Archive-name: Fantasy/wordstar.txt Archive-author: Robert E. Epps - apologies to Stephen King Archive-title: Wordstar of the Gods Alice was seated before her new computer, deep in creative thought, when her husband came crashing through the front door of their modest home. "ALIIIICE, I'M HOOOOOME! HOW 'BOUT SOME DINNER??!!" Fucking asshole, thought Alice. Her train of thought was derailed just as she had reached a crucial plot point in her novel. Damn him!! She saved the file to disk, but left it on the screen. She hoped that she would very soon be able to get back to it. Her very own novel, it was so exciting... "ALIIIICE, WHERE ARE YOU???!" "Coming, dear!!" The words tasted like bile. She wheeled the chair away from her desk, got up, and strode down the stairs to the living room, where her rotund husband reclined in the loveseat. He winked and blew a lecherous kiss, and she forced a smile. He patted the unoccupied space next to him, his expression beckoning. Oh yuck, thought Alice, as she flopped down next to him. He slid one arm behind her and drew her against him. "Mmmmmm..." he wheezed, his stale cigarette breath wafting about like industrial pollution. Much more of this and I will throw UP, Alice thought with growing disgust. "I'll go get dinner started now..." she said, struggling to get up. The big hairy arm around her did not relax its grip, however. "Mmmmm, dinner can wait, dearest, right now I just want to have you right here by my side so I can keep you warm." He put his other arm in front of her and drew her even closer. Alice could feel the sweat from his armpits start to soak into her blouse. Oh give me a BREAK!!! She allowed herself to be held like that for a few minutes, then spoke. "Well I don't know about you, but I'm getting really hungry!" She patted him on his ample tummy. "And I was planning breaded pork chops and black-eye peas..." The big hairy arms released her body. "Well why didn't you say so???" he grunted. "I'm starved!!!" Alice quickly got up from the loveseat, eager to distance herself from her pig of a husband. His odor seemed to cling to her like shit on the sole of a shoe. "I need to get cleaned up first..." she said as she made her way up the stairs. The last thing she heard before she closed the bedroom door behind her was a loud belch, followed by her husband exclaiming "oooh, AWESOME one!" **** SIGH **** left her lips and lit up in her mind in brilliant neon. Alice sat down at her desk and stared at the computer screen. Wordstar stared back at her, displaying a small portion of her work-in-progress. She hit the RETURN key a few times, then absent-mindedly typed the lines: Jack is a prick and he has no dick! She giggled at that, then positioned the cursor on the second line and hit control-Y to delete it. Then she got up, changed her shirt in a seemingly hopeless attempt to remove her husband's odor from her presence, and headed downstairs to cook his favorite belly-stuffer meal. Late that evening, as they were preparing to go to bed, Jack emerged from the bathroom with a puzzled and agonized expression on his face. He was wearing nothing but his underwear, which he held up with one hand because it didn't seem to want to stay up by itself. "Honey?" he said weakly. Alice stared at him in bewilderment. He seemed very perplexed about something, but she couldn't for the life of her see what. "I, uh, have a problem," he went on, his voice growing to a frightened stammer. "Uh, this is going to sound crazy, but I have to take a leak really bad and I don't know HOW!!" Alice felt anger rise within her. Is this one of his dumb jokes??? "Alice, what is wrong with me?" It was then that she noticed that the bulge at his crotch, which would normally have pressed his ragged and too-small underwear outward to nearly the tearing point, was no longer there. She staggered backward and had to lean against her dresser to keep from losing her balance. "Er... uh... be right back..." she said weakly, and then she dashed out of the bedroom and into the spare bedroom across the hall, where her computer hummed quietly. Alice sat down (nearly stumbling again in her haste), and with shaking hands she typed: Jack has a dick. Then she positioned the cursor at the start of the line, and deleted the line. "HEY ALICE!!!!!" Oh shit, what now???!!! She lunged out of the chair, sending it crashing against a file cabinet, and hurried back to the bedroom. Her