Archive-name: Fantasy/teddy.txt Archive-author: Justin Cann Archive-title: Teddy [Author's Note: 1. This story may be reproduced as is provided this note is attached and due credit is given to me for having written it. 2. Consider yourself warned: this is fairly hard-core stuff. 3. Comments and criticism can be mailed to . 4. The underscores around a word indicate that it is to be italisized if you ever want to reformat the story and make it look nice. 5. Have a nice day.] "My name is Ted. Theodore Sherrit Mosely Tighlman. TSMT. Teddy. "'Yeah, whatever,' most people might say. Yeah. 'A Gold Coastie rookie Senator sitting on his lawn next to the pool with his martini reading the Wall Street Journal on a late summer afternoon after the return commute from Washington.' Then in that sort of voice people put on when they're imitating someone and they want you to _know_ it, say, 'Yep! Yep! Campaign's not going so darned well. Damn Democrats back in office!' "I may have gone to boarding school and attended Yale, but I've seen some things." It was true. Ted certainly looked like he had never even so much as touched someone who wasn't Talbot County's unofficial aristocracy or their back-and- forth relatives from Philadelphia's Mainline. I knew differently, of course, and that was why I was here to interview him. On the drive from the _Washington Post_ I had been given all the details. This one was a real scoop. Catching the Congressman with his pants down. Oldest story in the newspaper of American History. History repeats itself. I had the latest bit of the cycle in my briefcase right now. Pictures of 'Teddy' getting it up the ass in a New York loft. A red haired girl administering her strap-on to his anus. There's more where that came from apparently. Seems they were taken about twenty years ago. Seems his cousin took them. Seems she and him are in some of the other pictures in some interesting Twister-poses. So I'd come down here for the reaction piece. Quite rare that a Senator in a situation like this will give a reaction _before_ the story hits the streets. Real rare. "So is that thing rolling?" he asked, gesturing toward my tape recorder, which he actually _insisted_ I bring. "Yes sir. Has been for a little bit." "Teddy. OK. If this is going into print, I want you to say Teddy in every reference to me after the first. That's my only stipulation for giving you guys this scoop." "Well I guess I can live with that." "With a story like this coming up, I guess you can. Would you like a drink before we start." "Please." "What's your pleasure?" I was beginning to feel almost bad about bringing this bastard down. Now let me set you straight. I don't care about Teddy's [There I'll do it damn it. I'll call him 'Teddy.'] perversions. I want to bring him down because he's nearly a fascist. Old money. Old worn-out ideas. He and his kind are still slave-masters, they just work around "that silly ol' amendment." "Martini's fine. Dry please." Teddy reached over to the slate counter surface next to his lawn chair, pressed an intercom button and said, "Miss Kate, might we have another round of martinis when you get a chance?" Well, at least he's polite about it. "So what I want to do, as I'm sure your editors must have told you, is to tell the whole story myself. Just fess up. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm playing the old, 'I'm past that now' excuse." "Certainly. Would you prefer me to ask questions or do you have something prepared." "Well not prepared really. It's been such a sudden development. I thought I'd just tell the story and you could pipe in with a question if something comes up." He paused for a moment and glanced out over the cove as if searching there for the strength to tell his tale. "Well, back in P let see I was 17 P 1960, I was spending the summer here as usual, and my cousin June came down with Aunt Beth for a month. She was sixteen and quite good looking. She could dance too. I've always liked girls I can dance with. "I ended up in charge of making sure she had a good time. At first I didn't want to do it, but that wore off in about three days. I forgot all about my friends and just spent the whole time with June. Yeah, Mom and Aunt Beth were just tickled that we were such good pals. They wanted me to introduce her to some of my rich Coastie friends so that June could snare one and Aunt Beth could move down here to be with mom. "Well I guess I should tell you that Beth is my mom's sister. Her husband died in World War Two in the Pacific two months after he married Beth. June was born seven months later in 1944. Two months premature. "So anyway, June was here and I started spending all of my time with her. We went on rows in the cove. Walks through the woods, even the marsh. And of course we went to the dances. "We got drunk together for the first time, both of us that summer. One time I had a fifth of gin and we went down to the dockhouse to 'inspect the Snipe for the regatta.' Read: drink our gin. "So we were down in the boat house and we were both fairly drunk. I don't remember P and I've never asked June if she does P which one of us made the first move, but we ended up kissing and fondling each other, while lying on the mainsail of the _Mary_Elizabeth_III_. That's the ketch down there at the dock. Named after my mom. "I remember kissing June passionately as I unbuttoned her blouse. She stroked the crotch of my bulging pants as my hands finally encountered her pert breasts and firm nipples." I couldn't believe that I was getting so explicit a story, and by now I noticed that Teddy had a gaze that encompassed the entirety of the peaceful cove: the ketch, [no doubt the same one kept in perfect shape by BNs] the dockhouse, the pier, the water, the shadows of the other shore, and the blue heron gliding across the cove a few feet off the water. Miss Kate was coming down the lawn carrying a silver tray. I coughed Teddy out of his near-reverie and noticed that Miss Kate wasn't the ample-of-body-and- submissive-good-natured black woman I had expected. Rather I was confronted with a stiff yet well-mannered white woman. She was wearing a maid costume [if Teddy weren't racist he was certainly classist or sexist or both] that bordered on revealing. I couldn't understand why she acted so stiffly wearing that outfit. "Thank you Miss Kate," he