Archive-name: Fantasy/wizards.txt Archive-author: Archive-title: Affairs of Wizards, The *All 4 Parts* Everything in this story is fictional, except for the way that magic works. Since some of the wizards on the Net are not entirely sane, I am not taking the risk of publicizing my True Name. The Affairs of Wizards "He's a wizard, of course he can. Don't meddle with wizards." "I still bet he can't!" "Oh, go on in then, see if he notices. I'll come in if there's any trouble." Ania knocked gently on the door as she had been trained to, and then pushed it open, entering a large room with a view of the sunset, across the bay. On the comfortable hotel chaise longue was a man of early middle age, reading The Journal of Thaumaturgical Topology in a plain house-robe of silk and cotton, with no magical symbols on it that she could see. He glanced up, smiled pleasantly, and waved vaguely at the low table beside him, where she put down her tray with its jug of Northern wine and some crisp rolls. "Will there be anything else, sir?" Still silent, he shook his head, and she noticed again how his bronze hair was turning white where it curled against his ears. The stiff green cotton of her uniform rubbed against her upper legs, as she bobbed respectfully and turned toward the door. As she reached the door she stopped, and turned around. If he *could*, he wasn't saying anything. He didn't *seem* to know. He looked up at her, and smiled again. "Yes?" She absolutely shouldn't, there could be trouble, but Birgit would surely claim he knew, and she suddenly trusted his smile. "Sir, *can* you tell?" His eyebrows, which curled upward like rusty wire against his golden skin, arched a little and his smile became wider. "Can I tell what, Ania?" He knew her name!---but wizards always know names, you learn that at school. It didn't answer her question. "Can you tell...about me..." he was still smiling, "can you tell if I'm wearing panties?" He blinked, and somehow his smile became deeper around the eyes. "Do you mean, *do_I_know* if you are," he said, "or *can_I_tell*?" She looked at him, a little confused. "There are many ways I *can* tell, if invited," he said, "as anyone could, but I think you mean, can I tell by some use of magic, as you stand there," she nodded, "and you want to know if I *have* used it." "I thought it would be just like...seeing," she said, "you'd simply know." "One way, yes, is like *looking*, and so seeing. But even a prentice does not use magic without will, and a man who would use it as a casual intrusion is not even a prentice for long. I *can* tell, but I have not. Do you believe me, Ania?" "I *believe* you, sir," wondering if she really did, "I believe you can, and I believe you haven't, but I do not *know*." "I have always admired Doubting Thomas," he said, clearly enjoying her answer, "`Trust but verify' is the foundation of modern magic. Am I being asked for proof?" "Sir, ...yes." "For proof that I have not? That would be hard." She shook her head. "You are asking me, then, to show you that I *can*?" Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded. "I may choose my method?" "...yes." He looked more closely at her, and she wondered how much of a spell was needed. The touch of her dress was intensely present, close to her skin and yet creating a hollow space within which she stood, under his gaze. Around her neck, she felt a softening, a cool feeling that was like water, but was not wet. It spread around her body like a quiet wave. "Now, I can tell," he said. Following his glance to the tall mirror beside her, she stood still, and looked at herself. She was now dressed in silk; the simplicity of her uniform had become the perfect simplicity of the dress of a great lady, and its plain green had changed while hardly changing, to something with depths like the autumn sea. There was no seam anywhere, only a line of coral buttons that ran from the neck, along each arm to the cuffs. It was shaped by its flow across her body, liquid against her skin. No spell but the magic of silk made clear that under that flowing green, there was Ania. Nothing else. She had always been friends with her small, muscular body, but seeing it like this, and sharing the sight with him, was different. This was not the practical object she washed briskly in cold water every morning, it was more like music. Her neat round belly was like a standing wave in a mountain stream, flowing over a stone, pouring into a rounded channel and frothing where the silk clung to the curls between her legs, welling up in a turbulent mound that somehow had more shape, more definiteness than she had ever noticed before. She wanted to cup it in her hand, to imagine the water filling and spilling against her fingers, she could almost feel the rush and tingle from inside; but putting her hand as if to cover An inverted modesty kept her from snatching at her body, there or where her breasts---normally unobtrusive, gentle swellings that needed no special support and did little to push out her clothes---were suddenly sharply defined. Low on her ribs, but the nipples high, looking as emphatic as they unexpectedly felt; how had they become points of *drama* in something so undramatic as the body she lived and worked in every day? "Magic," she said. "Have you put an illusion on my dress, to look like that? Have you put a glamour on *me*, to look like that? Or a glamour on my mind, to *think* I look like that? You could do all those things to someone who does have something underneath---I haven't said if *I* don't---and it would look the same." The idea of mind-magic was an uneasy one, but then the thought of such a glamour on the Manageress almost set her giggling; it took two of the maids, every morning, to get Madame Chorny into her corsets. The image was so naturally her own, and he looked so much less of an Evil Power than Madame Chorny on her best days, that she smiled at him, a quick secret grin like the one she gave when she had lured Birgit into some new plot against the sobriety of This Great Hotel. "Perhaps it is good that I do not have such powers. I could not be trusted with them." "No illusion, no fairy gold," said the wizard. "That is real silk, now, as real as your skin. Your body looks like that because it is exactly that beautiful, and your mind---do you think I