Taxi : Chapter 4 It was getting late -- for me, on a Monday afternoon, anyway -- when I got a call from the dispatcher that someone at the airport was asking for me by name. I couldn't think of any of my 'regular' customers that had been out of town, but figured "What the hell", and headed off. When I got to the airline area I'd been given, I was flagged down by a tiny little Asian woman -- maybe 5-foot and a few inches, even in the high heels she was wearing; she couldn't have weighed 100 pounds sopping wet and with a brick in each hand. She was wearing a lightweight dress that came down to just above her knees; what I could see of her legs made me regret the dress wasn't shorter. She turned slightly, and I could see that she had straight black hair that fell to the middle of her back, pulled back into a loose pony tail. I hustled out to open the door for her and get her bag into the trunk before I got back behind the wheel and asked her "Where to, Ma'am?" "Hilton, please", she answered. As I'm driving, I keep glancing back at her in the rear-view mirror, trying to figure out who the hell she is that she'd ask for me by name -- and taking the opportunity to look her over. If you've ever seen the Clint Eastwood movie "Magnum Force", she looked a lot like the Japanese girl that Dirty Harry hooks up with. Except that I think this girl is Chinese, maybe, or even Korean -- but not Japanese. I can see that she's looking at me, too, and she finally says "You don't remember me, do you?" "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but I don't. I think that if I'd seen you before, I'd remember; you're too pretty to forget." She smiled, and said "Thank you. I can't blame you for not remembering, really. I was here last New Years Eve, and you took me and my boyfriend from a bar we were in back to our hotel. Both of us were pretty wasted, and I think you thought I was someone he'd picked up and was going to take advantage of, because a couple of times, you asked me if I was going to be okay." I thought back to that night -- it had been busy as hell -- and finally realized that I had talked to her that night. She'd been a lot drunker than the guy had, and I try to do what I can to keep drunks from being screwed over; particularly when they're young, female, and attractive. I nodded my head and told her "Yeah, I remember, now. New Years and Halloween are always crazy in this business, and I was really hopping that night", by way of apology. She just smiled again, and said "I understand. I don't remember a lot of it, myself." A couple of minutes went by before she asked me "Aren't you curious about why I would ask for you specifically? And considering the shape I was in that night, how I would know to ask for you?" "Well, it DID cross my mind, but I figured if you wanted me to know, you'd tell me, sooner or later." I saw her make a face before she said "A month after my boyfriend and I got home, the son of a bitch dumped me for some bimbo with big tits and no brains that he met in a strip club. I was pretty pissed off about it for quite a while; and when I got over that, I was really bummed out -- he and I had been together since we met in college. But then I remembered you. I remembered how you seemed concerned about me, so I called the cab company a couple of weeks ago and asked if they had any kind of record or anything about who took me from the bar to the hotel. They did, and I got your name from them. They wanted to know why I wanted it, and I told them that you had done such a good job that I wanted to ask for you the next time I came here; they told me that you're their best driver, and that you get a LOT of people asking for you by name. I was wondering if you were really as nice as I thought you were, so when I heard that, I figured you must be. That's when I decided I'd come back here and see if you were interested in the two of us hooking up for a couple of days. I'm just looking to spend some time with somebody that seems to give a rat's ass about me, even if it's only a little bit, and for a little while. I called back a few days ago to find out when your days off would be, so I know you have tomorrow and the next day before you go back to work. If you're willing, I'd like you to stay with me at the hotel; I'll cover all the expenses, so that you aren't out any money or anything - I don't figure cab drivers make much, and I'm a graphic artist for an advertising firm, so I can afford it. I know it sounds like I'm maybe trying to hire a gigolo or something, but that's really not what I'm after. I think you're probably a pretty nice guy, kind of sexy, and somebody that I'd just like to spend some time with." At first blush, it did sound like she was just trying to hire an 'escort' or gigolo; but when I thought about what else she'd said, I realized that she was at least trying to be considerate. Granted that it isn't always easy to tell the age of an Asian female, I had the distinct impression that she wasn't that old -- early 20's, perhaps. So I discounted some on how she'd expressed herself, and focused on the what she'd said. Admittedly, I wasn't all that keen on the idea at first. But the more I looked at her in the mirror, and the more I thought about what she'd said about wanting to spend time with someone that seemed to care about her, and how she'd felt after her boyfriend had left her, the better the idea of spending a couple of days with her seemed. Then, too, there was the fact that my last girlfriend had moved out a month before; if I was reading this girls signals correctly, there was a pretty good chance I was going to get laid along the way, too. Looking at her in the mirror, I said "It sounds like an interesting offer, except that I don't even know your name, and you know mine." She laughed (a pleasant sound), and answered "Jenny Lao -- it's Chinese, if you're wondering. My folks are originally from Hong Kong, but they moved to San Francisco before I was born. They know that the Mainland Chinese are going to get Hong Kong back, and they didn't want to be there when it happens." I'd already heard stories about how some Chinese were leaving Hong Kong for other places -- and that it wasn't the folks living in the slums, either. If her folks had enough money and horsepower to get into the U.S., I didn't figure she would have grown up poor. It also gave me a little understanding of her attitude: if she HAD grown up having money, it wasn't unreasonable to think that she could well have gotten somewhat spoiled along the way. I had a passing temptation to turn her down, just to 'show' her that I wasn't somebody that could be 'bought', before I recognized it as an almost reflexive response that a lot of people have to people with money. Instead of turning her down, I decided to try a different tack. "I