Archive-name: Fantasy/witchtre.txt Archive-author: Ariel Witch Archive-title: The Witching Tree Deep in the Golden Forest, hidden from the eyes of those unfamiliar with the woods, near the edge of the clearing known as the Fairie Ring, stood a massive, gnarled Oak tree, its widely spread branches shading the entire glade, its twisted roots making the ground surrounding it almost unwalkable. The many birds of the forest chose to nest nearby in the delicate Ruby Trees or the graceful Willows, forsaking the leafy arms of the Oak for the beauty of the other trees. Seated in a circle in the clearing, the Fairie children listened as Queen Mab told them the oft-repeated story of how the mighty Oak came into being... "Many, many years ago, a brash young woodsman angered the Witch of the Woods, Leira, by destroying some of her oldest and most treasured trees," she told them. "And the Witch cast a powerful spell, thereby turning the woodsman into an ugly old O ak tree. She pointed to where the Oak stood, taller than the surrounding foliage, its trunk twisted, knotty and somehow, menacing. "There it stands, to this day, a reminder of the Witch's anger and vengeance. See how all the birds shun its branches? See how no grass nor flowers grown around its twisted roots? Its anger at being immobile can be felt in the very vibrations of the air around it." As she spoke, the branches of the Oak, heavy with masses of leaves, seemed to quiver in frustration. Wide-eyed, the Fairie children moved closer together, shivering. With a gay laugh, the Witch of the Woods came into the clearing, her arms wide. "Ariel! Ariel!" the children cried, running to the Witch and hugging at her legs. "Children! You'll make me fall!" she laughed, patting heads and chucking chins. "And you, Mab," she teasingly scolded, "Are still passing on that story woven by my Great-Grandmother." The Fairie Queen smiled, bent towards the Witch and whispered, " 'Tis a grand tale and keeps the wee ones in line, else I'd be chasing them hither and you through these woods." "I've always wondered why the forest creatures shun the Oak, " Ariel remarked. " 'Tis not an ugly tree. Surely its thick branches are sturdier and offer better protection from the weather than those of the Willow or the Ruby Tree." "Next to the other trees, the Oak IS ugly. Beasts are no different from humans in preferring beauty to utility." Mab clapped her hands together. "All right, children, time to gather mushrooms! Follow me and let's try and stay together, shall we? " She winked at Ariel, and with the children forming a scraggly line behind her, marched off into the surrounding forest. Ariel stood alone in the clearing, gazing at the Oak. "I don't believe that story for one moment," she said aloud, though she often wondered why there was only one Oak in the entire forest. Impulsively she went to the tree and encircled the huge trunk with her slender arms, pressing her cheek against the rough bark. She looked up, unable to see even the faintest glimpse of sunlight through the thick, leafy branches. She placed a gentle kiss against the wood, then turned and made her way bac k the way she had come. The weather was unseasonably warm for Fall and the Witch took advantage of it to swim daily in the Grassy Pond.The deep green lake grasses on the bottom tickled her feet and ankles as she swam. Several otters joined her in play and Ariel laughed at their frolicking. She became so absorbed in their antics that she did not notice the darkening sky until a bright bolt of lightning streaked across the black clouds. She scrambled from the water, hirriedly donning her gown. Too far from her cottage to attempt to seek shelter there, she made her way towards the Oak, but not before the raging thunderstorm broke with full force. Another lightning bolt split the heavens and Ariel shuddered, clutching the thick trunk of the Oak. Her eyes clenched tightly shut, she did not see the huge branches of the tree come down to gently encircle her trembling body, sheltering her completely from the vicious elements. As quickly as it had begun, the storm ended. The air assumed the wet promise of Springtime. Ariel slowly opened her eyes. The sun was shining once again and she felt its warmth upon her shoulders. She looked up into a clear azure sky. Wait! She HAD been underneath the branches of the Oak! She looked about in confusion. There were the Ruby Trees....there, the Willows....where was the Oak? As she looked about the clearing, she felt a gentle hand on her arm. Startled, she turned to find a woodsman standing by her side. He was tall and handsome, his green eyes the color of Grassy Pond, his arms muscular and tanned, his body hard wit h strength. "Thank you, M'Lady,"he said, bowing low and kissing her hand. "What did I do?" asked the bewildered Witch. "You were frightened and put your trust in the Oak. You sought shelter beneath his strong branches instead of those of the Willow or the Ruby Tree," "What has that to do with you?" He cupped her chin gently, so that she was forced to look into his eyes. "I was the Oak. I am Kalthanas, the woodsman your Great-Grandmother bewitched so many years ago. Your trust in me released me from her spell." "I don't understand," Ariel said, "How did that break the spell?" "You saw the inner strength the Oak had to offer instead of looking for outer beauty. You saw inside the Oak for hidden beauty....and found me." As he pressed his lips tenderly to hers, Ariel felt her heart begin to race as she realized the truth of the wodsman's words. They were married on the first day of Spring, at the site of where the Oak once stood. To this day, those who happen across the secluded clearing marvel not only at the beauty of the trees but at the large rock bearing the following inscription: "Be not afraid to look inside Nor fear what ye may find... For Beauty on the inside Is the most valued kind." --