would hesitate to look under your clothes, and then intrude behind your eyes?" "No, you wouldn't do that," she agreed. "So I really am like *this*, and your body is truly like *that*," considering his long legs and arms, the well cared for hands lying open on his robe, his golden skin. "And you *haven't* looked under my clothes." "I am looking now, as any man might," he said, "as any man *would*." "Then I believe you could look as a wizard, without showing me to others, but I do not *know*. Look at me, then. Look at me, wizard fashion." She turned to face him squarely, with a rustling of silk. He looked down, as she tried to meet his eyes, and she realized he was looking closely at her feet, in the felt slippers This Great Hotel demanded in homage to its floors. She wiggled her toes, and his mouth quirked, but he did not look up. Slowly his attention moved, learning ankles, knees, thighs, between them, up the curve of her stomach to her breasts and arms, then the roundness of her lips, until he was studying her eyes. Green eyes, as she had often seen in the mirror, with dark lashes and brows. Were they beautiful, then, too? But he wasn't looking at beauty, he was looking at her, looking at her eyes, learning her. She let out a breath as he leaned back on the chaise longue. "You have looked, now," she said. "I have. I have looked, and I would know you across the Rio Amazonas, in sunlight or starlight, now or a hundred years from now. It is a wizard's craft to look, and to learn." "I think you would," said Ania solemnly, "I am sure you looked at me with the eyes of a wizard. I am sure, but do I truly know," she could not resist it, "whether you saw my panties? *If* I am wearing panties?" He roared with laughter. "Ania, you remind me of my mother's junior husband. If we are to settle this, we must share eyes a little. Is this well?" She nodded again, a little uncertain. "Now I am touching your mind, only a little, and not with illusion---just a link. It is easily made; the Talent sleeps in your own mind, too, but was not woken in childhood. Look in the mirror." He came to stand beside her, more than a head taller, and they both looked at her small, smoothly clad reflection. "A mirror is a kind of illusion," said the wizard, "but this is true seeing." He pointed at the neckline, and a handspan of green silk cleared to her eyes, the woven surface calming like the waves on a millpond when wind and watermill rest, letting her vision pass the surface to the riverbed, to the creamy coffee color of her throat. She had never looked at her throat as a shape, before. Her eyes moved, and his followed, for the clear patch spread to her left breast, then to her right. The nipples were so red, so red; was she seeing through the skin a little too, to the blood that filled them so tight that the skin on them seemed to pinch her with a kind of pain? Downward, to her belly, the round, gentle boulder that made the green wave in the silent river of silk, clear through the still surface; the strange cup of her navel. Downward again, to the firm mound where dark curls clustered, and all at once she smelled them, scented with herself from the lips, almost open, that they grew along. She had not known but---yes---that was their purpose, hair kept when human pelts went smooth, to carry the scents that speak clearer than words. Did the knowledge come from him? When the whole dress was clear they stood looking, for a little, at her body's form beneath it. Then her glance shifted to the image of the man beside her, and the spell faded. "These things are by invitation," he said, as she turned to look up at him. "We have had no discussion of *my* clothes. And to see more of yourself you would need to keep your balance while looking from behind, which is a slow-learned skill. Now, my small disputant, are we agreed that, Imprimis, I can tell exactly what you are wearing, Secundus, I can learn this by looking, Tertius, I have indeed looked, and hence, Quartus, I do indeed know, with a sure knowledge, that you are not wearing any panties?" She smiled at him. "Come, Lady Logic, have you a reply to this?" "They teach about knowledge in Sunday School," she answered, "not only in your lore schools. Your favorite saint had a test for certainty, and I may surely say what his master said to him. "Thomas, stretch forth thy finger." Part 2 "This too I will do, and very gladly, since I am bid," he said, "but we are reaching to other kinds of knowledge. You do ask this." "Thomas, I bid you," she said, "stretch forth thy finger." "Well, what may follow, may follow; remember that some things can never be turned back. You can still step aside, now or when you choose, but choices are choices. I can give no promise but choice, for tomorrow I must take a Path you cannot follow." "Thomas, I understand you," said Ania. The space between them was narrow, but it was still between them. He faced her across it like a tower. "Touch me, Thomas." "Choose touch, first, with your own hands. Reach out, and lay them on my shoulders." Opening her arms, she reached up and laid first her right hand, then her left, on the plain weave of his robe, feeling the muscle and bone of him beneath, always looking up, into his eyes. As the left hand touched him, their heads straightened, their eyes came level, as though he was smoothly bending his long legs. She looked down, and saw him standing straight, and herself free of the soft carpet where her slippers still lay. Experimentally she lifted one hand, and felt weight pull her softly down, to touch her feet gently against the ground, as if standing in the sea. She clasped his shoulder again, and floated, level with his eyes. "Whenever you choose, let go my shoulders, and you are free of me." "Thomas," she said again, "touch me." His hands held her waist, thumbs where it was narrowest, palms following the outward flare of her hips. Held, holding, she floated. Silently, after a time, his hands curled around to her back and began to stroke her, with no pressure, through the silk. Her shoulders rose and seemed to spread, and her back felt as supple as a cat's. From the base of her spine to her shoulder blades, she could feel his each individual fingertip. Reaching around from under her arms, he touched each side of her neck, fingers moving downward from earlobes