbs at the top of her legs, and, with thickly muscled arms, pounded her rear onto its anvil cock. The mouse-head eyes with thick, black, human eyelashes were squeezed shut, still-human eyebrows furrowed deeply in agony and ecstasy at the rugged treatment her body was receiving. The rat's eyes were fixed on the woman's heaving rump as the rat hands pulled the woman's bottom up to the tip of his member and then smashed the lower half of her body down again to the base of his rod, where the blonde pubic hair and matted, dark rat hair were meshed together with lubricational fluid and spent, off-white rat sperm from two previous orgasms. The woman had not cum. The rat thrust its partner upon itself a final time, clenching its eyes and lifting its own rear up as it shot a third load into the gasping woman. She had squeezed her eyes yet tighter, gritting her teeth visibly. Her throat let forth a high-pitched whine that broke off with a squeak as she felt more sperm fountain high within her being. Her vaginal walls expanded somewhat around the rat's prick to accomodate the newest batch and she felt herself bloating, a sensation she'd grown intimately familiar with. She crinkled her toes in the old pantyhose she'd found, licking her lips. The rat let loose its grip and she swayed off, collapsing onto the protesting couch. The rat stood up but she remained in a heap, the inflamed acres of her breasts heaving with her breath as she stared steadily up at the rat. "Where d'you think you're going? I didn't cum. You always try to force orgasms on me, but you didn't succeed." "What do you want me to do about it? Do you think I AM sperm?" "You've never eaten me out. I think you're afraid of me, that way." The human eyelids sank seductively low and she raised her knees up to her breasts, showing the thick undersides of her pantyhosed thighs, fading red marks visible where she had been gripped. Past the top of torn pantyhose, her crotch and buttocks were hot and red from incessantly meeting the rat's welcoming lap. "You've let your cock do all the talking for you. But you haven't completed me today. And I know you want to do that or it starts to lose its thrill. Give me head or give me death. And I can't die, so..." The rat's wet cock, bobbing with indecision, suddenly rose again like a curse as the creature purposefully approached the smiling, expectant female. Her eyes followed the rat's approaching head and her smile broadened into a strange grin that changed into a sneer with an sharp intake of breath as she felt the rat's tongue dart straight into her vagina. Her eyes were shut once again as she experienced the extreme of intense sexual pleasure that showed no sign of peaking. Or of being able to peak. The rat had seized her thighs again, from the underside near her knees, and was pressing them up against her chest once more. The mouse-headed woman had anticipated toying with her breasts while the rat did her bidding. Instead, her hands had locked onto the back of the rat head, urgently pulling it into her crotch as she felt the huge tongue almost vindictively stimulating her clit. The rat knew she wouldn't be able to cum. Five minutes passed and the rat had not let up in its exquisite torture. The woman was making rapid, shallow gasps, beautiful to the rat's ears. She spoke again, eyes still closed: "Stop! Change positions! Let me lie down! I want you on top again." The rat halted and the woman stood up, fluids trickling down her legs. She lay down on the floor, putting pillows under her rear and head. The rat's body covered her again, putting her in shadow from the flickering light. The rat knelt on the floor, knees to both side of her head, dangling its balls in front of her eyes, and bent over her crotch, spreading her legs. The wet tongue in her squashed genitals was driving her to an increased frenzy. Her hands went to the rat's head again and she threw her head back and forth. The rat held her rear in place to prevent her from squirming. She struggled in its grip and opened her eyes, seeing only the unwieldly form of the fully erect rat penis, perhaps as thick as her wrist, closer than she'd ever seen it before. The unspeaking sacks of sperm in the rat's scrotum rested on her head. Faceless, they leered down while remaining mute, blocking out the sight of her twat being ravaged. Then she felt a burning jolt in her snatch explode throughout her entire body. Raising her legs, she crossed them over the rat's head and locked it in place as her back arched upwards in an awful release of lust. Crushing the rat's snout into her genitals with her thighs and hands, she screamed out the sound of satiation from a peak never reached before, a scream of triumph that the rat had not counted on. "I'm free of you." It was the deepest satisfaction the woman had ever known. Now she felt sore and her lungs hurt, but she was completely satiated. "You've used me so much, you've made me more like yourself. I'm not depedent on your sperm any more." "Suit yourself," the rat said. "I've been fucking a range of people every night." "So have