think I would like to spend a couple of days with you; but instead of staying at a hotel, how about if we just go back to my place? That way, it doesn't cost either one of us anything, I don't run the risk of getting in trouble with the hotel -- remember, they DO know me as a cab driver -- and I'd feel a lot less like some kind of male escort or something." Hearing that last part, I could see on her face as she suddenly realized that her offer to pay for everything might not have sounded quite as 'sociable' as she'd meant it to. But she didn't let it fluster her too much, and answered "If you're willing to let me into your life like that, then it's fine with me. I hadn't thought about you being in the hotel maybe being any kind of problem or anything for you." "As long as we stayed in room, it probably wouldn't be, since I know how to get around in most of them. But since you want it to be a couple of days, and I don't figure you want to spend all that time cooped up..." She smiled and said "No, I don't want to stay inside all the time. Would you really get into trouble, even if you were there as a friend of one of their guests?" "Oh, they wouldn't call the cops on me, or anything like that. Shucks, they might not even call the company I work for. But I'm 'just' a cab driver, and I'm expected to know my 'place' -- which is not wandering around the inside the Hilton, the Kings Arms, or any of the other high-end hotels in town. Like I said, they wouldn't necessarily do anything right then or there, but I might start finding it hard to get fares from there, or they might start calling another cab company if one of their guests didn't explicitly call mine. There's all kinds of things they could do to let me know they were unhappy with me." "Why, that's terrible!" she exclaimed, before adding "Can they really DO that? Isn't that, like, illegal or something? That's just wrong; they shouldn't be able to do stuff like that if someone invites you into the hotel!" "Maybe it is wrong, and terrible, and all that. But that's how things work down here on the streets, Jenny." At that, she dug a cell phone out of her purse and proceeded to make a call. It was to the Hilton, and I couldn't help but hear as she cancelled her reservation before she put the phone back and told me "Well, if they're going to be stinkers like that, then we will go to your place. I'll never stay in one of their rooms again, if that's how they are!" I got her eye in the mirror and told her "Don't get yourself too worked up about it, Jenny. It's not just the Hilton. That's true for pretty much ALL high-end places -- not just here, but all over the world. And much -- or even most -- of the time, they're probably right: us peons that can't afford places like that don't have all the social graces and all that that the Hiltons and those kinds of places expect. The one and only suit I have cost me $200, and that was on sale; it would never pass muster among the thousand-dollar Armani jobs I see coming out of the Hilton and Kings Arms. Sure, there are probably SOME of us out here that have enough manners and class and all that to pass muster. But it's just easier for those kinds of places to just keep ALL of us lower-class drones out, rather than have to make decisions on a case-by-case basis. If I was a waiter or bellhop or other employee of the Hilton, I could go anywhere I wanted -- because they would have trained me to be as surface refined and polite as a proper servant should be with the guests they have there. Right or wrong, fair or not, that's the way it is. Better to face up to it, and deal with it on those terms. Sure, we can try to change it; but it isn't going to happen fast, or easy. Besides, it's less a question of the Hilton doing it because they want to, and more a case of the guests insisting on it: too many folks have too much money, and don't know, or don't care, or have forgotten, that everything they have is the product of someone else's -- that is, one of us peons -- actual labor. They have a lot of money, usually inherited, and think that makes them somehow 'elite' or better than the rest of us -- never stopping to consider what their lives might have been like if they hadn't been born into wealth. I'm a damn good cabbie, and I've driven a fair number of rich people, and you know something?" "What's that?" "Of all the friendly, sociable, just plain nice wealthy folks I've driven, almost every last one of them earned their money themselves. They started out middle-class, or even poor, and made a success of themselves. It seems that the farther back the family fortune was made, the more the person that inherited it seems to think they're some kind of royalty. It's a little game I play with myself, sometimes, when I get some particularly obnoxious weenie: trying to figure out how many generations ago their family got the money. The few times I've checked to see if I was right, I wasn't more than ONE generation off." She laughed, but I could see that she was also thinking about what I'd said. She was also paying attention when I dropped the flag on the meter and called in to dispatch to tell them that I was going off-shift. After the dispatcher acknowledged my call, Jenny asked "Aren't you going to get into trouble for turning off the meter that way?" "Nope. I waited until I'd driven far enough for the fare to be the same as to the hotel; as far as they know, that's where I took you. Besides, I lease this rig from the company, so as long as they get their percentage of what the meter shows, they don't care." "How much will they expect, then?" she asked. I told her, and she said "Then I'll give you the money to cover it. If my paying for things would make you feel like a kept man, then YOU paying would make ME feel like a prostitute." I grinned at her via the mirror and said "Point taken", and got a smile in return. Fair enough -- each of us had staked out our 'territory' in the relationship we'd have over the next day or two. When Jenny first stepped into my place, I could see from the expression on her face that it wasn't anything like what she'd expected: it was clean, neat, and somewhat spacious. My furniture wasn't antiques, but it wasn't beat-up garage sale rejects, either; I had simply bought the stuff with quality and comfort in mind, not with any idea of impressing anyone. Along the longest wall in the living room was a bookcase that I was continually adding on to -- at the time, it was 12 feet long, 6 feet high, and full, with another couple dozen books stacked on the floor at one end. I was already planning how to add to the shelves by going around a corner and building more shelves along an adjacent wall. In one corner was my 'reading' chair, an extremely comfortable recliner, with a small table next to it, that sat under a