said as he took the martinis and handed one to me. "Thank you," I repeated. Miss Kate gave me a quite sly glance as she folded the tray up to her chest and spun on her heels to return to the house. Perhaps _I_ was the one who was being prejudiced. She wasn't the kindly old black woman I had expected. Was there a reason for this. Did the senator do the maid? God, that's the _oldest_ story. "Well that was about all we did that time," he continued when Miss Kate was out of earshot, "We remained fairly confused about it for a week or so. After all, one is not supposed to kiss one's cousin, is one?" He asked, somewhat sarcastically and somewhat seriously. "About a week later, a similar thing happened. We were out for a row, and we were out of the cove there around Hackett's point." He gestured off into the Tred Avon. "We started splashing each other P me using the oar and June using her hands. We got a little carried away and ended up capsizing the rowboat. We were only in about five feet of water, so I had no problem righting it again and getting back in. When I went to pull June back up though, we slipped. Actually I hurt my butt quite a bit on that gunwale, but I didn't cry out because June's lips fell directly on to mine. "Mind you I'm not saying that this is like 'one- of-those-things,' we probably fell like that on purpose; subconsciously. Once again, we began kissing and petting each other. The rowboat drifted to the lee shore as slowly on that summer day as I removed the top half of June's bathing suit. By the time we nudged up on the sand, her hand was in my pants stroking my penis. I was alternately sucking each nipple. "In 1960, that house wasn't there, and there were only woods. After a few more minutes of this I got out and helped June out. I tied the painter to a fallen tree and hopped up on to it. I pulled June up as I stared at her naked breasts. We lay there in the sun on the wide fallen oak and explored each others passions. "Before long, I reached my hand down her bathing suit to feel my first pussy. I didn't really quite know what to do, I confess, but June moved her hand down there too and guided mine in the motions. In this way I soon had two fingers in her massaging the walls of her vagina, while my thumb made the occasional swipe over her clitoris. "She took her hand out of the suit and arched her back up to take it the rest of the way off. I resumed sucking her nipples while I got more used to arousing her pussy. She reached into my bathing trunks again and gripped my seventeen year-old's rock-hard erection and began stroking it gently. After a minute or so of this, I stood up and removed my trunks as well. "I could barely believe it. There I was on a fallen tree totally naked with my cousin June. I mean, she'd hit me over the head with a toy car when we were two and three. I just gazed at her lying there as I stood casting my shadow on her. Instinct or something took over and it no longer mattered that neither of us had done this before P it no longer mattered that we were cousins. I slowly lay down on top of her, kissing first her breasts and then her neck and finally her lips again, as my penis slid effortlessly into her well lubricated cunt. "I just started slowly thrusting in and out, now nibbling her ears. I remember noticing that it obviously hurt her for a moment. She quickly forgot about the tweak of pain from her burst maidenhead and the stretching ache in her pussy and quickly experienced an orgasm. I hear that's pretty rare for a girl the first time. "Anyway, I continued to fuck her, abandoning kissing now in favor of a more forceful rhythm. I arched over top of her as she writhed in her very first, or so she told me, orgasm. I don't believe it. I reached my own soon after, shooting gobs of cum into her. "I think back on it now and reckon we were damned lucky she never got pregnant that summer. Maybe we're somehow incompatible; sperm-and-egg-wise that is. We carried on like that all summer and finally I had to go off to Yale. "Yes, I did go early. I was seventeen until a month into my first semester there. I didn't get laid that semester. At Yale in 1960 you had to know how to get laid. It's very simple, you just had to _know_ it though. I didn't find out until later."Anyway, I returned home for Christmas to the happy news that June was going to visit for a week. "When she arrived, I tried to get things going again as soon as possible. In private, she told me that she was seeing a guy from Radner. She also told me that Aunt Beth would never approve because he was the son of a minor office worker. "The important thing was that she had sex with him. She told me about how he fucked her in the ass and how she sucked his dick; both things that we didn't think of the summer before. "So for the first few days she didn't have anything to do with me that way. On New Year's Eve though, at about three o' clock in the morning, she crept into my bedroom and woke me up. I had been allowed a few drinks by my parents, who had allowed themselves and their friends quite a few more, and was therefore slow to be roused. "When I finally totally opened my eyes, I saw June, pulling down my pajamas and going for my cock with her mouth. It instantly stiffened, almost poking her in the eye. It almost would've been funny if I hadn't been so scared. "I calmed myself down by rationalizing that my parents were, no doubt, plowed while June's tongue played with the head of my penis. I just lay back and decided to enjoy the experience; something I always try to do. "She put her lips around my glans and polished it with her tongue, then swallowed more and more until she had the whole thing in her mouth. She began to bob her head up and down with her fingers in a ring in front of her lips, encircling my cock. Her teeth gently brushed against the top and bottom of my penis every time she withdrew it from her mouth. "I have never been a quick cum when my dick is getting sucked. Don't know why, but it takes awhile that way for me. The first time was no exception. She must have been getting tired of sucking, but gave it her best because she knew it was my first time. Eventually I shot my load in her mouth and it seemed to me that she hungrily slurped it all down. "I fell back in a daze from the scrunched up position my orgasm had thrown me into. June began