rotund husband lay naked in bed with a big grin on his face. His restored penis peeked out at her through a tangled maze of scraggly pubic hair. "Suck on it, bitch!!!" That used to be a playful joke of his, back in the early and much rosier days of their relationship, before the day she had come home early and had caught him in their bed with another woman. Now it only made Alice angrier still. "God DAMN you Jack!!!" She swung her back on him and stormed out of the room. Moments later she found herself seated before the computer again. "ALICE!!! WHAT THE FUCK'S WRONG WITH YA NOW!!! C'MON, GET BACK HERE AND WARM MY YUMMY WEINER!!" His booming voice was followed by giggles, interspersed with hacking coughs. Before she even realized what she was doing, her fingers were typing. The man on my bed does not exist. Alice stared at the line. Her left forefinger rested on the CONTROL key, and the corresponding finger of her right hand hovered expectantly above the Y. This is crazy!!! "ALICE, MY WITTLE WUV, CUM TO ME NOW AND SUCK ON ME TITAN MISSILE!! (giggle cough snicker) DON'T BE SHY, I WON'T BITE, RUFF!! RUFF!! COME AND LICK MY LOLLYPOP, MY YUM..." Her fingers descended. Silence. "Jack?" No answer. "Hey Jack?" Alice stared at the screen. Her hands trembled. For several minutes she sat like that, while signals danced across synapses in her brain, trying to take in this amazing new development. Then her lips stretched out in a smile, and her fingers lightly danced. My husband, who is a gorgeous hunk and a wonderful lover, is waiting for me in my bedroom. Not even a second after the period was typed, the two lines were erased from the screen. Alice's body tingled all over as she gazed into the imaginary depths of the monitor. Her hands tightly clutched the sides of the keyboard. "Jack?" "Hmmmm?" That voice did not belong to the man she had lived with for twelve years. Tingles raced up her spine at the sound of the strange, but deep and somehow soothing sound of his voice. "Is something wrong?" The squeak of bedsprings could be heard as someone got up off the bed. Soft footsteps from the hall, then into the spare bedroom. Then she heard the voice again, this time right behind her as a hand rested on her shoulder. "You look exhausted! Why don't you come on to bed now? You must have been writing for hours!" The hand gave her shoulder a squeeze. She swiveled the chair around, and looked up at her husband. And nearly fainted. He bent over her, scooped her body effortlessly into his arms, and slowly walked back to the bedroom. She gazed up into his face. Large biceps pressed against her shoulder and thigh as he stood next to the bed. His broad, large chest bulged out over hers, and she gingerly reached up and ran several fingertips along and around its contours, gently playing with his nipples. He shifted her position on his arms slightly, and the movements made his chest and arm muscles flex and ripple tantalizingly. Her mind was in a daze, and her eyes locked on his face, which seemed almost to be in soft focus. He smiled down at her. "Well I thought you were tired, but I bet you don't really want to go to sleep yet, do you honey?" The words just passed through her mind unprocessed. Her eyes tore away from that gorgeous face and took in the rest of him, as much as she could see from her position in his arms. She craned her neck and stretched out her tongue until it touched one of his nipples. Back and forth across it her tongue wiggled, and then her teeth closed on it for a gentle nibble. Jack (is this really Jack, my husband??) dropped slowly to one knee beside the bed, and he lay Alice down on it. "I don't know why, but I feel like this is our first time!" he said as he slid his fingers along the curves of her body. Alice glanced down his body and saw his big stiff cock, its head resting on the edge of the bed next to her left hip. It looked far tastier than any she had ever seen in her life. She wanted to wrap her tongue and lips around it, oooh yesss... Her hands slipped around his powerful torso as he lowered his chest to hers and his lips parted in preparation to meet hers. The kiss was like no other she'd experienced: long, hot, moist, gentle, and very exploring. Their tongues slid together, generating heat from the friction of their rough surfaces. His tongue continued on, slipping all over her teeth and exploring her gums and all sides of the inside of her