to collarbone, over and over and over. With a nudge from a forefinger at each side, the buttons nearest her collar slid from their places, and his fingers had a longer run, ear to the next button, before they met silk. When the next button was released on each side she felt the dress slip a little over her breasts, drawn down by its feathery weight. She held more tightly to his shoulders. Two more buttons, left and right, and her shoulders emerged from the dress, and his hands flowed to and fro behind her neck before sliding again down her back, to rise again under her arms. Grasping the loosened cloth there at the sides, he pulled it left and right across her nipples, left and right, left and right, until he moved inside the cloth and brought the backs of his fingers slowly down across her breasts, so that she felt the soft tufts of hair between his joints. A ripple ran along her arms as the remaining buttons freed themselves, and the dress moved down her, pulling itself over her belly, clinging for a moment to her buttocks, gathered and drawn like a liquid rope between her thighs. She separated her legs to free it, so that in a parting moment the dress caught, stretched across her knees; then it was free, settling to the floor as if laid out for admiration. Her legs drifted upward, knees gently bent, until her feet met his legs and slid up their sides, coming to rest with her ankles against his waist. Buoyed up by magic she rested in the air, naked and secure, touching the magic with feet and hands. Looking down at the parting of her legs she saw her hair gleaming with moisture, and breathed deep of her own scent, mingling with the smell of the wine from the open jug. There was a fainter, ranker smell too, which became stronger as he released a catch on his robe and returned to holding her waist. The robe fell open and she knew it was the smell of male lust, from the bush of red hair around the base of a raised golden bar, as long as his long hands and as thick of two of his thumbs. The tip was darkened to the color of old bronze by the blood vessels swollen inside it; its opening seemed a slit that vaguely echoed her own, starting at the apex and ending somewhere below, rather than the round spout she had always imagined. "Do you know, now, what *I* am wearing?" "I have no doubt, Thomas. Am I in my turn asked to know by touch?" "I do ask you, Ania, to know me by touch." She started to lift her right hand from his shoulder, to reach down toward that strange, almost glowing part of him, but felt herself begin to sink away, downward. No; she regained her hold on him, taking the chance now to slip her hand past his lapel, gripping his shoulder directly, under the robe. She thought for a moment, while she moved her left hand also to his golden skin, and as the robe fell way behind him she bent her knees, pulling herself toward him, until the tip of him rested against against the crest of the mound between her legs, flattening her hair. The robe caught where her ankles held his waist until she released it, returning them to touch his golden skin, just above the pelvis, her toes hooked behind his back. Pushing and pulling gently against him she rested in the air, holding the magic with feet and hands and sex, as his hands began again to move. His touch could now follow great flowing curves along her skin, from behind her knees to beneath her thighs, his fingertips brushing the base of her mound and following the line between her buttocks, caressing the sensitive muscle between them, rising up her ribs and out along her arms, in again to move over her breasts, finger after finger crossing the nipples, then the right hand supporting her back while the left palm pressed against her belly, round and round, cherishing it, in widening and narrowing circles, up sometimes to sweep over her breasts and down again, round and round, closer to the place where she was pressed against him. Then both hands slid along her upper thighs until the thumbs were beside her mound, pressing a little and pulling aside, and now her lips were open and kissing the tip of him, held open by the roundness of it, and her own little rod of flesh standing straight in the opened space above it. "A small magic," he murmured, grasping himself to move the tip to meet hers, and then his curious opening---opened---and she found herself entering him, sucked by that tiny mouth, pressed by the solidity around it, melting, twisting her body, panting, still holding the magic with feet and hands and sex, buoyed up by the magic, loud gasps of pleasure forcing from her lungs, until a great shudder came and she rested, floating in the magic and the afterglow, pressing her head in the hollow of his neck and shoulder. Part 3 "Wizards are supposed to have great long beards," she said, her eyes an inch from his short, square one. "In all the story books they have great long beards." He stroked her back fondly. "How many wizards at this convention have you seen with great long beards?" he asked her. "Hardly any," she admitted, "but that's not the point. Wizards are *supposed* to have great long beards." "Very impractical, in this city, where all the best restaurants specialise in great bowls of soup. But the choice of a long beard is open, of course, and to a wizard an open choice is an easy tool." She watched dreamily as his neat beard grew longer, slipping like a wild red rope into the space between them. "That's better," she said. "Hey, that tickles." "That's another problem, when you're reading in bed," he said, "or if you roll over at night with it trapped under your elbow. You see why I don't make a habit of it." "Hey, that *really* tickles!" She looked down suddenly, to where two strands of the beard were teasing away the softness of her nipples. "How do you *do* that? No, don't stop." She straightened her arms for a clearer view, and watched fascinated as the beard used the open space to form a russet cloud against her, in which waves moved up her skin like the spiral stripes up a barber pole, vanishing yet endless. "Can you feel what you do with it, like with your fingers? Like with...?" giving a little wriggle where he was still stiff against her. "Not exactly, but with the link between us strengthening I can feel something of what *you* feel, which guides me well enough." "It