kissing her way up my stomach and chest, unbuttoning my pajamas and her own as she went. "We got face to face and kissed like that for a while, and she continued moving up, letting me kiss her perky breasts. I felt that she was wearing no pants, just a long, unbuttoned flannel pajama top. She continued to move up, and pinning my arms down with her legs, put her glistening pussy right in my face. "Once again, instinct or something took over, and I quickly lashed out with my tongue for her clitoris. I licked it with the end of my tongue causing June to moan above me. She quickly came, but I had not had enough of this wonderful new ambrosia. I continued licking and probing with my tongue. I put my tongue as far up her undulating cunt as I could while her juices flowed out onto my face. "Eventually, June could take no more, and collapsed in my arms on the bed. By this time, however, my penis was rock-hard again. Actually, as an eighteen year-old, it was fully erect again only minutes after I had come. She began to reach behind her and up to her pussy swabbing her plentiful juices over to her asshole. "June got on her hands and knees on the bed and I knew instantly what to do. I mounted her from behind and quickly thrust my penis into her tight rectum. She grunted as my cock first thrust in, so I hesitated for a moment, then began my slow thrusts. I knelt erect and held her butt cheeks with my hands and squeezed them firmly as I steadily increased the pace. "With each thrust, June moaned or grunted or sighed. Finally, I felt the waves of orgasm flow through me and into her colon." At this point I noticed a British racing green BMW pull onto the driveway and kick up a cloud of tan dust behind it as it closed the quarter mile or more between the road and the house. Teddy stopped gazing at the cove and acknowledged the car, but didn't really break his stride. "With the last spurt I pulled out of her cornhole, rolled her over and started lapping at her pussy without hesitation, like a hungry dog eating from a bowl. While I was fucking her ass, she'd been moaning, 'Fuck me! Fuck me!' and she started saying it, even yelling a bit, while I was gorging the feast of her cunt. A damn good thing my folks were dead to the world. Damn good thing." The car pulled up and a middle-aged woman, still quite stunning, rolled down the driver's side window. It was certainly an electric window."Hi honey," she said, "I guess I'll just unload these groceries my self." "Sure you can manage?" Teddy replied. "Absolutely! Now you just get on with you interview, then we'll go sailing." I just assumed that she was Mrs. Tighlman. Senators rarely apologize. When they do, they _never_ make that mistake again. "So anyway," Teddy continued as the BMW slowly rolled down the lawn to the dock, "as soon as my cock was hard again, which didn't take too long in those days, June rolled me over and straddled my penis, while licking all of her juices off of my face. "She rode me hard for at least a half an hour maybe as much as an hour. There wasn't much jism left in my sac. It took awhile for everything to percolate. Of course June had unnumbered orgasms, but when I finally came, it was like an anti-climax. June just lowered herself onto me and we fell asleep. "The next morning when I woke up she was gone. There were many stains on the sheets though, so I know that she had really been there. I washed, and went down for breakfast, where my parents were recovering from _their_ night. I was handed a cup of coffee and some toast. Aunt Beth and June came down several minutes later, but during their breakfast, Aunt Beth got a call from some lawyer. Apparently, she had suddenly and unexpectedly inherited a small fortune. June and Aunt Beth left right away, and I barely had time to say anything to June. We did write fairly constantly from then on though. We swore always to be lovers no matter who else we loved. The woman from the BMW had made two trips down the dock carrying four plastic bags, two in each hand, full of groceries down to the ketch. "Would you like another martini?" Teddy asked. I realized that we had both drank them rather quickly. "No thanks. Could I have some iced tea or water instead?" I was trying very hard to keep my professional cool. It was a hot and muggy Eastern Shore summer afternoon. I also noticed that his story was making me rather horny. "Miss Kate," he said, pressing the intercom button on the counter next to him, "might we have another martini for myself and an iced tea for Mr. Czonka here?" To me he said, "Would you like some sugar or lemon in that?" "Both please." "With some sugar and lemon in the tea." He said into the intercom. "June came down for the summer, and we were lovers as usual. I even saw her once that spring and we made love in a bathroom at her house. What you're here about, I presume, is when I went to New York the next winter to see her at her new apartment there. "She'd gotten into an art school up in New York and it was decided that she would show me around the city for a weekend and then we would all return here for Christmas that year. Aunt Beth had already moved here that fall. See, there's her house now across the Tred Avon. "So I went into New York city thinking I knew what to expect. I got out of my cab that had taken me from the subway to her loft. It was about eleven at night on Friday. I climbed the steel stairs and knocked on the door. Sally ... do you know who I'm talking about? I assume you've seen these pictures." I nodded assent. "Sally's the red haired girl. She answered the door and said, 'You must be Teddy, June's cousin. She's not here right now, but she told me to have you in to wait. She'll be back in a half an hour.' Miss Kate arrived and gave me an iced tea and a mischievous grin and gave Teddy his martini and a well-rehearsed pant. "Thank you, Miss Kate." "Thank you." I echoed. "Sally and I exchanged pleasantries until June came home. She showed me her photography equipment and some photos she had done P all of nude models. I recognized June in some of the pictures. "When June got home, she practically dragged me into her bedroom saying, 'Thank God you're here! I haven't had a real dick in my pussy since summer.' "I found myself wondering why she hadn't been able to get laid here in New York city, but I forgot as quickly as she