short section of track lighting with halogen lights aimed at it from the back. Nearby was the sofa-bed that I slept on when I first got started as a cabbie; once I'd had it re-upholstered, it was amazingly comfortable. Across from that was what I suppose could be called my 'entertainment center': another set of shelves that held my TV, VCR, stereo system, and all my videos and music. Scattered around were small-to-medium paintings that I'd bought. Most of them were from 'unknown' artists - but it was the paintings themselves that had gotten my attention: a landscape, a portrait, a couple of impressionist pieces, and even an abstract. As she was turning her head and looking the place over, my cat Demosthenes came out from under the sofa to introduce himself to her. She really didn't notice him until he started stropping himself against her ankles and purring loud enough to raise the dead. She bent down long enough to pick him up, and ratcheted his purring up a couple of notches by rubbing his ears as she walked over to look at what books I had. She walked the length of the shelves before turning back to me and asking "You've read all these? All of them?" I laughed, and answered "Oh, those are just the ones I wanted to keep. That couple that aren't put away yet, there at your shoulder, I haven't read, yet, but all the rest of them, yes." "But there are books here that I didn't even know EXISTED until I got to college, and took an advanced Literature course! And I see all this stuff here by Plato and Socrates and Descartes and what I'm pretty sure I remember as other philosophers, too... you actually read all these? For fun?" "Sure, why not?" "I didn't think anybody actually read this stuff for fun -- I mean, not anybody that I'd ever actually KNOW, or outside of school." "Well, school is where I got introduced to some of them. I read Ayn Rands 'Fountainhead' and 'Atlas Shrugged' in high school, along with Plato's 'Republic', but the rest of them I didn't get to until college." She looked at me in amazement and asked "You've been to college?" "You don't have to sound quite that surprised, but yes, I did. I majored in Philosophy -- at least, until I realized that most of what they were trying to teach me was so much bullshit, and dropped out to become a cabbie." She looked at me doubtfully, and I told her "Really -- I was, and I did. Sit down. I'll get us something to drink, and tell you about it." She parked herself at one end of the sofa, and after telling me what she wanted from the choices I offered, I went into the kitchen to get us some drinks. When I got back, I handed her the soda she'd asked for, and took a sip off my beer before sitting down at the other end of the sofa. Then I explained to her how I'd been going to school to get a Philosophy degree (she was mildly impressed with the school I'd been attending), and dropped out when I'd realized that the author of a book I'd had to read was a Famous Name because he argued that the English word 'water' didn't have any meaning because the word for water was something else in other languages. I eventually had to dig out my last gradecard from college to prove to her that I really, truly had been a student there before she was fully convinced. Then she insisted that I tell her about my career as a cab driver, from the time I got started until then -- and more to the point, why I'd chosen to become a cabbie. When I was finished, I could see that she'd decided I was worthy of a lot more respect than she'd first thought. Then it was her turn to tell me about herself: how she'd grown up in a fairly well-to-do part of San Francisco, gotten decent grades in school, and gone on to college without having the faintest idea of what she wanted to do for a career. Then she'd discovered that the doodling and drawing she liked to do was a good start on a career as a commercial artist, and got herself focused on that. Then, when she'd graduated, her family had gotten her a job with an advertising company owned by another Chinese family they knew. She lived in a condo her parents were paying for -- she did have to pay her own utilities, phone, and so on -- and her car had been a college graduation present from her folks; it had replaced the car she'd gotten as a high school graduation present. By the time she was finished, I knew that I'd been right: she was spoiled (even if not as badly as I'd feared), and had never really had to live completely on her own. By the time we'd finished swapping stories, it was time for us to start thinking about getting something for supper. When I said that I was getting a bit hungry, she said that she was, too, and offered to pay for dinner. I said that I'd agree to her paying, but only if I got to pick the restaurant; I could see that she figured I had an ulterior motive, but said that was fine with her. We went out to my 'personal' vehicle, an old Volvo 264, and I got us to one of my favorite restaurants. It was probably the equivalent of one of those national chain places, with a couple of notable differences: being local, it had it's own character (instead of National Bland), the food was significantly better. I went there often enough that several of the staff knew me by name, which slightly surprised Jenny. We were quickly taken to an out-of-the way booth where we'd have a little privacy, and given our menus. After a little discussion, we were ready when Eve came to take our orders -- that nights Special, catfish dinners. Jenny was more used to her fish meals being sea bass or swordfish or something equally 'highbrow', but had been willing to follow my lead when I suggested that she wouldn't regret it. As we were waiting for our meal, I took the opportunity to tell her "You said that you were just looking to 'spend some time with somebody' after I picked you up at the airport earlier. That's something that's kind of open to interpretation, so I want to let you know that I'm not coming into this with any expectations of any kind. There's a double bed in my bedroom. The door locks from the inside, and it has its own bathroom; and the sofa we were on converts to a bed, too - and it's fairly comfortable. So there's a place for each of us to sleep alone if that's what you want; just let me know which one you would prefer. Or, if you like, we can sleep -- SLEEP! -- together. I'm not some sex maniac that can't control himself around a pretty girl. I know that sometimes it's nice just having another person next to you when you go to sleep at night. While we're together, I'm not going to be any more undressed than you are. But if you decide to run around in your bra and panties, don't be surprised if I look - but that's ALL I'll do, is look; I'm not going to consider it as some kind of invitation to grab you, or throw you down and ravage you or