Pms Julia wasn't feeling well. She usually got pretty bad cramps, but for some reason she was in more pain than usual. My heart went out to her. I hated to see her in so much pain, especially since I knew there was nothing I could do about it except make her tea and feed her ibuprofen. "Jules?" I said, gently, shaking her. "You'll miss your train." "I'm going to call in sick," she mumbled, rolling over and curling into a ball. "I'm going to stay home with you then," I said. "No," she said. "Go to class. I'm fine. I just need a day to sleep and munch on ibuprofen." I rubbed her back, gently. "Still in a lot of pain?" I said, tenderly. "Just twinges right now. But the ibuprofen will wear off soon," she said, in a sleepy voice. "I think I should stay home," I said. "Not if you want a spanking," she teased. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" She rolled over and smiled at me. "I guess it doesn't work as a threat, huh?" she said, and I shook my head. "Go to class- or I won't spank you." "Okay. I'll go to my first class and then I'll call you," I said. "If you're still in a lot of pain, you have to call the doctor. Okay?" "Okay, okay," she mumbled, rolling over again. I made her a cup of tea and then I went to class. After class, I called home to see how she was. No one answered. I wasn't too worried. I figured she was either asleep or maybe she decided to go to the doctor, just in case. I called again at lunchtime and still got no answer. I was a little worried, so I decided to drive home. I came into the apartment and threw my bag on the couch. Doohickey mewed at me and went back to licking her paw. "Where's Mumma?" I said, scratching behind her ear. "Julia?" I called. I went into the bedroom and it was empty. I went into the kitchen to look for a note, and there wasn't one. I sat down on the couch, stunned. She always left me a note. My heart started to pound. What if something was really wrong, and she was in the hospital? What if the doctors didn't think to call me and tell me? What would I do if something happened to her? I started to cry. I hugged one of the couch pillows to my chest and started to cry. I felt like I was sixteen again, unsure of what was happening to someone I loved. "Lily?" I jumped up. "Where were you?" "I ran a few errands," Julia said. "Are you okay? What happened?" "Why didn't you leave me a note?!" I shouted. "You always leave me a note!" The tears were streaming quickly down my face. Julia watched me, completely stunned by my reaction. "I figured I would be-," "How could you do that to me?! I was so scared! Didn't you know how scared I was! I called and no one answered, and then I came home and no one was here!" "Lily-," she said, tenderly, reaching out to me. "No! Don't touch me!" I screamed, and ran into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I cried into my pillow, not quite sure if I was relieved, frightened, or angry. Julia was here, and she was okay. But what if something had happened to her? "Lily?" I heard her say, softly, even though my head was buried in the pillow. "Can I apologize?" "You better," I grumbled. I felt her lay down next to me on the bed and rub my back. "You're right. I should have left you a note. In my defense, I was sure I would be home before you got back from school. I know you usually come in at about five or five thirty, don't you?" she said. "Yes, but I called twice and you didn't answer," I said, in a weepy voice. "Oh?" she said. "When?" "Ten o'clock and then at noon," I said. "Well, at ten I was probably in the shower and a noon I had already left," she said. "But I was wrong not to leave you a note. I shouldn't assume that you're going to always come home at five. You do have a pretty open schedule after lunch, don't you?" she said, rubbing my back. "Yes, except when I work," I said, starting to calm down a little. I looked up at her. "Are you really okay?" My voice shook a little. "I'm fine now, hon," she said, brushing a tuft of blonde hair behind my ear. "But you were in so much pain," I said. "I was scared that-," "Lily," she said, pulling me into her arms, "I've been getting horrible cramps every month since I was sixteen years old. I've been to the gynecologist, and there's nothing wrong with me. Some months are worse than others, but they always go away after a day or two. Sometimes they are so bad that I just take a day off to relax. It doesn't mean that there's something wrong with me." "I don't want you to leave me," I said, and I started to sob again. "I'm not going to leave you, sweetie," she said, softly, rocking me a little bit and kissing my hair. She waited until I calmed down before she spoke again. "I got you a present while I was out." "A present?" I said, like an eager little kid. I loved presents! "Come on, I'll show you," she said, and we both went into the living room. "Wait here." I sat down on the couch. At that moment, I realize that I hadn't changed yet. Julia came into the living room with her hands behind her back and I sat at the edge of the couch in anticipation. "Someone wants to say 'hi'," she said, and presented what looked like a puppet. It was kind of shaped like a- "You're nuts!" I cried, jumping up. "Is this-?" Julia burst out laughing. "I want you, Lily," she said in a squeaky voice, moving the puppets "lips." "You got me a vagina puppet," I said, putting on my best 'you're-insane' look. "You got me a vagina puppet," I said, again, and Julia started to laugh harder. "Look, there's a little hood over-," she said, lifting the little piece of fabric. "So it's anatomically correct," I said. "I don't know- I can't find the G-spot," she said. "Isn't this cute?" "You know, I think that whenever you get your period, some