disrobed and fell to her knees in front of me. In the same motion, she closed the door to her bedroom. "She undid the button of my pants with her teeth and likewise unfastened the zipper. She tugged the elastic band of my underpants with her teeth P tugged it aside so that my erection popped out. She pulled my pants and underpants down with her hands, clawing down my buttocks and thighs as she went, while she engulfed my penis whole into her mouth. "She sucked very violently and swallowed my dick without gagging. The last inch of my cock was literally going in and out of her throat as she moved her head back and forth over my dick. I leaned back against the door as I became a bit weak in the knees because of my cousin's furious dick sucking. "I was a little surprised as she reached her left hand around and tickled my anus. She brought that hand back and formed a ring around my penis with it like she had a year before. When her index finger and thumb were quite wet with her saliva, she reached her hand around again to my butt. "My anus was almost sweating with anticipation, as she quickly thrust her finger up my cornhole. She began to work it in and out to the same rhythm that she devoured my dick. I was so delirious, I didn't even notice her inserting her middle finger as well. It wasn't until after I came a few moments later, shooting great wads of jism built up in anticipation directly down her throat, that I noticed the second finger. "'Wow!' was pretty much all I could say, as I finally crumpled to the floor and into my cousin's arms. After I caught my breath I remembered about June saying that she hadn't had any dick since the summer. I asked her about this. "'Well, you see I've been doing Sally and Vicky. You must not have met Vicky yet, she's probably out.' While she was saying this, she was sitting cross legged and undoing her blouse wistfully. 'What do you think of Sally?' she asked me after a pause. "I told June that I thought Sally was a nice enough girl and that her pictures were really well done P especially the pictures of her. I was still somewhat stunned by learning that my cousin was having sex with other women. Even though I was in college at Yale, at the end of 1961 I still had yet to hear the word 'lesbian'. "She sensed my confusion and playfully stroked my limp penis bringing it back to attention. After a moment, she stood up, and held out her hand to me. I took it and she hauled me up. "'Now for some _real_ fun!' she said as she completely doffed her blouse, fully revealing her creamy-fleshed pert tits. She kicked off her shoes and stepped out of her skirt as I finished removing my own clothing. She bent over at the corner of the foot of her bed. I placed my hand on her buttcheek and moved it quickly to her cunt. I found it juiced up and obviously ready for my cock. June seemed to be fastening something to the bed's leg. I moved in and holding her buttcheeks I started to move my penis in lazy circles around her labia. "'You silly!' I remember she said, 'Save that for a little bit and help me tie the rope to the bed legs.' I stopped, did as I was told and looked next to the leg at the head of her bed. Sure enough, there was a piece of cord there. I tied it to the leg using a quick bowline and flopped the end up onto the bed. In a moment there were four strong strings, one at each corner of the bed. "'All right, who's first?' she asked me. I don't remember what I said, but I do remember the grin on my face. Maybe I said 'me first,' because June pushed me backwards onto the bed. Despite her slower performance a moment ago, which was no doubt intended to show off her shapely ass, June could tie knots as fast as I can. In ten seconds, I was tied fast spread-eagled to the bed. "She wasted no time in straddling my face, facing toward my feet. I eagerly opened her cunt lips with my probing tongue and plunged it as deep as I could. June knew what I was doing and put more weight onto my face, plunging my tongue even deeper. She started bucking up and down on my face as her juices ran down my cheek and neck. Her bucking increased in intensity as her moaning increased in volume. "She was panting out things like 'Lick my pussy harder, you worthless piece of meat!' and 'Put your tongue in me, slave!' Her gyrations started to go side to side across my face and a virtual torrent of her pussy juice gushed down my cheeks. My member was begging for attention, but she simply refused to bend down and take it in her mouth. "Instead, her motions reached a fever pitch and she cried out 'O! I'm coming! Suck me harder, slave!' I did as I was told and launched her into orgasm after orgasm. Finally, during one of her many orgasms, she began slapping my cock back and forth. The violence of her blows increased with each successive wave of orgasm. "I could barely lick her quivering gash anymore, but finally I came from the repeated blows to my penis, shooting my jism all over my stomach. "'Did I tell you you could come?' She barked at me. 'No I didn't. Now you must be punished.' "She raised her body to an erect position, and spread her buttcheeks with her hands as she lowered her anus to my face. 'Now my butt wants some attention, slave. This will be your penance for coming when I didn't give you permission.' "I gleefully licked my tongue around the edges of her pleated orifice, producing a wonderful reaction in my cousin. 'Push your tongue in, slave!' she barked as she wiped up some of the cum getting cold on my belly. I can only assume that she licked it off of her hands. "At any rate, I did, once again, as I was told, pushing my tongue into her asshole, attempting to ignore the taste of her shit. I could tell that she was playing with her pussy and clitoris with one hand, as my tongue explored the soft lining of her colon. Her sphincter began to contract and quiver as she neared yet another orgasm. "'Yes, slave! Yes!' she cried out as she rode the plateau of the orgasm she had been building herself up to. When it was over, she collapsed forward and lay over my crotch. My tongue, of course, slid out of her cornhole. Within minutes, she was asleep. I attempted to spit out the flavor of her rectum, but could not. Since I was firmly tied, I could not get up to rinse out my mouth. Eventually, I just joined June in her nap. At this point the sun had gone down, and the poolside lights had come on. Teddy paused for a long moment, looking contemplative. My tape ran out, and I flipped it over. There was some important stuff already on side "A." "I bet you weren't expecting anything like this?" "Frankly, no." I replied, "Actually, I guess I want to tell you that I don't see any reason why this should affect your career. Americans are too hung up on sex, I figure. In France, what a man does outside his political career is exactly that: outside. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it." "I appreciate your vote of confidence. Well, I think things will work out for me. I wouldn't worry." "Actually, I was rather enjoying your story. That is, if you don't mind..." "Certainly. Maybe some people _will_ enjoy this. Do you think the _Post_ will print it?" I didn't have the heart to tell him 'no way!' It seemed to me that the idea of getting the whole readership of the _Post_ all hot and bothered was the point of this whole interview for Teddy. It seemed like the thought of it was arousing him almost as much as recalling some of his more mischievous sexual experiences. "Well, we might cut it a little bit." "Good, as long as it sees the light of day. I guess I'll go on." "By all means." I was really feeling bad about doing this story now. "I was awakened early the next morning, June still lying on me, her pussy and asshole right in my face, by a hearty slapping sound. I looked up, and saw a woman with long straight black hair wearing a leather teddy. I looked at June's buttcheek and I could see the red impression of her hand quickly forming there. "'Wake up, slaves!' This could only be Vicky. Actually I recognized her from Sally's nude photographs. June jumped up and stood up straight in front of Vicky. Vicky placed her hand in June's crotch and felt around. "'Seems like this boy satisfied your slutty little pussy last night!' I was already struck with Vicky's commanding and insulting voice. 'Untie him slave.' "I was grateful for this, as the circulation to my hands and feet was thoroughly gone. As soon as June untied my hands and feet, I sat up with my legs off the bed, rubbing my wrists and ankles. "Vicky came over to me and said, 'Has mean old June been treating you rough?' She ran her fingers through my hair. 'Well, we'll just have to do something to make up for it!' "'Slut!' she barked, addressing June, 'Lay on your back with your head at the foot of the bed.' June quickly complied. Vicky stood at the foot of the bed, her pussy just inches from my cousin's mouth, and slowly entered into a sixty-nine with her. 'Now fuck me from behind, Teddy!' Vicky ordered after licking June's pussy for a moment. "I figured that June must have told her roommates all about me. I got myself into position between Vicky's long, dark-complexioned legs, and held her buttocks. "June began sucking my penis, instead of Vicky's clitoris, but I pulled out of her mouth and entered Vicky's cunt, knowing that she would be mad if June did not continue the oral ministrations to her clit. Vicky gasped as I entered her, and her head bucked up from June's crotch where she had been licking away furiously. She quickly resumed her work on June, as I began to slowly thrust my cock to the hilt, and remove it to the glans, allowing June to lick my shaft. June's tongue was going like wildfire on my dick and Vicky's clitoris. "I decided to let June manage Vicky's pussy, so I pulled out. I readjusted my position, and using my hand, transferred some of the copious flow from Vicky's gash and June's mouth to Vicky's asshole. I thrust my dick into her cornhole very quickly, causing Vicky to squeal, and immediately set up a furious rhythm as I fucked Vicky's ass. I was sucked so completely dry in the wee hours of that morning, tied to the bed, that I knew I would last quite some time. "In a few moments, Vicky was reaching orgasm after orgasm. Her body flailed wildly back and forth as June and I stepped up the pace on her cunt and asshole. As Vicky's wave of orgasm subsided, I pulled my dick out of her sphincter and lowered it down to June's waiting mouth. I could hear Vicky gasping and feel her body convulse with each breath. June quickly accepted the full length of my rod, covered with Vicky's grease. As Vicky regained her breath, she began putting her lips and tongue to use on June's, no doubt, twitching pussy, speedily pushing her off the cliff of orgasm. My cousin's tongue working around my shaft, actually _trying_ to lick Vicky's taste off my dick, began to bring on my own orgasm. "As I started shooting gobs down June's throat, she reached her own orgasm, swallowing my cock deeper than she ever had before. My jism was being pumped almost directly into her stomach. "In the moments after June and I came we both seemed frozen, my dick literally crammed into her mouth. Vicky was the only thing in the room that seemed to be moving as she slowed the pace of her furious tongue-lashing. "When I finally pulled out of June's throat, Vicky knelt up and rolled off the bed saying the most astonishing thing: 'Looks like were going to have a fun weekend.' "With this, she left the room, still wearing her leather teddy. June and I cuddled for a half an hour or so, gently stoking each other's bodies and calmly kissing. Eventually, June said that she was hungry. She just got up and walked out of the room. I followed her, figuring, 'What the hell?' "Sure enough, out in the main room of the loft, next to the stove, was Vicky cooking some eggs. She had obviously taken a shower and reapplied her makeup. She was, however, completely naked. There was also a table, with four place settings and glasses of orange juice. June and I sat, completely naked, at the breakfast table. "'So,' Vicky said to me, 'you like fucking girls up the ass?' "She put one of the eggs on a plate and gave it to me. "'Can you take your own medicine?' "I almost spit out the orange juice I was drinking. I sure did like fucking girls up the ass, but the idea of getting fucked up the ass myself, why, it had just never occurred to me. "Anyway, Vicky gave me this look, like she knew that she could control me, and then put her and Sally's eggs on the table. She yelled out to Sally to tell her that breakfast was on. Sally came out of the shower and dried off and sat down. I almost couldn't eat breakfast, sitting