anything. Things are only going to happen between us IF, and as fast as, you decide they should. I'm not going to 'test' you or push for things to happen -- it's up to you to make it clear what you want between us. Okay?" She gave me a nervous smile and admitted "I'm glad you brought it up -- I was kind of nervous about all this. I mean, I think I know what I'd like to happen, but I wasn't all that sure about just jumping in and going all the way with it, you know?" A second after she finished, she realized the sexual connotation of her last sentence, and blushed. I just told her "It's okay, Jenny, I know what you meant. Now you know that you don't have to be nervous or worry, okay?" I really didn't figure she wasn't nervous or afraid any more; I was just hoping that it wasn't as much. Not trusting herself to speak, she just nodded. She was saved from any further embarrassment by the arrival of our meals. As we ate, we chatted back and forth on pretty neutral subjects. It was after we were finished that she told me "I've got to admit that I was pretty surprised at how good everything was. I mean, looking at this place from the outside, I figured it was just going to be pretty, well, average. I didn't figure you would take me to a bad place to eat, but I didn't expect it to be as good as it was." I gave a small laugh, and answered "I know it doesn't look like much on the outside, but the thing to watch for is how full the parking lot is -- not just at mealtimes, but the rest of the time, as well. You can bet that a place that's busy ALL the time is doing things right: good food at reasonable prices. I've had the chance to eat in that restaurant at the top of the Hilton, and I've got to say that I was less than impressed. The fancy sauces, and elaborate way they presented the food, and 'atmosphere' didn't compensate for the small portions and high prices -- at least, not for me. I suppose if you've got enough money that you don't have to worry about where it comes from, that's fine; but for the rest of us, we want it to taste good, and to fill our bellies at a fair price. This place does that without all the rigamarole." About that time, Eve came back to take our plates and see if we wanted anything for dessert. I opted for some Key Lime Pie, and Jenny again followed my example. A couple of minutes later, I could see the delight on her face after she'd taken her first bite, followed by her exclamation "I've had Key Lime Pie before -- but never as good as this!" When we'd finished our meal, and settled everything with a cup of coffee, Jenny told me "If you're ready, I think I'd like to go, now. It looks like there are plenty of people waiting to eat, and there's no reason we should keep them from food THIS good" before setting a $20 bill on the bill Eve had left on the table; which meant that Eve got a 20% tip. Once we were in my car, I said to Jenny "I noticed the size of the tip you left..." She answered my unspoken question by telling me "The food was better than I had any reason to expect, but what really got me was the fact that our waitress was so darn good. She was always there when we needed anything, but wasn't stopping by and bothering us, either. She was friendly, but not too friendly, either, you know? I've been in places where the food wasn't as good, the service was way worse, and the prices were ridiculous. I figured some of it was because they know you there, but they were busy enough that I didn't think she had the time to give you any special treatment. I left that much of a tip because she, and the rest of them, deserved it." On the way back to my place, I asked her what she wanted to do that night. She responded by saying that she was still a little tired from her flight, and just wanted to stay in. I said that I had a nice variety of movies, and that if she wanted to pick one out, we could sit and watch it. She said that sounded pretty good to her, and once we got inside my place, she immediately went over to have a look at my collection of videos. It didn't take her long to pick one out, which handed to me before saying "If you want to get this ready, I'm going to change out of these clothes." I got the movie queued up and myself parked at one end of the sofa while Jenny was in the bedroom changing; under the short silk robe, all she had on was a pair of panties. I knew that was all she was wearing because the robe was sheer enough that I could easily make out not only her small, dark nipples, but the dark smudge of her bush behind the material of the panties. My prayers were answered when she decided to sit next to me, then lifting my arm so she could nestle next to me before letting my arm come to rest along her side. She looked up at me expectantly, and I hit the remote to get the movie started. As the movie went through the intro, she told me "I've heard about this one, but never seen it. It's supposed to be some psychological thing, right? I don't see how anything with Jack Nicholson and Shelly Duval can be scary, but I guess I'll find out." I couldn't resist telling her "Oh, I think you'll find out how it can be scary -- no problem!" She'd selected The Shining, and I'd bought it just because it was such a strong psychological thriller without all the blood-and-gore that so often passes for 'horror'. As I expected, it took a little while for her to get into the movie -- admittedly, it does take it a little while to really get going. But once it did... well, both of us were pretty much locked into it. Then once Jack Nicholson started going off on Shelly Duval, Jenny was all but grafted into my side, her eyes never leaving the screen. I gave her a brief hug just once, to remind her that it was just a movie, but the way she flinched let me know that if I dared do it again, I'd likely give her heart failure: she was 'into' the movie that much. It wasn't until the credits started rolling that Jenny finally realized where she was, and who she was with. When she looked up at me, I could see that she was still more than a little 'jazzed' about the movie -- and apparently a little embarrassed by that fact, too. I just smiled and reassured her "It's okay, Jenny. The first time I saw it, it kind of got to me, too. It still does, if that helps any." She gave me a tentative smile in return and answered "Uh, yeah, it does, a little. Um, do you have anything to drink? I mean alcohol, besides beer? If I don't get something to settle down a little, I'm never going to get to sleep tonight!" I quickly ran down the list of liquors I had, and she opted for a rum and Coke; I got up and made one for each of us. When I got back to the sofa, Jenny was waiting -- and after I handed her her drink and sat down again, she quickly moved to curl up in my lap, telling me "That has got to be the scariest movie I've ever