I. Oh, I wasn't able to climax, but it made things more satisfying for me when you finally came back in the dark with your big fucking balls. I like being able to control men. You've fucked women in their sleep and horny as you made them, even to the point of climax, they weren't able to wake up while you were there. You've made me a kind of creature like you that feeds off the lust of others. Men and boys spurt in their sheets when I'm done with them. I might do women sometime, if I feel like it. In the dream-world, I can give my body any form I want." She had encountered other entities in the darkness as well. Once, as she stank with lust while watching someone masturbate, something grabbed her legs from behind and raised them off the ground, making her fall forward so her tits dangled heavily. Thumbs spread her pussy lips and she glanced back in time to see a bearded goat face about to ram into her crotch. Then it did, and the black muzzle sank unseen into her fair buttocks. She gasped hugely at the unexpected hot liquid sensation of a savage kiss to her bare twat from the twisting goat head and her body lurched. The satyr responded by holding her squirming rear more firmly than ever against its questing mouth. Its lips continued to minister violent affection to the woman's folds with a huge tongue as her body went limp, giving herself up to the pleasure. The satyr merely increased its subjugation of the woman's sexual organs, suckling noisily at an exposed clitoris. The woman's mouth had grown wide with slack as she absorbed the lust of the beast. She tensed momentarily in aching orgasm and felt the rush of her juices taken by the beast's tongue. She sighed erotically, and, in response, the goat-headed satyr lifted its head, licking its black lips and making a bleating laugh, as in victory. Her rear was lowered somewhat, and she felt a furred midsection pushing between her parted thighs from behind, making her legs straddle a waist. An unseen but sizable goat prick, stiff and dripping with need, parted her folds and secured the entrance to her damp pussy. Before she could react, the hot prick-head began to force its way deeper. Hands gripping her thighs pulled her backwards onto the thick banana cock in a series of mad lunges amid her constantly surprised gasps at the size of the invasion. She finally felt a firm wall of rough pubic hair smash against her rear and knew the meat was sheathed squarely within her. The male genitals ground resoundingly against her rear and clit until a warm wave of an orgasm washed over her at the insisting motions. She heard a grunt from behind and felt her thighs tugged back even more as the goat crotch strove harder against her own, sending powerful spasms of spicy jizm from its sagging balls. She felt the hot jets deep within her, and she squeezed her cunt muscles forcibly around the satyr's prick to show approval. There was an encore. II The rat had been telling the truth when implying it didn't need Smurfette's horny body to empty itself into. Acknowledging nightly wanderings, the rat had forgone to tell her of its ghostly slithers through distant ideas. Using that mode of travel called Thought, the rat had followed burning trails of lust around the foggy darkness of chance, smelling only familiar emotions until arriving ethereally in what he later found out was a high school class room. Once the path was well- established, such places became a prefered smorgasbord. Not because of the range of receptive females, but for the act of taking from a girl that which the rat knew would be wantonly given to it, but only flaunted and denied to all others. Cheerleaders were typically its favorite. The most arrogant of these the unseen rat, now six feet tall in its ambivalent phantom form, would glide to in the middle of class. The rat stood before the individual desks of its intended, allowing through its stance to meet the girls' gazes with its proferred genitals. The suggestive odor wafting from the rat, smelled only in the recesses of the girls' minds, was at the same time musky and infinitely desirable. Only in their subconscious could they discern the silent fate awaiting them, and they would absently cross their legs, minds wandering to lustful fantasies coupled with a strange feeling of anticipation and anxiety, sometimes given form as they stopped taking notes and began sketching the rat's phallus, impatiently waiting for the end of the school day. Having implanted the seed of its odor in their thoughts, the girls were easy to track. It was now past Midnight on Tuesday morning. The rat made its appearance by stepping out of a dark closet, floorboards creaking under the rat's eagerly advancing form. To any not of the same phantom state as the rat, the room was silent except for the rustling of sheets. Not even the added noises of the lifted blankets, nor the groan of the mattress at the added weight of the rat made a sound. To any observer, the bed had not sunk, the covers not removed to show the compact body of the 4'11" Japanese cheerleader. The rat wouldn't've known