Archive-name: Fantasy/turnbout.txt Archive-author: Alexx Kay Archive-title: Turnabout We came together. It was a magical moment. I know you've heard that before, but this *was* a brief experience of Heaven on Earth. As I stared into her eyes our souls opened up, and for one shining moment that lasted for Eternity, we were one soul in two bodies. A moment or an aeon later, we fell apart, lying back and basking in the afterglow. I absently reached up to scratch an itch in my right nipple. Something was wrong. Still fuzzy-minded from the incredible orgasm, it took some thinking to identify what it was. My chest hair had vanished. For that matter, my breast seemed a great deal - fuller - than usual. As I started to worry, I opened my eyes and awoke fully. I was staring at a funhouse reflection of myself. The beard, the hair, the *body* were all mine, but I *knew* that pleased, "cat who ate the canary" smile. I was more used to seeing it on a different face, and when I turned to look in the mirror on the closet door, I saw that face staring back at me in disbelief. I looked down at the body I was now in, with its full breasts and smooth, curving lines. It was true; somehow in that moment of transcendental orgasm, our souls *had* joined, but when they separated, they ended up in the *wrong* bodies! "Um, Ann...," I said, in a strange voice, much higher than my own. Her eyes snapped open, she looked at me and shrieked in shock and surprise. It took me several minutes to calm her down and explain what I felt must have happened. It also took some time to adjust to the sounds of our voices. Your own voice never sounds the same to you as it does to others, because of the bone conduction from throat to ear; now each of us had two different voices to adjust to, our original one without that comforting timbre, and the new one, now strange and echoing. "Look on the bright side, Ann," I said, "You're always complaining that I don't understand you well enough. Think of this as a golden opportunity to get to know each other better!" "Hah! And what are we going to do on Monday? *I* don't know beans about computers, and *you* couldn't find your way around a library without a map. We've *got* to get our own bodies back." "Wellll... Perhaps if we tried to duplicate the original conditions, but in reverse..." This wasn't just a random thought, for this body I was in was still horny. I could feel the damp, *hot* wetness inside of me, and I marvelled at it. I knew that my old body would still be recuperating from our last bout, and that, left to itself, it wouldn't be ready again for half an hour or so. But then, I didn't plan to leave it to itself. I leaned over and kissed Ann on the back of the neck, biting gently, while my hand reached up and lightly tweaked her left nipple. She gasped in surprised pleasure. I was pleased, but not surprised; after all, didn't I know that body's desires better than anyone? I was sure I could have her ready to go again in a matter of minutes. This strange yet erotic situation had me so arouseed that I could literally feel the juices starting to run down my legs... "Wh-what are you doing?" she asked, in a voice far more husky than normal. "Showing you how this body feels." I replied. Suiting actions to words, I lowered my mouth to her small, hairy nipple and sucked it into my mouth, while my hands traveled through her forest of chest hair down to her crotch. As I expected, her cock was already beginning to harden, and I helped it along by stroking it up and down, and tickling the balls beneath. "Oh! Ohhhhh! That feels so weird! But good! Oh god! I'm getting so *hard*," she cried. I could smell her masculinity, and it overpowered me. Clearly, the lower brain functions had remained with the proper bodies, for the smell was making me *incredibly* horny. I couldn't resist. I bent my head down, and took her cock into my mouth. She kept moaning, her voice higher than it had been, but still much deeper than I was used to. I licked up and down and around, paying special attention to the most sensitive spots, since, after all, I knew *exactly* where they were :-) I lifted my head off for a moment, then licked slowly down her length. My tongue snaked out and eased her balls into my mouth, as I continued stroking her length with my hand. I was rewarded with yet more moaning. I wanted her cum. I wanted it so badly I could taste it, or at least, the first warning drops of her pre-cum :-) I took the head of her cock back into my mouth, and lowered my throat down her length, beginning a steady sucking motion. With my left