Archive-name: Fantasy/sextrek.txt Archive-author: Archive-title: STTNG: Sensual Encounter, The Well this seemed to be very popular on the Startrek frequency, so by the suggestion of some cross readers I've decided to r.a.e fans as well!! GET READY FOR A BLAST!!!!!!! AUTHOR'S EXPLICIT WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL IS OF AN ADULT NATURE. PROLONGED READING MAY LEAD TO THE FOLLOWING: SUDDEN BLINDNESS, INTENSE HORNINESS, AND UNCONTROLLABE LAUGHTER. <<<>>> S t a r T r e k t h e N e x t G e n e r a t i o n: ----------------------------------------------------- The Sensual Encounter Captain's Personal Log Stardate 40402.01: ---------------------------------------- We are currently on route to the former planet of galactic peace, Nimbus III. Nimbus III never seems to stop fascinating me. It was a place where the famed crew of Capt. James T. Kirk once walked. To live and breathe the very air that they breathed will be one of the many climaxes of my life. What they experienced during that journey, the bizarre alien god, Cybog, and each other will never cease to stimulate me. After many times of viewing the footage of the encounter I can never seem to get my mind off of Kirk's butt. I don't know what this feeling is, but it is driving me and the Enterprise there. It seems that something powerful, and yet very soft is pulling us there, Counselor Troi called the feeling from the planet almost sensual. Whatever it is we will meet it in 3 days. Ryker sat in the darkness of his cabin starring at the stretched image of the stars flicker by. The feeling that was drawing the Enterprise towards Nimbus III intrigued him. Whatever it was it made him feel very strange. Earlier that night he was aroused when a male crewmember brushed against him. It made him wonder: " Was I just horny, or am I a fag?" Of course not he told himself, he had Troi many times. He thought back to their intense lovemaking. The softness of her breasts, the smell and texture of her clitoris, and the taste of her mouth. Just thinking of the was she used to give head made him hard. His mouth began to water. Ryker looked down at himself, and opened his robe. He was hard, very hard. Stroking himself softly he thought of Troi, licking and licking, and licking.... "Replicator! One vibrator, and hurry!!!" The vibrator materialized. Grabbing it, Ryker began to rub it on his dick. He became lost in the depth of masturbation, that he didn't hear Warf enter. Warf stared at Ryker, but didn't do anything. He crept silently into the shadows, and watched Ryker reach and orgasm. His ejaculation spurted him in the face. A long tongue came out and licked it. Warf stood up and came out of the shadows. "Sir, this feeling on the ship is it affecting you?" Surprised Ryker dropped the vibrator, and closed his robe, "What feeling?!" Warf straightened his uniform. "Sir don't try to hide what you were doing, I was here most of the time. I saw you cum!" Embarrassed, Ryker tried to put on an authoritative voice: "Warf, I was thinking of Deanna, and what she used to do, I wasn't doing it by myself, I felt that there was something guiding me, something helping me..." Warf spoke in a more subdued voice. " Perhaps when there is more time, I can show you ritualistic Klingon techniques used in the Men's House." Ryker looked out the window, " What do you want?" Warf responded, "You are needed on the bridge." As Ryker and Warf walked down the corridor, the people seemed to move in a more relaxed fashion. They came to the Turbo Lift. The door opened, a woman was there, naked and rubbing herself against the wall. Warf and Ryker boarded. The door shut. Warf's voice boomed: "Turbo Lift stop!" He opened his pants and removed his dick. The woman licked it and smiled. " I've never had Klingon before, so large...." She put it in her mouth. Ryker moved behind her, and removed his clothes. He mounted her from behind. "Oh you're so wet, it makes me want to screw the fuck out of you!!" Moans filled the elevator. The woman sucked fasted and harder, as Warf slipped out of his uniform. Ryker wiggled his dick inside her. She was so warm, wet and soft he thought. He came. The woman pulled Warf's dick out of her mouth, and began to suck Ryker's. Warf took the rear position. The woman cried in pleasure as Warf worked her to an orgasm. She moved spasmaticlly. Her butt moving in and out, faster and faster. She stuck both of their dicks in her mouth and sucked. Ryker moaned, "Oh god, I'm going to cum again!" Ryker and Warf came at the same time. Their white sperm splashed over her face. She licked it off. Warf and Ryker put on their clothes. "Bridge!". Seconds later the Turbo Lift arrived on the bridge. The door opened. Jordi stood at the entrance. "What the hell took so long in there?" Ryker smiled, "Take a ride Lieutenant Commander!" Jordi looked inside. A big smile came on his face. "With pleasure Sir, with pleasure!" The bridge was as usual, quiet and dull. The smell of Troi's perfume filled the comm. Ryker peered out the corner of his eye at her. Troi felt his thoughts, and jerked in her seat, as if something had penetrated her. She smiled. Ryker looked at Picard. He addressed the captain, " What seems to be the trouble Sir?" Picard straightened himself, "You all know about this feeling that has been spreading throughout the ship, this feeling of....sensuality. It is not only affecting us, but also every planet in this region. Whatever it is, Troi feels that it is originating from Nimbus III. Troi sat up. "Yes, ever since last week it seems that there has been a presence in my bed, caressing me, feeling me where only I allowed certain men to feel me...." She began to move in her seat, touching herself, "...oh but sometimes I like it, and I can't control it." Ryker spoke, " Is this presence male of female?" Troi smiled, "VERY MALE!!!....." Picard gave her a piercing look. "Are you in communication with the being now?" "Oh YES, YES....." Troi pulled the straps of her dress down. She touched her breasts. "I'm so sorry sir, I can't seem to stop it. Oh great SPACE, it's so ......" Picard stood and shouted, "Get a hold of yourself woman! Dr. Crusher to the bridge!" Seconds later Dr. Crusher appeared. "Do you know that there is this white sticky substance all over the walls of the Turbo Shaft that appears to be..." "Not now Doctor," Ryker said, "help her!" Crusher looked at Troi and gasped. Troi was half naked, rubbing her crotch on the helm. She pulled a hypo out. There was something about Troi that intrigued Crusher. Taking the hypo, she caressed Troi's breast and injected. Troi smiled at the doctor. She felt her attraction. "Perhaps tonight Doctor.", she whispered to Crusher as the drug slow put her to sleep. The entire bridge was stunned. Picard starred open jawed at the bare Troi. Sexy he thought, very sexy. --