guides you *wonderfully*," she said, her sensations leaping up like flames in a sudden wind at the idea that the wizard knew them with her. "Can you describe what I feel? Pass a test on it?" "You would remember it as though I told you what to feel, and there would be truth there; describing feeling always changes it, for feelings are not words. But it is a wisdom tool to describe it for yourself. Ania, bright angel, what do you feel?" "I feel fond of you," she said promptly. "You have nice eyes." "Describing emotions is close to describing words," he said, "with words. Only a great sage learns wisdom that way. Most who try it end up as Literature professors, and vanish up their own...never mind. And describing my eyes is vain, when they can change as easily as my beard, or your friend down there who rose to greet you." She giggled, and blew a kiss to return the greeting. "The acyclic tantra is to describe your direct feelings, your bodily feelings. Do you want to try that?" "How can I describe anything while you tickle me so?" "Don't just be tickled; feel tickled. What is the feeling?" "It's all down the front of me, like pain, but it's not pain." "How is it different?" "I don't know---yes, I do, pain always feels under the skin, this is like a hundred points of pain dancing just outside, not coming in, but my muscles feel as if they must move, to fight pain, more and more ready to move, but I don't move, do I, Thomas? I don't think someone running *could* be tickled, though they could itch. I don't move, my hands are holding the muscles of your shoulders, I can feel the firmness of them, and my feet can feel your waist, a bit softer and looser, I'm holding you there too, and down there I can feel---of course, that's *John* Thomas---just the end of him, pressing a little where the feeling is like burning cold ice, only soft, and melting, and trying to dissolve him, I want to *hold* you there too. Oh, now I can feel my own hair on my back---my hair isn't that long, Thomas, ohh, magic---and it's stroking me like your hands, not tickling, smooth, in front I'm fire and behind I'm the sand dunes, and I feel your long fingers against my eyelids, your hand smells of me, your other hand is with John Thomas, a finger just under him---he's nibbling at me again, like a fish---and your finger feels like bubbles bursting in me, and it is just inside me like a bubble that can't burst, and it's moving and I'm squeezing and it won't burst, and I stop...talking..." "Thomas, I have not kissed you," she said dreamily. She pulled towards him, and began to lick his lips. His mouth opened as it touched hers, and she moved the tip of her tongue along his gums, as his tongue slid over hers and curled up to the roof of her mouth, dabbing delicately behind her front teeth and tasting the shape of her, back near to the throat. Then it curled flat around her own tongue, holding it in place as their mouths opened wider. He began to hum. An old melody from somewhere the tall ships traded, that all knew and none named, it filled her mouth and echoed in her throat, her own voicebox sounding with his music, the vibration filling her. Slowly she joined the music with her own breath, and slowly he quieted his own, until she was singing his throat, controlling a bass resonance that felt strange and natural at once. The music passed between them, sometimes driven by one, sometimes by both, winding through their bodies like the murmur of the sea. His tongue drifted out of her, and as their mouths separated he turned upward to lick her eyelids, then as she moved upward with the slight pressure of his hands beneath her he was licking the hollow of her throat, his beard moving against her chest. His tongue moved downward---no, she had moved upward---his tongue coiled around a nipple, his teeth pulled at it, while the palm of his hand passed around, around on the other, or sometimes she felt his separated fingers move, one, two, three, four across it before the rubbing palm, slippery from its time between her legs, resumed its slow circling. For a still moment she was held between finger and thumb on her left, between teeth on her right, teased by a finger and by a tongue. Downward, as his tongue caressed her belly and his hands the back of her thighs, until she could look down and see the red hair of his beard mingle with the black of her mound, and feel that tongue circling, flicking at the sides and her stub of flesh, tunneling into her, sipping at the flowing juice of her, while his fingers worked behind, and the silky hair of his armpits was against her knees. Her body felt about to dissolve when she pushed away from him, pulled down, so that his tongue made an undeviating trail up, past her navel with a little flick inside, between her breasts, to her throat, and she was balanced, sitting on the hardness of him like a rail, her legs back beside his waist. Gradually she pushed backwards,sliding to the end and squirming gently against it, until she was around the bronze tip. She looked down at that golden bar holding them apart, pressed against her open lips, and pulled tightly with her legs against his waist. As her calf muscles pulled, harder and harder, the pressure into her became intense, but she hardly moved. "Help me," she said. "Force a way." "This is difficult," he said, "with so much desire for you holding that shape firm," He changed under her eyes, the blunt bar becoming a tapered cone, the swollen tip no wider than her finger. She pulled again gently, and he was a thumb's length inside. She pushed herself back, saw him slippery with her juice, pulled with a great jerk and had him half inside her, stretched tight as a needlework canvas, hurting but holdingthe pain as tight as she held him. Back again, the wet of her now shining on half his length. Another pull, further, tighter. She moved into a rhythm of forward and back, never now all the way out, each time a little further in, and now his hands behind her were strengthening each pull, and at last her mound slammed into his, the golden bar invisible, and she rested against him, red hair tangling with black. Impossibly tight, impossibly full, she felt his full thickness come back, deep within her. Wrapped around him, pressed against him, holding him inside her, with a shout that came from the bottom of her