hand, I played with her balls, while my right reached down to tease that sensitive rosebud of her anus. Her hips bucked, nearly knocking me off, until I adjusted to the rythm; her cock sliding deep into my throat with each thrust. I sucked, hard, and her cock throbbed, releasing spurts of thick creamy sperm into my mouth. I milked her cock through the rest of her orgasm, licking the cum off of the tip, stretching out the pleasure as long as possible. After a few moments, her eyes uncrossed, she turned to me and said "Oh *god*, I want to fuck you!" She dived down and kissed me on the lips. It was strange to feel her beard scratching against me, but I reveled in the new sensations. She stroked my breast, and I could *feel* the nerve impulses from there go straight to my pussy. I was hotter than ever, and I *did* want to be fucked. However, my former body, even as well rested as it had been at the start of this unusual evening, was going to need some time to recover. Ann was staring down at her shrivelled cock in puzzlement. "I want you so *bad*. Why isn't it getting hard again?" "Give it a little time. It'll get there," I said. After a moments thought, I added, "Um, you know... When I was trying to get it up again when I was in that body, I, um, it really turned me on to go down on you..." She looked at me with an examining stare, an unreadable expression. Then, with a brief smile as the only warning, she leapt for my crotch, and dove in with her tongue. I cried out, in unexpected delight "Ohhhh *yes*!" I could feel her beard scratching my thighs, but it felt good. In fact, she ran her nails lightly up and down my legs while she licked, creating a wonderful counterpoint sensation. Her tongue moved up and down my labia, around and between them. Every so often, her nose would brush against my clitoris, my body shaking in response. She spread my lips with her fingers and leaned forward, thrusting her tongue deep inside of me. I shuddered and moaned my appreciation. After some time of this, she moved her tongue upwards, and began circling my clitoris, just around the edges, never quite touching it. Then, just as the teasing was about to be unbearable (for she knew this body's responses intimately), she took it between her lips and sucked hard, while laving it with her tongue. My hips bucked as she thrust two fingers deep inside of me, moving them back and up to hit my G spot. I cried out in ecstasy, and came, wetting her face and beard with my copious fluids. "Well, whattaya know," she said, looking down at her once-again hard cock, "it works :-)" She pulled herself up the length of my body, and I grabbed her powerful shoulders, bringing her face down to mine for a kiss. Now her beard was not only scratchy, but damp, and I burst out giggling for a moment. "I want you inside of me," I moaned. I reached down, and felt her hardness, poking against my thigh. I took it in my hand, and brought it to my nether lips. I raised my hips and took her within me. She entered slowly, and then we stopped for a bit, each marvelling at the new sensations involved. I had a feeling of fullness, of completeness, that I had never felt before, while I knew that she must likewise be impressed at the tight wet heat she was now immersed in. I squeezed my muscles, and was rewarded by a gasp from above. Ann looked down at me, love and lust commingled in her eyes, and began a slow, even in-out motion. My hands moved over her muscular back, and stroked. She leaned in for another kiss, stepping up the tempo ever so slightly. Then she leaned down and gave a kiss, then a gentle bite to the neck, something which I liked well enough in my own body, but which this body liked well enough to send it into a shattering orgasm. We fucked for hours, it seemed. With two recent orgasms, it would be a while before her male body could work up a third. But, oh!, what a trip :-) I shuddered through two more orgasms, marvelling at the never-ending abilities of women. At last, Ann began to speed up, pounding into me, fast and hard. I encouraged her, meeting her hip thrusts with my own, and squeezing my pussy muscles on the downstroke. I squeezed her with pussy, arms and lips, and we were c o m i n g NOW!!!!! It was like a burst of white light, filling me, and suffusing my(?) body and soul with pleasure. I felt at one with Ann in a way I had never thought possible. At last the light faded. I was lying in bed with my eyes closed from weariness. I kept them closed, savoring the delicious feeling of not knowing what I would see when I opened them..... THE END, for now. --