seen. I mean, it only had those few scenes where there was any blood or anything; it was the way you got to watch as he went crazy that made it so scary", followed by a shiver, before she leaned against my chest. I put an arm around her, to try and comfort and reassure her as the two of us sat there for several minutes, just sipping on our drinks. Both of us were nearly finished when Jenny told me "I think I'd like to stay with you tonight", then looked up at me to add "I just want some company, after seeing that movie. Is that okay?" I gently hugged her before reassuring her "That's fine. I told you you were welcome to share my bed just to sleep, and I meant it." Satisfied, she finished her drink and told me "Well, I'm going to go ahead and get ready and go to bed. It's been a long day." "I think I'm ready for some sleep, too", I replied before finishing my own drink. She got off my lap and headed toward the bathroom while I went into the bedroom. It didn't take long for me to get ready for bed, so I was under the covers, and had left the small lamp on 'her' side of the bed on. When she came in, she didn't hesitate to take off her robe, revealing her somewhat small breasts and the dark nipples capping them, and then join me under the covers. She gestured that she wanted me to lie on my side facing her, and after I'd done so, she moved to spoon against my front. A few moments went by with me laying there with my arm resting on my side before she reached back and took my wrist to drape my arm across her -- and put my hand over her breast. Her breasts were small enough that my cupped hand, with all my fingers touching, could cover one of them with no difficulty. While her skin was cool against mine where we touched, her breast was warm in my hand, and its nipple hard enough that I could easily feel it pressing into my palm. I moved my hand a bit so that I could caress her nipple with my thumb briefly, before holding her breast again. She wriggled back against me with a soft, pleased noise before the two of us stilled and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was flat on my back with Jenny pretty much wrapped around me - and with one of her hands inside the shorts I'd worn to bed, holding my erect penis. Frankly, I wasn't sure what to do about it: she certainly wasn't hurting me (it felt kind of nice, actually!), but I didn't know if it would embarrass HER any if she woke up with us like that. I was still trying to figure out what to do when she did wake up -- and after a few moments, realized where her hand was. While she didn't seem particularly embarrassed, she did ease her hand out and apologetically tell me "Uh, I'm sorry about that. Here I was, wondering if you were going to start anything last night, only to wake up and find that I'm the one groping you." I couldn't resist grinning at her before I answered "Don't misunderstand, but you weren't bothering ME any; I mean, you weren't hurting me or anything like that. I just woke up a minute ago, myself, and I was getting ready to, uh, correct the problem so that YOU wouldn't be embarrassed." She initially seemed uncertain about whether to believe me, or not, and finally seemed to decide to take what I said at face value. I took the opportunity to tell her "If you'll give me a few minutes to clean up and get dressed, I can get some breakfast started for us." She gave me a small smile and answered "You'll probably be in there before I am" before sliding away from me and getting out of bed. I had the chance to see that she had a very cute little ass as she walked to where she'd left her robe, put it on, and walked out of the bedroom, apparently heading for the other bathroom. I got up myself, then, and went into my 'private' bathroom to get ready to face a new day. I was in the kitchen making French toast when Jenny came in, dressed in a lightweight pantsuit that looked terrific on her. I told her to go ahead and have a seat at the table, and took her a cup of coffee before asking if she needed anything for it. She told me that black was fine, thanked me, and sat sipping it as I finished getting breakfast ready for us. When asked, she told me that 2 slices of French toast were plenty for her; I made 4 for myself. Along with it, I cooked some sausage patties -- two of those were enough for her, as well -- and got each of us a glass of orange juice. When everything was ready, I put the plates on the table and sat down; as we ate we talked about what to do that day. It turned out that there were a few sights in town that she wanted to see, so that pretty much settled our itinerary for the day. When we were finished with breakfast, Jenny insisted on taking care of the dishes over my (mild) protests. When those were done, and we'd refreshed ourselves, it was out the door for us. As a cab driver, I frequently get asked what there is to see or do in town, so I've had to learn a little more about our local attractions than most people around here know; plus I've been to all of them myself, already. So I was able to add a little 'extra' to Jenny's tourist bit. Some of what I told her was extra details that weren't common knowledge; other parts were funny stories and observations about things. Either way, by the time we'd covered the main attractions, the two of us were getting along quite well -- even to the point that we were holding hands as we walked around, and sharing jokes and little stories about ourselves with each other. It wasn't until the sun had almost completely set that Jenny finally decided that it was okay to call it a day. Both of us were in a fine frame of mind, if a little tired, as I drove us back to my place. We were listening to some music on the stereo when Jenny got up off the sofa. I didn't pay any attention to her departure -- but her return sure got my attention: again dressed only in panties, she'd foregone the robe she'd worn the night before. Then she opted to plant herself on my lap, her legs outside of mine as she faced me. Taking my hands in hers, she squeezed them briefly before putting them on her waist and resting her hands on my shoulders as she looked into my face. Mindful of the promise not to 'push' her, I simply waited to see what she had in mind. A minute or so went by before she quietly asked "You're just going to sit there, aren't you?" "I said I wasn't going to test you or anything, so, yeah, I'm just going to sit here -- at least, until I know what you want." "What I want is for us to get closer. A lot closer. I had a really nice time today; not just seeing the sights and all that, but with you. You were a lot of fun to be with -- telling me all that stuff to make the places we went so interesting and funny, telling me about yourself, really LISTENING when I told you about myself and my family, and all the rest of