there with three naked women, one of which was my beloved cousin. I just had to keep telling myself, 'Eat! You'll need the strength!' "We ate and June and I went shopping. We bought gifts for our relatives, and were back at the loft by six. When we returned, Vicky was on all fours on the floor, with Sally eating out her pussy, also on all fours behind her. Vicky stood up, leaving Sally on her hands and knees, groping for Vicky's dark haired bush. She slapped Sally's ass smartly and Sally crawled off to her room. "June and I dropped our packages next to the door and quickly disrobed. I was already quite obviously excited and I'm sure that June's pussy must have been wettening as we stood there in anticipation. Vicky finally broke it with one of her hastily barked orders. "'Suck his dick like you did last night!' I wondered briefly if she had been watching us. She had. I asked about it later. "Anyway, June went down on my member as hungrily as she had the night before. Before long, she was taking it into her throat. As I leaned against the door, I heard the distinct 'click' of a camera shutter. Sally had returned from her room with a 35 millimeter camera. She began snapping off several shots per minute as I relaxed and enjoyed my cousin's furious blowjob. "As my penis plunged repeatedly into June's mouth, Vicky walked up and stroked my face with her hand. I licked her fingers submissively just before she grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced my head down. This momentarily disrupted the heavenly blowjob I was getting, but not for long, because Vicky guided my head to June's crotch. "There, right in front of the door, June and I were engaged in a fast paced sixty nine with me on top. As I began eating her pussy out like a starved man eating pie, June once again swallowed my penis to the hilt. She just kept her mouth open while my bucking hips did the rest. I was fucking her throat the way you fuck a vagina. Sally's camera continued clicking from all around us as the red haired girl explored every camera angle. "I noticed that Vicky had left, though I no longer cared about anything but humping June's mouth and lashing her pussy with my tongue. June's hips were bucking as hard as mine, and she was obviously lost in the throes of rolling orgasms. When June's quaking slowed to a more normal rate, I pulled out of her throat, thinking that my unusual problem with oral sex might be more than she could handle using such an extreme method. "She would have none of this. She latched her arms around my buttocks and took my dick into her throat once again, this time using her arms to guide my pelvic thrusts into her esophagus. I was nearing my own orgasm and began to neglect June's sopping gash. I did however insert two fingers in her anus and began moving them about. Sally moved down between June's legs so that her camera could record my fingers' probings. "Finally as I was about to cum, I pulled out of June's mouth again. She lashed the end of my dick with her tongue, which was all it took. I shot my load all over June's face, and pulled my fingers out of her asshole. I heard one more click from Sally's camera behind me, then slurping and kissing sounds. "I was collapsed on June and wasn't planning on moving for a bit. Vicky returned from her room, bearing some sort of dildo. I didn't get a very good look at it. Sally moved up from June's face to my rectum, apparently finished lapping up all my jism there. Vicky went behind me as Sally's tongue tentatively probed the outside of my nether eye. "I could feel June gasping for breath beneath me as Sally's tongue pushed into my anus. I knew I hadn't wiped very well when I had gone to the bathroom at some department store while shopping, yet Sally was soon probing and licking the inside of my colon with wild abandon. June, obviously regaining her breath, touched her tongue to my scrotum, causing it to tighten along with my sphincter around Sally's tongue. I took this as a signal to get up on all fours to let June out. "Sally's tongue didn't stop the whole time I was getting on my hands and knees. As soon as I was in position, Vicky knelt beside my face and licked around my ear. She was holding the camera and I was shivering from the delicate touch of her tongue to my ear canal. She whispered, 'Time to see if you can take what you so love to dish out.' "At this, my sphincter tightened again in surprise, but this time Sally's tongue was gone. I soon felt her hands working my back, and the cold, dull feeling of a dildo being nudged between my ass cheeks. She gave a sharp thrust and it slid into my anus. I attempted to hold back a grunt as the dildo filled me up. It was certainly far larger than the average penis. Thankfully, it seemed to be lubricated with more than just Sally's saliva. "As Sally began pumping my asshole, and Vicky began shooting off pictures, I reached back to Sally's thighs and felt the straps there holding the dildo in place. The dull fleshy slapping sounds that her thighs and my buttcheeks made got progressively louder as she stepped up the pace to an almost maniacal driving. Sally began emitting little squeals as she combined the strength of her arms and pelvis to pound my cornhole. As for myself, I could not help but grunt with each thrust. Sally reached her hand around to my penis, now quite hard again, and gave it many hard flicks with her index finger. She ceased this a moment later to dig her fingernails into my back and buttocks as she reached an orgasm. "By this time I was no longer thinking at all, just doing or in this case, being done. As she pulled the dildo out of my ass, I felt strangely satisfied, yet continued in my zombie-like state to seek sexual gratification, and to give it to others. I got up on my knees and turned around to see Sally there, still kneeling erect, her dildo jutting out unnaturally from her hips. "I turned around, and still kneeling, began kissing Sally. Her dildo prodded my own prodding equipment as I pulled her close to me and began kneading her breasts. I lowered my head to her nipples and bit them sharply in turn, driving her absolutely wild. I was so far gone, I had no idea what June and Vicky were up to. I just continued moving my head down until I was on hands and knees again, this time staring at Sally's shit covered strap-on. Without any