spine and uncoiled through her lungs to a sound that left her throat raw and her ears ringing, she felt every muscle in her body go as fuel to an exploding flame. "Ania, what do you feel?" "I feel soft. I feel you against me, and sweat running down the edge of where I'm against your chest." She stirred her hips against him. "I feel John Thomas inside me." "*How* do you feel him inside you?" "Just the way I feel your shoulders, in my hands. No, wait." She stirred again, slid a little back from him, and pulled herself back against his groin. "At the mouth I feel you, just like that, through the skin. That hair's much stiffer than your beard, do you choose it that way? But inside it's not like that. How *do* I feel you? Can you go very thin just at the entrance, but stay thick inside, so I can concentrate? Yes, I can feel you're in there, but it's not through the skin, it's in the muscles, in whatever stretches---like when I'm carrying a weight, I know it inside my arms as well as by my fingers. Thicken out again...yes, even just behind the entrance, it's the stretching I feel. Like something big in my throat,but it's a good feeling. As though I was hollow before, and now I'm solid." She twisted against him. "The muscles get tighter, just by my noticing them, and having something solid to tighten on is like the good feeling in my jaw of biting solid bread---teeth don't feel, either, do they, I'd never thought of that---only the goodness spreads wider, my hips feel right,they're balanced around you. But how does it feel from the inside, to you?" "When I first go hard," he said, "I feel my skin stretched like a pig on tiptoe, unsafe, vulnerable, until---John Thomas, you called him?---until he is held and supported as you hold him now, like being safe on four legs. You make my body complete. All along him, the pressure of you balances the tension from inside, he's your `bubble that can't burst'. The skin on most of him doesn't feel the touch nearly as much as thatpressure, that holding you give him. Around the tip he does feel through the skin,and when you wriggle your muscles like that---" "I didn't know I could do that until you made me feel them." "---or slide along me, it is like having my tongue in bitter honey." "Can you show me how it feels? You said there is a link... ohh, when I do this, you...and when I squeeze...and, my muscles won't stay still,I can feel it both ways, and... Thomas, you are holding tight, holding your own muscles, it's *hurting* you, what are you doing?" "When you came in, wondering if a wizard could see through cotton, you had no thought of having a child." "I might have a baby, mightn't I?" "Ania, you would have a baby. Your body is at its most ready, and the seed you have made is close to your womb." He pushed gently against her, to slide her off, but she held him tightly with her legs. "Wait a little like this, if you can...?" "I can wait, if you hold very still." She settled against his chest, and against his groin. Thin muscular tremors ran through both of them, both holding still against a force that pushed towards wild movement. "Thomas, if I have a child, will he be a wizard? Can you see the future?" "I can see some futures. An open choice is a powerful tool." He paused for a long moment, his body trembling like a sheepdog waiting for a word of command. "Healthy...and a wizard. She will be a very powerful wizard." "She? Will she be beautiful? That is important, for a woman." "She will be beautiful when she chooses. As you are beautiful." "You are teasing, I don't think you do that, do you? Will she be happy?" "That depends on her own choices. Her existence depends on our choice; on yours, for I will abide by yours. I cannot be with you at her birth, but if you want her, she is yours." She pressed her forehead into his neck, wondering. "The choice is now," he said, "for strong magic like hers can hold a child in the womb, long before she is a person. Healcraft cannot eject her before her time, only hurt her." "How can I keep her out, then? Is that fair to her?" "You have joined me to your body, and I have learned much of it. May I speak of what I know?" She nodded against him. "You are nineteen years old. You have denied birth to...forty-seven of your seed, by remaining virgin. Once, when you were sixteen, you would have had twins. There is no justice to them, no injustice. The choice is free." "I am filled with you," she said, "I want to overflow with you. I want my belly round with her, I want to feel her kicking at me, I want her born and sucking at me. I want our child." He turned and walked toward the chaise longue, twisting himself inside her with each step he took. At the head of it he leaned forward and placed her buttocks there. A little weight returned to her. Grasping her wrists he lifted her hands at last from his shoulders, and lowered her gently through the increasing downward pull, until she rested with her head looking up at him, her thighs still holding him. He raised her ankles against his shoulders. As he bent forward to touch her breasts, she found her bottom curled into his thighs, her hips upward around his now vertical flesh. "I am the earth," she whispered, "you are the seed, the plough, the gardener, planting me, what are you?" He began a steady vertical movement, almost out of her and in again, which carried his hands up and down her slippery chest, her small breasts moving with deeper and deeper breaths and the passage of his fingers, and her hips twisting and pushing, the muscles inside her jerking and squeezing and tightening wildly as he came down, came down, came down. "You are the rain, that turns the earth liquid, you are the thunderstorm, you are the l_i_g_h_t_ning, you are the l_i_g_h_t_ning, you are the l_i_g_h_t_ning, you are the l_i_g_h_t_ning,..." the rhythm peaked as her legs went rigid against his ribs and he stood over her, coming in pulses that spent their momentum deep inside her, welling up around him like a pale grey flood, brimming over, but unspilled. Slowly, he pulled out from her, a little of his liquid draining back off the length of him, rejoining the pool that receded into that narrowing opening as he softened and slid from her once distended grasp. Moving to her side he eased her along the chaise longue until her hips were still upward, on a pillow, but