it. Its been a long time since I spent that much time with a guy and just held hands with him; my ex-boyfriend couldn't go an hour without playing with my ass, or touching one of my tits, or doing something like that. I found out today that you're just exactly the kind of guy I was hoping you were when I came here. And now I'm ready for something more between us." Rather than moving my hands to play with her tits or ass -- which I most definitely wanted to do -- I leaned forward slightly and kissed her. Gently and softly, on her forehead. She looked at me in surprise, and I told her "Even though you're ready for something more between us, it isn't my way to just start grabbing at anything that gets my attention -- and you most certainly DO get my attention! If we're going to be physical with each other, then I think it should be something that both of us enjoy, and remember with happiness." She smiled, and gave me a nod of understanding, before I leaned in to kiss her again; my lips touched hers as softly as a snowflake landing on a feather while I let my hands gently caress her sides. When our lips parted, I looked into her eyes and saw something more than mere friendship or desire in them: unless I was grossly mistaken, she was looking at me with love. The next touch of our lips was firmer, and she put her arms around me to pull me close. As our kiss lengthened and deepened, I moved my hands to begin stroking her back. Her tawny skin had a different feel to it than I was used to with the other girls I'd been with, and I marvelled at how it felt under my hands. When we came up for air, she was panting slightly as she told me "I... I want you to get naked, too. I want to feel your skin, they way you're feeling mine!" I grinned and told her "I'm willing -- but that means you're going to have to get off my lap, at least for a little bit." She just grinned back at me before replying "That's okay -- it'll be worth it!" As she started to scoot back, I thought I caught a faint whiff of aroused female, but before I could decide whether or not I really had, she was standing up in front of me. I stood, too, and began to unbutton my shirt; apparently, I wasn't moving fast enough for her, because she reached out and pulled my shirt loose from my slacks and began working her way up the buttons as I was working my way down. When I reached for my belt, Jenny squatted down and nudged each of my legs so that she could remove my shoes and socks. With those out of the way, she stood again and took over the task of getting my pants undone, and then down around my ankles, where they were quickly joined by my undershorts. There was no mistaking the desire and anticipation on her face -- she was certainly no 'inscrutable' Oriental! -- when she got them down past my cock and balls. She quickly knelt to pull my pants and shorts away when I lifted each of my legs in turn; when she stood up again, she gently pushed me back to a sitting position on the sofa again and resumed her previous position on my lap. Nothing for me to do, of course, but put my hands back where THEY were, too... Jenny's small, soft hands felt cool on my skin, just as her skin felt cool and soft under MY touch. I gradually expanded the range of my caresses to include the outsides of her thighs and the small, firm globes of her ass, which was a delight to have in my hands. After a few minutes of our kisses steadily increasing in length and passion, she pulled back slightly so that she could move her hands to my chest. That seemed like a particularly fine idea to me, so I followed her lead. As I'd discovered the night before, each of her breasts would barely fill my cupped hand -- but what they lacked in quantity, they more than made up for in quality: each was a rounded cone of soft/firm femininity, capped with a small, dark areola that was barely larger than the equally dark nipple that sprouted from it. With her increasing arousal, and my more-than-willing assistance, her nipples were getting longer and harder as we began kissing again. It wasn't but a very few minutes before I knew that the scent I thought I'd detected before really had been her; the musky aroma of her excitement was threatening to become a fog that enveloped us. It hadn't taken long for what we were doing to begin to have an effect on me. I could feel my cock -- almost completely erect -- pressing against her panty-clad mound when she pulled her lips back from mine to tell me "I know that guys can, uh, go longer after they've already cum. The first time we're... together, I want it to last a nice, long time. So I'd like to get you off, you know, with my mouth first -- I mean, if you don't have any, uh, problems with that." "I don't have any problem with it - except maybe from enjoying it too much" I answered, earning myself a small laugh. "I'd just like to do the same for you, though." That earned me a big smile before she said "Uh, how about next time, okay? Right now, I just want to do that for you..." As much as the thought of "having lunch at the 'Y'" appealed to me, the idea of being able to just lay back and not do anything but enjoy the hell out of a blowjob sounded even better, and I readily (!!) agreed. She scooted back off my lap and leaned over to nudge my hips toward the edge of the sofa. It only took a moment for me to realize that she just wanted me repositioned to make it easier on herself, and I quickly got myself situated to her satisfaction. She knelt down in front of me, and moved between my parted legs. She reached out and angled my erect cock up so that she could lean over slightly and take the head of it into her mouth. She spent a little time just running the tip of her tongue around on the glans before lowering her head to take more of me between her lips. I don't know where she learned to give head, and I really don't care, except maybe to try and figure out how to get other women to learn from the same place. I honestly don't know how much of what she did was technique, and how much was just attitude; but whatever the proportions were, she got them right. Most women, even if they're willing to do oral on a guy, it really doesn't DO anything for them; I mean, it doesn't get them going, you know? But with Jenny, it was something else, entirely: as good as what she was doing to me felt, I could tell that she was getting more and more excited, too, by the increasing aroma of her arousal. It didn't take me long to figure out that she was doing it because it turned HER on, too, and that she was deliberately trying to increase MY pleasure as much as she could. And she was doing a LOT to increase my pleasure: softly 'nibbling' every square inch of my cocks surface with her lips; taking nearly my entire length in her mouth and the slowly pulling her head back as she ever so softly