anything about her nationality. To it, the objects of desire with different skin color were like a variety of fruit to be eaten. Some girls were resistant to the rat and these the beast instinctively left alone, seeking only those whose subconscious had buried a craving he could grip. Such was the sprawled teen slumbering before it. The rat let fall its hands on her nightgown-covered breasts, feeling her heat rise through the fabric. Kneeling over and shedding loose fur that would not be seen, the rat's breathing grew hoarsely loud and it took a deep breath to calm itself. It looked at her sleeping golden face, framed by black hair that was spread out over a pillow. The rat drew its hands with outspread fingers down her front, regarding her like a pearl it had found in the opened oyster of her bed. The hands reached her smooth ankles and the edge of the silken nightgown. Their fingers clutched the bottom hemline, taking the silk in. The rat pulled the gown up above her breasts in one continuous movement. Only shadow clothed her body now, except for a pair of panties. The rat could not distinguish their color in the darkness but moved its hands now under her smooth buttocks and found the underwear had ridden up into her crotch. The rat looked again at her breasts, and saw that they were much larger than it had expected from the indistinct mounds formed by her sleepwear. His eyes feasted luridly on their fullness, noticing by the erect nipples she had already become aroused from his returning scent. The girl's panties, stained with sweat where they had been caught between her snug buttocks, were tugged off her hips and then down her tawny legs, and she raised one knee in her sleep. The rat deliberated then, and still kneeling on the open bed, gathered up her rear in its hands, throwing her legs over his shoulders and lifting what he wanted to his descending mouth. If anyone had been watching for the next two minutes, he would have seen a heavily breathing girl sleeping alone on her back, legs raised beneath restrainingly heavy blankets that masked a strong, pungent odor. She cried out once, peculiarly, like the culmination of a song, and faded into sighs while rolling onto her stomach, then groaning and raising her rear beneath the blankets, evidently dreaming. The rat still knelt, back upright, now between the splayed legs of the girl whose head still rested on a pillow. Holding her rear before its drooling phallus, the rat admired the smoothness of her hips and the way they were so offset by the lusciously small folds, normally hidden beneath black pubic hair. It looked like there was no place for the rat's shaft to go into, but as if by magic, the rod began to disappear slowly into the girl's crotch. The rat's hands were pulling her slowly against itself, feeling its penis being engulfed by something tight and hotly wet. The girl was dreaming, was dreaming she could not endure an aching lust, and had encouraged an unclean animal like a goat or donkey to mount her back. She was standing and felt the underside of the animal against her back and saw the animal penis, unsheathed and slippery, between her legs. She hastily guided the organ into her needy snatch while the animal rested its front legs on her back. The enormous prick had been more difficult to take than she imagined, and she was holding the animal's forehooves in place on her shoulders, bending more to allow full access to her guilty twat. She'd felt friction from the hot shifting stomach against her back as she pushed her swelling rear against the larger genitals, lowering her stance to assume a position more natural to the animal as it bucked lustfully up, into her... The rat pushed itself again into her rear, feeding the girl the last inch of its cock. The rodent was holding her by the waist and slid thickly out, only to plunge all of its member into her and repeat the movement, brutally striking the sweating girl's buttocks with its groin and pulling her onto him. The bed was rocking from the action and the rat delighted in giving the act exaggerated movements, knowing that any sound or furniture damage would be seen only by one like he. The girl felt speared on something huge, and it seemed to her she was a centauress. That was right; she had rejected an enamorous sorceress whom in retaliation had given her the ability to accept the equine sex, since she prefered cocks so much over the gentleness of another pussy. She was being hammered into as if the aggressor were demanding an answer to an unknown question. By degrees, the rat's vast body had covered her back until its stinking breath fell across her neck, meeting the girl's own breath from her parted lips. The rat's warmth caused her to drip with sweat as the rat cupped her ponderous but fluid breasts from behind, feeling them overflow in his fingers. Her arms were limp and each shove pushed her head deeper into the pillow. The girl gasped, calling out again as another orgasm shook her and melted her clit. Extra lubrication in her snatch eased the motion of the rat's prick and with a