her legs were now held up by its head. He raised her back gently, sat down, and laid her head on his lap. "Lie here a little, if you want to help my seed to join yours, though it is active stuff; already searching for your womb. A little would be lost if you stood up, but the child would still be almost certain." "I do not think I know how to stand up. I am warm butter, I am as soft as...why, as soft as John Thomas." She turned her head toward his belly. "I want to kiss him. How is he so silky smooth? Why do *these* lips notice that, I didn't feel it before." She pushed at him with a lazy tongue. "A drop there, that came too late. I thought it would taste stronger, being so strong, making babies. Making babies. I'm going to have a baby. Thomas, I'm going to have a baby." He lay his hand on her belly. "Already my seed is swimming upwards. At...yes, at midnight, our seed will join. From midnight, you are her mother. Is it well?" "Thomas," she said, "it is very well." Part 4 "Birgit," said the wizard, "perhaps you should come in here now." The thin connecting door to the next room slowly opened, to reveal a tall young woman in the same green uniform that Ania had worn. Her breathing was uneven, and she still held the small brush she had held ready for sweeping with, if found in the empty room. She looked in at the silk dress on the floor, and at Ania asleep with a mouthful of naked wizard. Her coppery face darkened. "Checking out tomorrow, sir?" she said coldly. "I hope you have found the service satisfactory." "You are angry." "You have taken Ania's cherry, and you're off tomorrow without a care. What's she going to do? If there's really a baby coming?" "Ania has taken my seed, by her own will." "Didn't enjoy it, did you? Just an act of charity from a visiting sperm donor?" "I took great pleasure in it, Birgit, as did you. Show me the brush you are holding." She held it out, unwilling, and the handle glistened wet. He breathed in, and smiled at the scent of her. "Hearing her---excited like that...That's not the point! You got her all worked up, and gave her all that stuff about choice, and she decided in a hurry like she always does. Now she's pregnant---all right, don't interrupt me, you pedantic old goat, from midnight she's pregnant---and nobody to care about her." "You do not care about her?" "Of course I care about her. *I* care about Ania more than anything, and *you* have just wrecked her life. My best friend, just because you couldn't stick to reading this." She picked up The Journal of Thaumaturgical Topology and threw it behind him with a sound of tearing paper. "Bothers you when I do that? More than what's going to happen to her?" "She is your good friend. And she is beautiful." "Of course she is, though she never saw it, and the damn bellboys are too dumb to see it. They only care about big tits like I have. But I always knew a man would see it, some merchant, maybe, and she'd be off with him to raise babies and run a shop selling wool and linen. I never did anything to spoil that. You've spoiled it, haven't you, just for an evening's `great pleasure in it'. And I never even told her how I wanted to touch her breasts." "Then why," asked a dreamy voice, "don't you touch them now?" Ania looked up at her with a peaceful smile. "Birgit, I'm going to have a baby." "I know you are, you little...and who is going to look after you? When Madame Chorny dumps you in the street?" "Ania, I think we should offer our visitor a little wine." He reached for the jug. "Shall I pour?" She giggled, and then held very still as he filled her navel until the wine rose like a round, polished ruby above her skin. "That tickles," she said, and a drop escaped to flow down her sweat-soaked side. "Birgit, I can't move until you drink it." Slowly, Birgit knelt beside her, and brought her lips to the surface of the wine. She gently sucked the top of it into her mouth, and with two long movements licked Ania's belly, leaving a wine-red heart on her coffee-cream flesh. She mouthed each nipple, holding it between her lips in silence until she drew them closed across it, and then moved her face to Ania's for an endless kiss, while the wizard stroked her hair. Eventually, she pulled away. "Oh Ania, Ania, what is to become of you? He is going off to do whatever it is he does, and you cannot stay long in our cubicle upstairs. I cannot take care of you in this." "Would you care for her," asked the wizard, "if you had a house?" "Of course I...hey, what's the idea? One of those little houses for kept women, over beyond Temple Hill? She's your little mistress, when you care to come by, and I'm her maid? We visit with the other little pets, and keep out of the way when their fat-bellied friends come calling? I've had offers of *that* more than once in this hotel, and I'd rather sweep floors for ever." "Your imagination paints vivid pictures, Birgit, but I would never think of you or her in that one. There is a picture, though, that you had her in already. On Bell Street, I think, the family Warend is trying to sell a linen and wool shop." "On Bell Street? That must be---they can't be selling *that* place---it's..." "They have had a shipwreck, and they must make choices. This choice is yours. Do you want that shop?" "But surely that would cost, oh, I don't know, you can't be giving *that* just for getting into Ania's pants." "I wasn't wearing any." "And I am not giving anything for that. It was a gift between us. Such a shop would satisfy you as lore satisfies me, you would serve the people of this city, and you could pay me such return as seems reasonable to your merchant-family soul---no, I'm not spying on your mind, you walk like a merchant's daughter, allow me the perceptions of the ordinary man. I expect your family was destroyed by the sheeprot plague of ten years ago, so many wool merchants were. I am suggesting this because you belong in that shop." "Like John Thomas belonged in me," said Ania dreamily. "Ania! You will have to think of other things,soon enough. Sir, let us be serious. You are talking about a great deal of money." "Money is not the most serious subject, to a wizard, except for the dangers in being careless with it. You can wreck the commerce of a whole city by turning lead into gold. There is no such problem in buying a shop with a cargo