mouth. Her hands clutched at his back, feeling the solid mus- cles flex and relax as he expertly shifted his balance on top of her. His chest pressed against hers, and she hugged him even tighter as her tongue dove deep into his mouth and their lips ground together even more passionately. The thought briefly flashed in her mind: If this man were the OLD Jack, it would have all been over by now, and he'd be already asleep! Alice chuckled at the thought, and the "new" Jack gazed down at her inquiringly. She responded by sliding her hands to the back of his head and pulling it down until their lips were even more firmly enmeshed. The feel of his big hard meat rubbing against her thigh was driving her WILD! But soon she had that problem well in hand, as her fingers slid quickly down his side, then around his waist to where that stiff cock awaited. Her eager fingers quickly wrapped themselves around it. She could feel his whole body shudder briefly in response, and their kissing became still more forceful and HOT as she rubbed and pulled on his throbbing penis. Alice just HAD to taste it! Her tongue slid away from his mouth and made its way down his body in a series of circles and figure-eights, lingering at his bulging chest and again at his firm, washboard stomach. But before long she tasted his pubic hair, and the tip of her tongue swirled about amidst the jungle of hair, spiraling toward the valuable prize that awaited! Then her tongue rubbed against her own fingers, and she knew then that the target was very near. Her fingers slid away, and her eager tongue dove for the attack. She nibbled sideways at his big cock as the tip of her tongue darted to and fro, sampling its heat and texture. His hands groped at her body, seeking soft flesh to grip and squeeze and knead. He found the ideal place, and soon her breasts were the targets of HIS feverish attack. Alice slid her lips to the head of his cock, teasing his most sensitive spot and sending shudders up his spine. She could tell whenever that ZING coursed through his body because his fingers would clench her yummy boobs tightly. Her tongue wiggled from side to side on the very tip of his captive cock, and then she raked it back and forth along her front teeth. When she was satisfied that it was tamed by her frontal attack, she slid it deep into her mouth. Jack moaned as she sucked on his dick. A deep throaty moan that she could feel radiate from his body as well as hear. She slid that big cock in and out, its tip pressing against the roof of her mouth and sliding back along it as she pulled it in. Her tongue slithered all about, savoring every inch, and her teeth rubbed lightly against the taut skin. Her fingers gripped his hairy balls and rubbed his crotch. His ever-searching fingers, meanwhile, slid down her abdomen to seek out prey of their own. She could feel them moving toward her hot wet pussy, and she willed them OOOOOHHH HURRY PLEASE PLUNGE ON IN!!!! They tickled her pussy lips and rubbed along the sides of them, then parted them in the middle and wiggled about in the tight opening. OOOOH MMMMMM she slid his cock in and out of her mouth with increasing vigor as his thumb and forefinger thrust their way into her. Horny minds think alike, and theirs clicked at exactly the same time. Alice slipped his blazing meat out of her mouth, and quickly guided it to her crotch. "Oh please fuck me MMMmmmm...." Jack's fingers came out with a wet POP, and that big meat SQUEEZED into her vagina. Now it was HER body's turn to shudder!! He slammed it into her with seemingly endless energy. Her hands went to his back again and gripped tight, and she could feel drops of sweat landing on her chest from his face. She brought one hand up to his head and brought it down so that she could POWER her tongue into his mouth. To her, there was nothing better than to kiss passionately and fuck wildly at the same time! Jack relaxed his arms and let himself lie down on top of her, his hips still ramming and drilling. After a while he stopped for a rest, his hard cock still buried to the hilt inside her, and his lips and tongue still hard at play with her mouth. She could feel his panting breath, and then he sucked in a breath and his cock pulled back and RAMMED into her again. Not long after her shattering climax, she felt his hot cum explode into her. The next morning, she made her old Citation vanish, and gave herself a new Lexus. --