thought, only desire, I took the dildo into my mouth and began sucking on it. I made sure to wiggle it a good deal, figuring that's how the dildo stimulated her. It seemed to work. "Just as my manipulation of the dildo with my mouth seemed to be bringing Sally to yet another orgasms, I felt two fingers enter my flaccid sphincter and another hand encircle my penis. Both hands began stroking and wiggling. Sally came, screaming, 'Suck my dick! Suck my dick harder!' "When her orgasm receded like a wave on the beach, I turned around to see June plugging up my shit- hole and rubbing my throbbing dick. I turned around, forcing her to abandon her probing and rubbing, but began sucking her nipples and kissing her about the face. She did much the same, and we groped for each other's genitalia. Soon I was rubbing her clitoris between my thumb and forefinger and she was tickling my shaft with her nails. I was still so swept up in my hormones that I had no idea what was going on other than this. I never noticed Sally and Vicky trading the strap-on for the camera. "Vicky came up behind June, and hoisted her up to her feet by her shoulders. I licked at her pussy, which was so nicely presented to me, long enough to see Vicky slide the strap-on up my cousin's ass. June exhaled everything in her lungs at that, and grabbing my hair, thrust my head into her pussy even farther. As Vicky began pumping, I could feel the massive dildo working its way in and out of June's asshole. "I began nibbling June's clitoris, driving her completely up the wall. She had let go of my hair, and had begun kneading her own nipples. I stood when this orgasm receded, and worked my penis into her absolutely gushing pussy. By this time my dick was so hard it could have been a railroad spike. "As I worked my penis in and out of my cousin's pussy, I was constantly coming up against the huge dildo wielded by Vicky. Vicky and I set up the same rhythm so that we were both going in at the same time. It seemed like June orgasmed each and every time we pushed our way into her. She was no longer fondling her breasts; just holding onto me for support, drooling, and moaning very loudly with each orgasm. "I shot my load into June's pussy and attempted to disengage myself from her grasp. This involved putting her down on her hands and knees. Vicky was still doing her up the ass, and she was still a quivering mound of orgasmic flesh. Her elbows gave out quickly and she was on her knees and face. Sally took a pause from taking pictures to lick the last dribble of cum and the pussy juices off my penis. "Vicky pulled out of June's ass and started to insert the dildo into her begging pussy, but not before Sally could pry herself away from my flaccid penis and capture the moment on film. Vicky continued to do my cousin doggie-style, until June couldn't come anymore. Finally Vicky herself came and she dismounted June, who fell to the floor panting and gasping for breath. "I sat on the sofa while my dick regained its erection, watching June just lying there and quivering. Sally put down the camera and sat next to me on the sofa. Vicky knelt in front of her and parted her legs. Sally leaned back to give Vicky the best view possible. She examined Sally's pussy the way one would examine the mouth of a horse before buying it, then plunged her face into Sally's furry mound. "I stood up and got the camera. After a moment or two I figured it out and began happily snapping photos of Vicky's pussy feast. I also snapped one of June, who was still recovering from her experience. "Sally began writhing with pleasure as Vicky's tongue lashed her clitoris and pushed up into her vagina. She grabbed Vicky's hair and began thrusting her head into her pussy in time with her own uncontrollable pelvic motions. This went on for some time as Sally experienced at least two orgasms, yet the dark complexioned Vicky showed no signs of stopping. My hard-on had returned, and I decided to put it to good use. I put the camera down and knelt behind Vicky, caressing her olive-skinned buttocks for a moment before plunging my meat deep inside her greedy pussy. "Sally rolled over on the couch, giving Vicky prime access to her asshole. Vicky began lapping her anus as furiously with her tongue as she had fucked June up the ass just awhile ago. My thrusts into her pussy just made her tongue explore more and more of Sally's rectum. Sally started bucking up and down on her own hand as Vicky's tongue plowed her twitching anus. This went on for at least a half an hour. I saw the clock on the wall at some point and regained my sense of time, so long ago fucked out of me. "During this time, June got up and shot the last few pictures on the roll. She went into Sally's room to reload the camera. She returned instead with a riding crop which she immediately applied to my buttocks and then Vicky's back and Sally's buttocks in turn. She kept on whacking us with the crop until our butts and backs were on fire. Vicky seemed to totally get off on this. She must have had five orgasms in the ten minutes before I shot my long anticipated load right into her uterus. "We all collapsed together at the foot of the sofa. June put the crop down and started taking pictures again as we explored every conceivable inch of each others bodies until we all fell asleep. "We continued on in this vein all night. June and I had to leave on an afternoon train on Sunday. We could barely sit our bottoms were so sore, what with all the spankings, ass pluggings, and fucking we'd done that weekend. From that day on, June and I have been lovers. "Please don't drag Vicky and Sally into this. They've got nothing to do with my senatorial career and have already been told that you guys know all about it. They won't tell you a thing." I looked around realizing how much time had gone by. It was now completely dark out and a big moon hung low in the summer sky. I looked at my tape recorder. Most of the second side was recorded. I also realized that I had not even asked a single question related to the scandal. It wasn't much of a scandal anymore, either. I mean, how can you have a scandal when the person being scandalized freely admits to everything you'd pinned on him and then some? Perhaps Teddy was a bit smarter than me or anyone else [who all generally thought him rather stupid in a Dan Quayle-like