of the blood drains from your brain," I said, teasing her. "You can't tell me that at least one good thing came out of the feminist movement," she said. "After all, I've never seen any penis puppets." I laughed. "I'm going to go change," I said. "Don't you at least like it?" she said, and she almost looked concerned. I kissed her. "I love it," I said. "But you know how much I love pussy." "Where is Doohickey, by the way?" Julia said. "Probably hiding from the big, scary vagina," I said. "Come on, this isn't scary." "I wasn't talking about the puppet," I said, and when I turned to walk to the bedroom, I felt Julia's hand across my bottom. "Don't you forget that I'm feeling better," she said, firmly. I went into the bedroom and changed into my usual boxer shorts- tee shirt combination. Julia left the vagina puppet on the couch and I started to explore it a little. There was this little shop near Boston that sold all sorts of novelties, books, and sexual paraphernalia. Julia and I liked to go there to buy toys, but this was the strangest toy I had ever seen. "Don't you have a class this afternoon?" Julia said. "Yeah, Feminist Lit. I'll call my professor tomorrow and tell her what happened," I said. "I really don't want to go back this afternoon. I'm tired. Especially after the scare I got from Miss Can't-Leave-a-Note." Julia plopped down on the couch next to me, handing me a pint of Haagen Dazs mint chip ice cream and a spoon. "I know, I know," she said. "I was naughty. So are you going to spank me?" I stopped digging into the ice cream and looked at her. I thought she was kidding, and although she was smiling, I started to wonder if she was serious. "I should," I said, carefully, measuring her reaction. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Julia just grinned, digging her spoon into the ice cream. No, she was kidding. She was teasing me. She had to be teasing me. I ignored it and we put on a movie. When we started to get hungry, Julia helped me make dinner. She wasn't much of a cook because she hated to do it, but she did okay with salad. So her job usually involved washing and cutting vegetables or making salad. "Will you tear the lettuce into smaller pieces this time?" I said. "The last time I felt like I had to chop my own salad." "Complain, complain, complain," she said. "Are you getting PMS, too?" I slapped her bottom, gently. "You're askin' for it," I said, in a mock-threatening tone. After dinner, Julia started a pillow fight. "Weren't you the one that called in sick to work today?" I said, as she pounded on me with a pillow. "Yep," she said. "I played hooky." "So you made me worry about you for nothing," I said, starting to pound on her. "No, this morning I was really-," she started to say, and then paused. "So what if I did?" she said, smartly. "What are you going to do about it?" "You're just begging for a spanking, aren't you?" "And if I am? You'd never do it," she teased. She knew I'd never back down from a challenge. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her over to the couch. I was a little nervous because usually, it was Julia pulling me over to the couch for a spanking. I pulled her down across my lap. As we both adjusted, I was slightly aroused by the sight of her draped across my lap. I felt her weight against my thighs and looked at her khaki-clad bottom. I gave her a firm slap and then started to rub her bottom. "What am I going to do with you?" I said, and I started to spank her, lightly. I had to go slow, mostly for myself. A wave of emotions flooded my heart. I felt so much tenderness for Julia. I started to spank her a little harder. I wanted to hear her moan the way that she did when I touched her in just the right spot. I wondered if I would get the same kind of moans by spanking her. "Come on, Lily," she purred. "You can do better than that." "Oh, you want it harder, do you?" I said. "What if I just pull your pants down?" I reached around her waist to unbutton her pants. She lifted her hips slightly to help me. I pulled her pants down to her knees. She was wearing those black lace panties that I loved so much. "Did you plan this?" I said. "I didn't plan for you to get upset, but I did want to play today," she said. I started to spank her again, increasing the force and frequency of my slaps. Julia started to tease me a little. "Is this supposed to hurt?" she said. My hand came down full force on her bottom. I could feel my face flush. She was starting to wiggle and kick a little. "That's my girl," she said, half-moaning. I pulled her panties down to her knees and rubbed her bottom, which had turned a nice shade of pink. I lightened up my slaps for a few minutes, to give her a break. "Is this too hard for you?" she teased. I slapped her hard and fast, and soon red handprints began to appear all over her bottom. She was kicking and even started to apologize. "I was just kidding, Lily," she said. "Ow- you're really, ow- good at this. Ow!" "You wanted a spanking," I said, out of breath, spanking her bottom with almost all my strength. "You're the one who couldn't leave a note." "I know, I know. Ow! I deserve this," she said, wiggling. I started to rub her bottom, which was crimson. I rubbed the back of her legs and her lower back. I pulled up her panties and patted her bottom. She sat up next to me and we hugged each other. "Different perspective, huh?" she said. "That was fun," I said. "But-," "But- I kind of like being on the bottom better," I said. "But I didn't mind spanking you or anything. And I wouldn't mind doing it again." "I like it when you're on the bottom, too," she said. "In fact, I think you should be on the bottom again." We kissed gently and then she pulled me across her lap.