jerk, the rat unexpectedly exploded into the girl. It gripped her slippery boobs tightly, pulling her upper body against its front and lifting her into an upright position. The rat's seed was continually pulsing into her and she squealed, moaning with shut eyes at the events in her dream. The rat refused to let her go, rubbing the swollen areolas around each nipple with his thumbs as they both knelt upright, the fur on the front of the rat's body now damp from absorbing the sweat off the girl's back. She remained on the rat's lap, the darkly furred mass enclosing her in its arms, seeming ready to somehow absorb the girl as if they were two primitive microcosms. The rat's slippery messenger of lust continued to throb in her lesser vagina. Strands of her black hair were damp with sweat from her forehead. The rat licked the perspiration off her cheek and with a gyration squeezed the last of his offering into the girl. It then pushed her off his deflating penis with difficulty and wiped his member on the sheets. The rat knew its own sperm would not be seen or felt when the girl woke up but had no idea how much of the wetness was due to her horniness. In the morning, the disheveled cheerleader had quickly showered and insisted on doing her own laundry before school started. III Perhaps annoyed at not being able to awaken her to its presence, the rat had been making extraordinarily rampant use of the sleeping cheerleader's body. Doubled with the fact that the rat had started to limit itself to taking the girl only on weekends so as not to endanger her health, the rat more than compensated by forcing the girl through night-long frenzies of lust. The sex burned red dreams into her mind without disturbing her real body or clothes, leaving her at dawn in a layer of perspiration, her nipples prominantly visible through dampened silk. Although the rat pulled off the girl's underwear before engaging, he was a phantasm and could only remove a dream copy of them. Her real panties were always laid to hot waste, the fabric between her legs growing progressively damper through the course of the evening while the part of her underwear that covered hot buttocks was stained with sweat; she finally stopped wearing panties altogether at night. The rat was not the only thing interested in the stoutly voluptuous meal. Almost always, unknown to the rodent, the performance would be watched by both the rat's former partner and a satyr while they ground themselves together. In the darkness, the woman was habitually mounted by what amounted in appearance to an enormous bipedal goat, covered with coal black fur and equipped with human forearms and hands. Their eyes went to the interplay between rat and human until the satyr's recipient began to concentrate more on her own predicament, and her eyes would watch the muscles ripple through the fur of the jerking chest above her. The black haired girl within the room remained targeted in contrast by the satyr. By degrees its weird goat eyes began to glow with an unextinguishable redness that bathed the air before them like twin heat lamps, drowning out any dim light source so that the black silhouette of the fucking goat and woman became meshed with the surrounding dimness until only the goat head remained, faintly visible with its curving horns and bathed from molten eyes in a dire red glow that could only be caused by elemental lust. Angrily, the satyr shortened their voyeuristic screw by tripling its intensity. The thick hindquarters of a goat smashed their weight into the smooth form of a woman beneath until her heavy breathing broke into a moan of release. After a moment, the woman's panting subsided. The satyr's black lips formed gruff-sounding, deep-toned words. "You done?" the goat head managed to articulate. The woman nodded yes, and the male form pushed itself off. Its black cock began to emerge from the hot nest, slowly because it was as hard as ever and held in a vacuum grip until released regretfully with a slurping sound. It was still obscenely unsheathed and stinking since the satyr had not wished to subside its lust with a climax. The woman absently stumbled off, at first unsteady on her naked feet. The satyr continued to glare at the cheerleader and the way the rat's avarice drove it to possess her until morning, when the satyr too had to leave and attempt sleep. The next night was to hold Monday's morning, and the satyr knew the rat would not be with the girl. The satyr would succeed where the rat could not. Its cock remained hard throughout the day, anxious semen dripping down its length as the satyr's eyes seemed to bore twin holes in the rocky wall of its lair, its mind remaining locked on its objective. The last ray of sunlight vanished from the highest cloud, leaving only an ambient light that died too, highlighting the one thing the sun's light remained visible on: The crescent shape of the moon. With the mechanical look of something long anticipated, the satyr stood upright from where it had impatiently sat. It glided through the darkness until coming to rest outside