way] had ever realized. He might have defused this entire situation before it even hit the headlines. Also, I noticed how horny I was. Teddy, too seemed to be rather horny from having to recount this juicy story. "Well, unless there's anything else specific that you want to know ..." "Not really, I think you've covered all the bases. Thank you very much." "No, thank you for coming all the way down here to Talbot County." For this story I wouldn't have missed it for all the world. "You're welcome. I must say, professionalism aside, you know I hate your guts that way, but I hope this all works out for you. It seems to me like you really loved your cousin. You can have my word that, aside from delivering this interview, I will help to stop my paper at least from harassing your cousin and her old roommates." "Thank you. You're a man with real feelings. That's a rare thing in the newspaper business." I didn't know about that last statement, but we shook hands over the table. "Do you think I could use a bathroom before I go?" I asked. "Certainly. In the sliding glass doors and to the left, first door on the right." He turned and walked toward the dock. It was definitely a wonderful night for night sailing. A cool breeze had picked up once the sun went down. I walked up to the house, feeling somewhat like Lot, afraid to look back. I slid open the door and slid it closed behind me as I entered the air conditioned mansion. Miss Kate was here on her hands and knees, wiping up something that had spilled. Her ass was pointing toward me [I vowed not to get into this] and I noticed then that she was _not_ wearing any underwear. She falsely appeared startled as I entered. "I'm just looking for the bathroom, ma'am." "Oh, how did the interview go?" "It went well." She stood up and started walking toward me. "Mr. Tighlman asked that I see to it you get anything you want before you leave. Are you hungry or thirsty?" "No, I just need to use the bathroom." I really did need to use the bathroom, mostly to pee. "Are you _sure_ you're not hungry?" She said with a cattish voice as she grabbed the end of my tie. "Well ..." That was all I was able to get out [well... one vow down the tubes at least] before our lips came together. I parted them with my tongue and began to explore the inside of her mouth. "Do you have the pictures with you?" She asked, breaking our kiss. "One." "Can I see it?" "Sure." I knew it was wrong, [wouldn't you though?] but I fished the picture out of my briefcase. It was, I knew now, a picture of Teddy getting it up the ass for the first time ever. I handed it to Kate. "Wow! Mom sure knew how to fuck men. Almost wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it." Mom? My jaw dropped. This was the infamous photography student's daughter? If Teddy had been doing her, [I couldn't blame him though] he was really twisted. "'Course she hates men now you know." "No, I didn't." "Yeah, she got married in '68 and had me in '69. She divorced my stinkin' dad in 1970 after he raped her best friend. Well, I guess you know about Vicky too." "Yeah." "Vicky and mom live together now. Please don't bother them. They've been through enough." "I already swore to Teddy, er, Mr. Tighlman not to." I intended to keep this promise [at least]. At this point I looked out the sliding glass window. The _Mary_Elizabeth_III_ was slowly coasting out of the cove by the light of the moon. I had a gut feeling that Teddy wasn't coming back. This turned out true. I wondered who the house was going to. I looked at Kate. "Who was that on the boat? Mrs. Tighlman?" "No, silly, that was June!" She flapped my tie around wistfully. Of course. How could I have been so stupid. I kissed Kate again, and felt up her blouse. She wasn't wearing a bra either, just the maid's skirt and blouse. I leaned her back against the pool table. As I massaged Kate's left breast, she disengaged the kiss. "I thought that you needed to use the bathroom?" "Not anymore." It's always a bitch peeing with a hard-on. I plopped my briefcase [which for some stupid reason I was still holding with my left hand] up onto the pool table, freeing my other hand to give to Kate. Kate already had my belt unbuckled and my fly undone. Her hand was reaching into my underpants, to free my engorged member from its elastic restraints. I stopped long enough to open my briefcase and pull out a rubber. I always keep them there, as I am seldom without my briefcase. Teddy's stories aside, this was the '90's. _I_ was using a condom. Kate seem pleased, both to know that I had protection and to know that I intended put it to use. She snatched it out of my fingers and opened it. "Let me!" Kate unrolled the rubber onto my penis, which was bobbing up and down with my heartbeat. As soon as it was on, she resumed her position on the edge of the pool table. I nudged up between her legs and thrust my ensheathed prick into her well-lubricated snatch. As I began pumping her eager pussy, I also began unbuttoning her blouse with my teeth. This was trick I'd learned several years ago and found quite useful since. When her breasts were revealed, I sucked them gently as Kate arched her back, so that her head was touching the velvet of the table. She began to exclaim "O! O!" with each thrust I made into her pulsating vagina. The "O!"s got louder as she obviously neared her orgasm. Our pace had increased to a frantic rhythm and I had abandoned sucking Kate's nipples after giving each one a little nip. I concentrated on nothing but our fucking until we both came at the same time. At this moment, [why does it always happen this way?] I realized that I _was_ on deadline. I went to the bathroom to remove the condom and take care of my original business. When I got back, I told Kate, who was sitting in a chair in the rec room, about my deadline. We exchanged phone numbers. I went back to D.C. I finished the article. It wasn't all that big a deal. Like I said, it's hard to have a scandal when the scandalized admits to everything you've accused him of and more. I've been spending a lot of time in Talbot County since this summer. Those Bay Bridge tolls and gas have been eating up my meager salary. Teddy never did come back. He and June were spotted in South Carolina at a dock on the ICW. Can't say I blame him at all. Kate owns the mansion now. She wants me to move in. --