of what you are wearing." "I am wearing...oh. Silk." "You are wearing rather more than Ania was," said the wizard approvingly. "I think that is wise, with your build. But you will find it is all silk; only a trained eye can see the line at your hips. I rather fancy myself with textiles." "You rather fancy yourself, altogether," said Birgit. "Trained eye!" She rocked back on her heels and started to laugh. "I think I like you, after all. You do seem to think of yourself as God the Father, but you did ask first, and Ania got more of a bang out it than the Virgin Mary. Very well. The shop in Bell Street. We will pay you eight per cent per annum, interest, paying off the principal as we can." "And whenever you are in the city," said Ania, "unless you prefer This Great Hotel, a bed for the night." "*A* bed for the night?" said Birgit. "Well, accomodation is a fair item of trade, I suppose. It is then no part if the contract if we decide, maybe to save on sheets, to give you---" "---*our* bed for the night," said Ania. She sat up and leaned against the wizard, holding her legs carefully together. "Good, I don't seem to be leaking. Oh, except there," as the last few drops of wine rolled down to join the other liquids that had matted her hair to a flat,fragrant mass. "That doesn't matter." "You really do want a baby?" Birgit asked her, "and you want..." "To keep a shop? And live with you? John Thomas is wonderful," she reached across and held him, stroking gently with her thumb as she continued talking, "but I couldn't live comfortably with anybody but you. A big, hard, wise person like this is more of a teacher." "Hard," said Birgit, prodding him in the belly, "huh. I never knew a man that was hard there if he didn't get the chance to stiffen his muscles first, and I never knew a man that didn't do that. Thought so," she said, prodding him again. "Stiff as a board, now. Men!" "Well, I like him, there too, and the best way to feel it is with your own tummy," said Ania, "but it's not really such an interesting body as yours. I always thought your breasts were the shape breasts are supposed to be, I didn't feel I *had* breasts at all, really, until...anyway, I do now, but I still think yours are nicer. Come and sit here." She made a space between herself and the wizard. Birgit sat down between them, with Ania's small right arm around her, under the ribs. "I don't think I can quite reach that one," said Ania, straining around to touch the nipple, "maybe you'd better lie down," and pulled her sideways to lie across her lap, her head pillowed by the end of the chaise longue. Trying to wriggle into a more comfortable position, she found her knees across the wizard's lap. "They're firm, your breasts, aren't they?" said Ania, running her hands smoothly over them. "I always thought they would be, not like Madame Chorny's. Or are they just being held firmly? It's not really fair, you wearing all these clothes when we're not." She pulled the silk dress up over Birgit's knees, with a slippery sound as they dragged against the wizard's legs. "Raise your hips a little," and gathered it up around the waist. "This morning I put on respectable white cotton drawers," said Birgit, "not black lace nothing-very-much." "With your red-brown skin," said the wizard, "I thought black would look nice." "And you were expecting to look, of course." "And it does look nice, doesn't it?" said Ania, "Upsy-daisy," and lifted Birgit's back to slip the dress up to her shoulders. "Peel it off, so it won't get crumpled. Now, what else are you wearing?" The breasts were held by a fine web of silk, exactly shaped to her, gossamer thin where it reached behind her, changing gradually from a red gauze invisible against her skin to fine firm silken cloth over the nipples, as black as the pupils of her eyes. Birgit looked down at it, and watched Ania's slim fingers rub against the silk. "You do fancy yourself in textiles, don't you?" she said. "How does this thing undo? If I know men..." She fumbled for a moment between her breasts. "At the front. Of course." She freed the fastening, but the web still cupped each breast, pulling them slightly outward. Ania peeled it off the one nearest her own breasts, and the end slipped down into her lap. "Now I can feel one of each. This one's a little softer now, even with the silk still on, because it's not being pulled. But even this one, without anything, stays so round, and so strong." "They droop a bit when I'm standing," said Birgit, "as Mr Textile here implied. He obviously knows tits like he knows cloth. No, don't stop doing that." Ania's hand went back to running over belly and breasts, as her own right hand moved behind Ania's back and up and down the spine. "And no wizards sitting idle, either." He began to slide his right hand from her ankle to her thigh, and cupped his left with a soft pressure over the black silk between her legs. She pushed against his hand, rubbing her shoulder blades against Ania's lap, and her breath came faster. She lay there contented, her eyes shut, while four hands moved over her body. "What's at the back of my knee? John Thomas standing tall again?" She tautened her leg muscles to trap the end of him for a moment. "You be careful with that thing. Don't think every woman just wants a baby." "Your latest seed passed your womb five days ago," he said, "it is three weeks since you bled. You cannot start a child before Michaelmas." "And I'm not planning to start one then." She moved her legs up his lap, to trap him between her knees with a rolling motion. "If you just let it into the air, how high does it go?" "That depends on how I am aroused. With you here, and Ania beside me, doing that to you, and if you do *that with your knees much longer, it will reach the ceiling with no magical help." He slipped a finger under the black lace, and began to run it up and down, just inside her. "Your own arousal makes sure of mine." "Feeling mine with your fancy magic? Peeping Thomas?" "I see it in the swelling of your lips and nipples, I smell it in the juice you are pouring over my fingers, I feel it in the firmness of you in here," he reached a second finger under the lace, and tweaked the flesh between her lips, "this is much older than magic." "Keep doing that. Keep doing it." She reached down and unfastened the lace