the girl's second-storey room. The glass window was shut and the curtains drawn. Orange light from an electric lamp sifted through curtain fabric. Then they were vanished to the satyr's vision and the window not present to the hearing of its pointy ears. The door to the girl's room was locked and she was alone on her bed, sheets still in place. Her nightgown lay near a pile of clothing but she still wore a blue tank top. She was lying very much awake on her back, legs spread and doubled up towards her breasts in an attempted copulation with a teddy bear. It was larger than herself. Her bare heels were against the artifically furred rear, but her hands actively gripped the stuffed animal's rear while grinding it between her legs. Her shut eyes said her thoughts wandered. The satyr glanced elsewhere and saw that she was alone in the house. It walked through the wall on cloven hooves and stood next to the bed, now fearfully solid to the conscious girl. Her eyes remained shut and the satyr inhaled deeply of the girl's scent, swelling its massive chest. The Oriental cheerleader came to smell the alien lust of the satyr, and her eyes opened. She saw everything about the beast in a single glance and a kind of understanding narrowed her eyes. She withdrew the teddy bear and clamped her thighs together, but not before the satyr was able to see her swollen pussy unoccupied for the first time. "I...want you to leave," she wavered in a shaky voice. "No, you don't." The satyr's smouldering eyes were leveled steadily at her. "You never wanted the rat to leave, did you. You only wished that you were awake to share in the experience instead of only remembering erotic dreams that fed your fantasies." The goat eyes, starting to glow again, darted meaningfully to the used teddy bear. The satyr's hands moved to its insurmountable cock. Gleaming with anticipation, the tool was the largest furless area on the satyr's body, naked and smooth when restless and unsheathed as it was now. As if mesmerised, the girl's eyes fell heavily to the satisfaction offered her. To be wanted by so many hunks of masculinity whose relationship with her would never be discovered, leaving her reputation spotless appealed immediately to the teen's hungry twat, and yet it was so lower than she was, like an animal... "You want this, don't you!" The satyr lolled its semen-covered black pole with its hand, bending the length of it and then allowing its cock to bob throbbingly back into an upright position. The girl's dark eyes wandered from the odourous crotch from which hung fist-sized sacks of male element to the hot mushroom tip of the satyr's blind and hungry phallus, crossing a distance of thirteen unwisely thick inches. And yet she was unable to move her gaze, torn between disgust and an animal longing to have all that power sink into her snatch. "You'd like to possess all this in your cunt, wouldn't you!" The satyr's rough hand encircled the jutting penis at its coarsely-haired base, sliding up its serpentine length until gripping the shaft directly behind the head and squeezing it, forcing the girl to watch as its tissue expanded again, larger than ever. Her only response was to breathe heavier, causing her oversized breasts to rise and fall pronouncedly within her tank top. Her golden legs, clamped together at the first sight of the satyr, began to fall apart unwillingly. "No...." she moaned, her gaze never faltering. "You want all this to sink into your cunt." The satyr seemed to grind the words out in an accusing and superior tone. "You want to know what it feels like to have a huge cock erupt inside you." One of its hands squeezed the shaft again and semen oozed out. "Yesssss..." She whispered her admission to the satyr, which continued to massage its member. "Yes! Please! Fuck me with that thing! Fuck me with that cock!" Her breathing grew erratic, her expression pained and wide-eyed. That was enough for the satyr. With two strides of its goat legs, it crossed the floor and climbed onto the bed, bringing its stench between the parting legs of the girl. The satyr saw how wet the dark-lipped cunt had become, and his eyes gleamed menacingly. The girl whimpered meaningless sounds as the satyr tore the blue tank top off the girl, letting her enormous breasts fall onto her stomach with a fleshy plop. The girl's eyes were transfixed with the thing she was about to be fucked with, and her mouth looked as if it were trying to say something unspeakable. Then the satyr held its phallus, rubbing her pussy lips with the semen from the aggressive prick head. The girl's body was tense except for her defenseless breasts, remaining softly lax. She bit her lip at feeling the rod go between her inner cunt lips. It was unnecessarily lubricating the way even more with semen. The satyr held her biceps pinned to the bed, glaring at her shut eyes and letting his weight bring about their joining together at the genitals. In a single sinking motion that lasted thirty seconds, the girl's cunt had been made to swallow up to its base the living goat prick, the ultimate