let her teeth drag along the surface; taking each of my balls and gently rolling them in her mouth; running the tip of her tongue from the very tip of my penis to the base, and farther, almost to my anus; sucking on me until I thought she'd suck the cum out of me without my having to climax; using her lips and tongue in ways that I didn't know they COULD be. She brought me to the edge of cumming a couple of times, only to back off and let me get myself back under control before she started in on me again. It must have been half an hour or better before she finally let me climax. And even as I was firing cum-rockets at her tonsils, she kept teasing and stimulating me, making my release longer and stronger as she greedily swallowed every drop of my jism. I was a little 'distracted', you understand, but I think I heard her have a small orgasm, too, just from making ME cum. Even as I was getting my breath and senses back, Jenny was lovingly tending to my poor, tired dick: with a happy expression on her face, she almost worshipfully used her lips and tongue to clean my cock. When she finally stood up again, I could plainly see that the entire crotch of her panties was visibly darker than the rest from how wet and excited she'd gotten. With a look of pleasure at how she'd (obviously!) made me feel, she quickly went into the kitchen, returning a few moments later with a couple of bottles of beer. After handing one to me, she seemed to make a point of letting me see her take a drink before she again settled herself on my lap and saying "If you're okay with me doing that, maybe you don't mind kissing me afterwards before I get my mouth cleaned out -- but I don't think you should be getting any of your stuff back. That's just the way I am." I took a swallow of my beer (I needed the fluids), pulled her into a kiss followed by a hug, before I told her "I wouldn't have minded -- really. But if it makes you feel better, then that's fine with me." She looked pleased, and snuggled into my chest while I concentrated on getting myself rehydrated. We continued to cuddle there on the sofa while I got myself back together. Jenny seemed perfectly content to simply sit on my lap with one of my arms around her. We'd both finished our beer and set the bottles aside when I finally felt recovered enough to have a go at making love with Jenny. Rather than just telling her "Let's fuck!", I figured to be a little more casual about it, and started using my hand to caress her side - careful not to get too close to her breast, at least, not at first. She didn't seem to notice what I was doing, which left me free to slowly and gradually expand my touch and efforts. I could again smell her arousal before she realized what I was up to -- but it was pretty much too late by then. As small as she was, I didn't have the slightest difficulty in taking her in my arms and standing up, then carrying her into the bedroom, where I gently put her down on the bed. She didn't object at all when I slid my hands under the waistband of her panties and started sliding them off of her; she even lifted her cute little butt off the bed to make it easier for me. After I'd set her panties aside, I turned back to look at her and found myself delighted with the sight she presented: her long, black hair somewhat fanned out on the bed while she lay there letting me look at her nakedness. I quickly saw that the small, dark smudge of her pubic hair that I'd seen through her panties was a patch of sparse, but long, hairs that looked to be as black and straight as what was on her head. The cleft of her sex was easily visible, as was the hood of her clitoris. She spread her legs slightly when I got onto the bed with her, and I saw that her vaginal lips were small and thin -- and the area between them already glistening with her oils. She looked up at me with a little trepidation, and I didn't hesitate to tell her "Just... damn!" That was all the reassurance she needed to know that I found her attractive; but I didn't waste any time in moving to lie next to her and put my hand on her belly before saying "You've probably heard it before, but you look like a lovely, really sexy Chinese doll laying there like that." She graced me with a smile, and answered "Yeah, I've heard that before -- at least, the Chinese doll part. But it was always from people that saw me with all my clothes on; never from anyone that saw me naked like this. My ex-boyfriend told me one time that he felt like he was fucking a little girl, which wasn't something I wanted to hear -- I've always thought that my tits were too small, and that I didn't have enough hair; you know, between my legs. When I had to shower in gym classes with the other girls in High school, I always figured I looked like I was, like, five years younger than them, or something. Some of them even teased me about it, and that just made it worse." "Well, trust me on this - you look lovely, just like I said. If they gave you crap, it was probably because they were all jealous!" She brightened considerably at hearing that, and asked "So, are you just going to LOOK at me, or do something?", teasingly. I didn't bother answering, at least not in words. I just lowered my head and gave kissing her my best shot. When our lips finally separated, she looked up at me with a little surprise on her face before saying "Whoof! I guess you are going to do something with me!", pleased with my efforts. My first considered action was to lower my head and take one of her small, dark nipples between my lips and start sucking on it as I used my hand to again enjoy the cool softness of her skin wherever I could reach it -- and I tried to reach as much of it as I could. Once I had the one of her nipples hard again, I happily changed over to apply myself to the other as Jenny ran her fingers through my hair and moaned her pleasure at what I was doing. When I'd gotten that nipple fully erect, it was back to the first to 'freshen' it before returning to the second. Back and forth I went, until I had both of them standing proud from her puckered areolas and glistening with my saliva. The scent of her was thick in the air, and it took me only a moment to decide what my next target would be; it was a matter of just a very few seconds before I started slowly kissing my way down her body as I headed for my next goal. Knowing where I was headed (pardon the pun!), and why, Jenny readily spread her slender legs even more to make room for me. I took advantage of the opportunity to run my hand up and down the full length of her legs, delighting in their firm smoothness, and the texture of her skin. When I finally slipped between her thighs, I was low enough on her body that I was immediately presented with the view of her sex. Above, her pubic thatch was small and sparse enough