at her hip. "I knew it would open that way... Put your fingers inside me. Inside." Ania reached with her left hand to hold the wizard's left. Laying her forefinger along his, she pushed both into Birgit, rubbing against each other flesh around them. Her knuckles, where her other fingers wrapped around his larger hand, kneaded and pressed above the opening. Her left hand still moved over throat, breasts, and belly; his right, from ankle to thigh. Birgit's legs began to move jerkily. "Birgit, I don't think we should treat John Thomas like that. He likes to be held. Grasped and supported, not banged by your knees. I want to put him in here," and she pulled her forefinger a little apart from the wizard's, stretching Birgit's opening from inside. A spasm of its muscles pulled them back together, squeezed bone against bone. "Turn over, Birgit." Birgit rolled over towards them, raising herself from the space between their laps and shifting onto his legs. Ania spread her open with her right hand, grasped the trembling stiffness of the wizard with the other, and brought them together. Once the tip was inside, her left hand pulled behind Birgit's legs, so that the rolling finished with a smooth slide onto him and Birgit's head on her own lap, which Birgit pushed apart, bringing her mouth to Ania's mound. Joined through Birgit and in a kiss, gold hands meeting pale pale brown as they roved across her coppery back or reached between her legs to hold her and to stroke her, six hips jerking together, Ania and the wizard felt her body's release and subsided, gasping, with her. "I hope you were right about Michaelmas," she said, sitting in a cuddle between them. "I have a shop to organise, and this one to look after." She patted Ania's stomach. "Oh, Birgit, I'm going to have a baby. A wizardly baby." "I know, sweeting. And what a magic toddler can do to a well-run household, I can't wait to find out. I just hope *I'm* not going to have one for a while." "You need not fear my seed. I interrupted time for it." He slipped two golden fingers inside her, and pulled out a thick, uneven, pearly-grey thread. "It is all here, and cannot wake except where it can make a child. If ever you want my baby, use it when your body is fertile. Put it back inside you and give your body pleasure---I am sure Ania will help. It will turn again to liquid, and find your own seed." "Oh Birgit, sometime... I want to put his child in you, I want to suck your milk, I want a little brother for my own baby. Please, Birgit?" "Sometime, Ania. When you're ready to run the shop for a while. But how can we recognise a fertile time?" "See," said the wizard, putting the thread against Ania where the well-sucked cleft still stood a little open, "Ania has a fertile seed, not yet touched." The thread twitched, like a cat dreaming in its sleep. He moved it to Birgit; even with an end inside her, it lay still. "As I told you, you cannot make a child now. When your body is ready, this will know." "Ania said a brother. Can you tell?" "No. I can tell only at the moment of choice, and this choice is not yet. With Ania, I knew the time, and who will be close by when my seed meets hers, in here." He placed his hand over her belly, and Birgit put hers over his. "You will both be close by," said Ania, "it is close to midnight now. Did you know she would be here?" "I felt her love and her anger around you, soon after you came in." "You knew she would join us like this?" "I could sense what would flow from your choice. If it had meant your abandonment on the streets, do you think *I* could have chosen to do what we did?" "Of course not," said Birgit. "You are the Lord of the Good Guys, aren't you? That's in the past, now, the present is that Ania is just about to conceive. How are we going to celebrate?" "What do you mean?" said Ania. "Well, I think we should mark the moment. Can you tell us exactly when it happens?" "The feelings of the seeds are tiny, but intense at that moment. I can pass them through all of us." "Well, there's an idea I want to try: you lean well back. Ania, get on his lap, no, right against his slightly soft stomach, lean right back. That's nice, John Thomas is sitting up between your legs." She reached out a hand to cradle the hairy mass just beneath. "Good little boy, sit up straight." "I can't get him in, at this angle." "You're not supposed to. Raise your right leg a bit." Birgit climbed on to the wizard's knees, slipped her own left leg under it, and passed her right over Ania's left, around behind him. Ania felt gravity lessen its hold on her a little, as the wizard reduced the strain on his lap. "Now, he's nicely between us, you see?" Birgit pulled open her mound to wrap the lips around one side of him, then did the same for Ania's on the other. "He's wrapped in flesh, now, isn't he?" she said as she pressed their bodies together. "Not all parched and stretched and lonely?" "Birgit," said the wizard, "your mind is as fertile as Ania's body. John Thomas feels cherished." "Good, put your magic hands around her there, I'm sure it will be good for her milk when the need comes. Oh, you'll have big tits then, Ania, I can see it. And hold up mine with *your* hands, yes, go on doing that. Try nibbling on his ear---*that* made John Thomas twitch. Look at the darling tip of him, nestling between us and barely peeking out! Makes me feel quite sentimental. Now, I'll put my hands around your waist, where it's all going to happen, and I'll stop talking, so we can feel it." They moved gently against each other. The friction of their skins pulled on the tension they felt, as the distance narrowed between invisible things that yearned for each other so entirely that the ordinary love and lust of a grown body seemed like casual liking. Ania moaned with pleasure, feeling the two lovers outside her body, the two longings inside it, closer and closer, groins pressed close and grinding each other and the flesh between them, until the seeds met and hips thrust against each other like fighting rams, juices washing over a member that thrummed with the flow of its own. "I can *feel* I'm pregnant now," said Ania, when they were able to speak again. "He was quite right, it was midnight." "Oh, he's always right," said Birgit, "about everything. Look." She pointed upwards. "He did hit the ceiling." --