Archive-name: Fantasy/vampbond.txt Archive-author: Taffina's Archive-title: Vampire Bondage Here's a short "gothic" story for fans of vampires and bondage, inspired by my SO's penchant for candles and Mozart's Requiem, and especially since we recently attended a QSM class on bondage and fantasy role playing. Taff ======================================================================= On an antique four poster bed slept a woman, clad in a pale, sheer nightgown, her long red hair spilling over her shoulders onto the pillows around her. She unconsciously eased the coverings off her long legs, restlessly seeking relief from the heat of the summer night. A soft breeze lifted the bedroom curtains, the window open to the refreshing evening air. And with the breeze, a dark shadow spilled into the room from the window, slowly coalescing into the form of a strikingly handsome man. His long, black hair tumbled down his shoulders and hid his fiery eyes. A heavy black cloak hung from his shoulders, the warmth it provided an apparent necessity for him, even in the summer. Beneath the cloak, the moonlight gleamed off the chrome hardware he wore on his impeccably tailored leather evening wear. His movements were barely perceptable as he glided towards the dresser and lit the three candles there. Of course, his reflection did not appear in the dresser mirror, and the candle light seemed to flow through him, so that he cast no shadows on the sleeping woman. He silently removed the ankle and wrist cuffs that were attached to his belt, and the brass chain around his waist. Surely only a vampire could install the chains and cuffs on the bed without waking its occupant. When he had completed the task, he paused a moment to admire his sleeping victim in her final moments of peaceful sleep. Her full lips seemed to pout at him and he smiled to himself, thinking she'd have plenty to pout about soon enough. He pounced upon the bed, pinning her arms above her head and waking her with a shock. Her eyes flew open, and she saw him above her. His pale, porcelain skin, the bloodfire in his panther-like eyes, his perfect, narrow nose, square jaw line, and sharply contrasting red lips and black hair. She opened her mouth to scream. "You will make no noise," he told her in a soft voice, a voice he knew she could not disobey. "At last you are mine," he said, and all thoughts of panic oddly fled as she realized that, indeed, she was his. She looked into his inhuman eyes and dreamily concurred "I am now yours." He took her wrists and put them in the cuffs, her arms held crossed over her head. Then he took her ankles, spreading her legs wide as he attached the ankle cuffs to them. Her nipples, now erect, strained against the nightgown for attention. He smiled, revealing his enlarged canine teeth, as he bent down, brushing her hair aside and delicately kissing her on the neck. "I have wanted you for so long now, and you made me wait, never leaving me a way in, keeping yourself protected. Well, now you shall be punished for this impertenance," he said, unclipping a pair of chrome nipple clips from his jacket. With a fingernail, he casually sliced open the front of her nightgown to provide the access to her body that he desired. He cupped one of her breasts in his hands and gently sucked on the nipple. She moaned softly, her own body betraying her arousal. She gasped as he then attached the shining clip to her nipple and moved his attentions to her other breast, repeating the same process. The clips, similar to clothespins, pulled her nipples as the hung to her sides. He shrugged off his cloak, warmed by her closeness, and caressed her body, alternating between touching her with his soft fingertips and sharp nails. As if he had all eternity, he slowly nibbled on her arms and thighs, pinching her and nipping her occasionally and delighting in her moans and squeals. She shrieked as he removed the clip from one of her nipples and closed his mouth around it. His heightened senses felt the rush of blood back into the nipple and he shivered as he felt the heat of it. He brushed his teeth against the engorged point of her nipple, savoring her shudder, imagining his inevitable nursing at her bloody breasts. He replaced the clip on her nipple and moved to the other one, removing the clip to another scream. His teeth now played more boldly with her, yet he did not bite her, not yet. Not yet, he thought, enjoying the dizziness produced by the delictable combination of body and blood lust that she inspired in him. His leather clothes seemed to melt off him, revealing his slim, pale body. He pressed himself against her and the coolness of him struck her as strange. He put his arms under her head and pulled himself closer to her, smelling her rose scented hair, kissing her in quick teases of his lips, then softly opening his mouth to her. Her tongue eagerly sought his as she welcomed him closer to her, now wanting relief from his teasing. She found herself craving him, desperately wanting to feel his strong body possessing her. Yet he did not indulge her, preferring still to tease her. He spent what seemed like hours licking, sucking, nibbling, and biting her neck. Her squirms got more insistent as her arousal heightened, and she tried to press her body against his. With incredible patience he moved to the other side of her neck and continued. She wimpered with each lick and bite, her now over-sensitized body jumping and quivering with the sensations. "Since you have behaved well, I will reward you," he said, and leaned over to place one of his nipples on her lips. She hungrily took him into her mouth, focusing all her attention on sucking his nipple, in an attempt to escape the senstaions in her own body. He moved his hands to gently, ever so slightly, caress her clit. The warm wetness between her legs increased as he flitted his fingertips on her clit, occasionally putting a finger inside of her and feeling the flesh of her surround him. Her teeth aroused him further, and he ached to be inside of her. Her moans grew louder as his desire increased. They seemed locked in a fiery feedback loop, the arousal of the one feeding the other. Abruptly he pulled back from her, struggling to maintain control over his raging, hot desire. He positioned himself to enter her, and as he took her, he removed one nipple clip and then the other. Her eyes grew wide as the pain in her nipples combined with the thrill of him inside her and she longed to throw her arms around him and pull him closer to her. Slowly, extremely slowly, excruciatingly slowly he moved in and out of her. Her ragged, warm breath filled his ears as he luxuriated in the hot fire she had set raging in him. He whispered in her ears "you are mine, now, and forever," and he bent down to her breasts again. Her body jumped at the deep bite and the blood tricked from her nipple onto his eager lips. The taste of her blood brought him to the very edge of orgasm, as the pain brought her there, too. They screamed together as he bit her neck, both of them orgasming, and wave after wave of pain, fire, blood, pleasure, and exquisite ecstasy washed over them as he held her. She awoke the next morning, unable to shake the vivid dream from her head. On her dresser was one white rose. She got up to touch it, not believing that it could be real. Then she noticed her torn night gown and the bruises on her neck and nipples and promptly fainted. --