extension of the darkly lustful creature that leered down at her. The satyr's balls, loose as always, lay upon the girl's skin below her greed-driven vagina. The satyr wasn't even moving and the girl, much shorter, was gasping heavily into the satyr's chest, overwhelmed at feeling the expansive throbbing of the satyr in her body. With a slow but determined motion, the beast began to leisurely pump its eager goat meat into her pinned form. The girl blushed violently at feeling her lust consume her like the satyr's hands, removed from her arms, were consuming the shape of her buttocks, holding her to its moving crotch. Each time the satyr buried itself, the girl would make a sound as if each invasive thrust by that cock was a statement of some kind, made by the animalism of the satyr. "OH? OhhhH? OohhHH? OhhH?" She was squealing it mindlessly with each exhalation of her breath. It was impossible for her to stop. She had subconsciously synchronized her breathing with the long plunges of the dominating prick, and she inhaled a squeak at each withdrawal. Each manuever meant about four seconds of continuous motion in one direction against her overwhelmed clitoris until the satyr remained buried within her, its black furred hindquarters begining to grind now to insure the girl climaxed first. Thick black pubic hair on the satyr scraped against the girl's sensitive crotch and her own pubic hair. The satyr's pelvic bone directly above the sticky base of its penis mashed against the girl's hapless clit until her squeaks became outright cries of pleasure accompanied by the girl's frantic groping of the satyr's rump, bent on feeling everything there was to feel. Satisfied that she would be forced to orgasm within a few more strokes, the satyr began to concentrate on its own pleasure, bucking wildly into the girl and ignoring a teddy bear that his rocking caused to fall off the bed. As the stuffed animal landed on the carpet, the girl's naked body began to be racked by an immense orgasm. Her perspiring face and shoulders were still visible under the satyr's jerking chest, but the tips of her breasts were barely managing to peek out from the top of the satyr's stomach. Seeing her form contorting wantonly in a climax was enough to bring the satyr over the edge and it came, heaving against her and sinking its fingers into her warm buttocks. The goat head grunted loudly with pleasure, reveling in the explosion of its sperm being pumped into the teen even as it flattened the cheerleader with its repulsive weight. The girl's vocalized climax turned into a surprised gasp of revulsion at feeling hot, inhuman jizm shoot out of the buried cock and impact against the core of her dominated vagina. Then Again. And again. And again. Coarse fingers were splayed across her buttocks, holding her genitals tightly against the sexual onslaught. The heavy goat stomach, yielding at first but then smothering, squashed the girl's sweating breasts and smeared them with sweat of its own. The stinking mass above sank onto her delicately inflamed brownish nipples and her disproportionately large boobs filled out to the sides until they, like the girl's head, disappeared beneath the grunting creature. Her face was turned to the side, ignoring in her climax the satyr's hot underbelly smashing against her cheek, her own orgasm heightened by the loudness of the satyr's bellow of pleasure at feeling smothered tits and breasts slipping wetly under his encompassing stomach. His cock was still erupting into its captive vagina and befouling it with sperm as the twat befouled itself, lowered to the satyr's level by primitively thanking the satyr's cock with a series of uncontrollable, yet sickeningly pleasurable orgasmic contractions that actually milked the still-ejaculating giant goat phallus for more sperm.It was supposed to be an act to help ensure reproduction. Instead, her body was anxiously coaxing a hot torrent of a creature's revoltingly base sperm to find haven in her sweating body. Just below the violent actions of the prick lay the unnaturally large scrotum, resting with seeming indifference against the heaving cheerleader. Like her breasts, the sacks seemed inoffensively unmuscular, but their purpose was obvious to anyone. Sperm overflowed from the gagging cunt, trickling down still-held buttocks to the bed cover. Everything that had been delicate about the girl seemed to be overpowered by the act of their coupling. The satyr had finished and lifted its weight from the girl, finding her gasping for breath. Her breasts, sore and red, were covered with a layer of indistinguishable perspiration from the satyr and herself. Although she felt peculiarly satisfied, her vagina ached; and her whole body stank from lustful contact with the creature. The satyr's spent member resembled a gigantic black slug as it was withdrawn from the girl's twat, and she clasped a hand between her legs to keep the sperm from dripping all over her bed. Wordlessly, the being departed and the cheerleader went naked through the house to wash the stink away in a bathtub. --