that I could easily see the skin of her pudendum underneath. At the bottom of the small wedge of her hair, the hood of her clitoris was readily visible, with her clit itself starting to peek out at me. As my previous view had suggested, her inner labia were small and thin -- and now I saw that they were dark with her arousal, too. They neatly framed her opening, which was starting to overflow with her woman's essence: the was already a small, thin trail of her oils beginning to make its way toward the crinkled rosette of her anus. Seeing it, there wasn't anything for me to do but to extend my tongue, and run it from the bottom of her perineum to her cleft, collecting not only the wayward sample of her musky/tangy juices, but drawing a loud moan of arousal from her. Before dipping my tongue into the honeypot of her nectar, I took a few moments to delight at the sight before me; when I'd fully appreciated the uniqueness that was Jenny, it was on to the happy task of finding out just how much pleasure I could bring her. As it turned out, I could bring her a lot of pleasure. My first considered action was to extend my tongue and draw it slowly up between her vaginal lips -- and collecting a goodly portion of her essence in the process -- before fluttering the tip of it across her clitoris in an effort to encourage it to come out and play. Her response to that was encouraging (at least, I took a deep groan and the spreading of her thighs even more as encouragement), so I did it again. Several times. It wasn't long before she was moaning almost continuously as she arched her pelvis up toward my face. With the teasing I was giving her clitoris, it wasn't long before it came out to where I could see it. I was surprised to discover that it was appreciably larger than it had first appeared: it was easily the size of a very large pea, and apparently quite sensitive. Every time I ran my tongue across it, she would release a deep groan of pleasure and arch herself up even more. Between that, and the way I was cycling between trying to fuck her with my stiffened tongue, gently nibbling and sucking on her delicate little labia, lapping up her abundant juices, and 'nibbling' at her clit with my lips, she was rapidly getting more and more aroused and excited. As much as I was enjoying the hell out of what I was doing (and the response I was getting!), I wanted to get her off, too, after she'd done such a fine job on me earlier. Still, I didn't pass up the opportunity to wet a finger with her oils and begin gently probing her opening to find out if I needed to do anything special. Much to my surprise, I found that she was surprisingly small and tight inside. Either her ex-boyfriend was hung like a field mouse, or she'd been doing without for longer than she'd admitted to. Whichever it was, I knew that I was going to like having her wrapped around me. Still, to make sure I didn't cause her any discomfort, I carefully went about stretching her a little - something made much easier by how wet she was inside and how happy she seemed to be with the added attention on my part; particularly when I switched from just my index finger to using my ring finger and pinkie together. Between what I was doing with my lips and tongue, and what my fingers were engaged in, it wasn't long before I could tell that she was getting close to an orgasm. As she got nearer and nearer to her release, I slowed my actions more and more, drawing things out for her (and frustrating her, judging from the whimpering moans) in an effort to make it as good as possible for her. Finally, when I could tell that she was at the ragged edge, I had mercy on her and fastened my lips around her clitoris and gave the tip of it a furious tongue-lashing. The way her thighs tried to slam together - with my head between them - she damn near broke both of my eardrums even as her sopping-wet vagina clamped down on my fingers so tightly that I couldn't pull them out of her. All I could do was wriggle them around inside her in time with the clenching of her vaginal muscles, intensifying and drawing out her climax. I was suddenly surprised by the sudden appearance of a volume of liquid on my hand; I initially thought that she'd lost control of her bladder. But since I didn't detect the smell of urine, it was pretty obvious THAT hadn't happened. I was watching her as best I could when I felt even more wetness flow onto my hand. I managed to tilt my head down enough to see it as a small wave of fluid gush out of her; I don't know if it was the legendary "female ejaculation" or just the clenching of her vagina pushing out her oils - either way, it impressed the hell out of me, as well as turning me on even more. Small as she was, though, there was only so much climaxing that her body could do before things began to taper off, and finally stop. When her legs fell apart, I was happy to discover that I hadn't lost my hearing, though it was still a little difficult getting my fingers back from the Chinese Finger Trap between her legs! I slowly kissed my way up her body -- with a brief detour to suck on her nipples a bit more -- until I was again face-to-face with her. I admit that I was more than a little surprised at how long it took before her eyes opened up; and even then, it took a few more seconds before she really recognized me. When she did, though, her beautiful face got positively radiant before she managed to whisper to me "Holy crap! That was one hell of an orgasm!" Looking down at her, I could see that the force of it had taken a LOT out of her, and I asked her "You look like you could use something to drink. What do you want?" Her voice was a little stronger when she answered "Yeah, I could use a soda, or some water, or something. Could I maybe get a PBJ or something, too? God! Do I need some energy!" I just smiled and nodded my head before giving her a quick kiss on the tip of her little button nose and heading for the kitchen. It was only a couple of minutes before I was back with a couple of cold sodas and her requested peanut butter and jelly sandwich - which she all but inhaled between sips of soda as the two of us sat with our backs against the headboard of my bed. When she'd finished her sandwich and soda -- and half of my soda, when I'd offered it to her -- she looked at me and said "My ex-boyfriend really never did that for me. I mean, he kinda did, sometimes, but never as much or as long as you did. He was always more interested in having ME do it to HIM. I didn't know that it could make me feel THAT good!" "Well, I guess now that you know how much you like it, you'll be wanting guys to do for you more!", I teased, in reply. She blushed, and nodded her head slightly before answering "I sure will!" before moving to snuggle into my side. I put my arm around her, and she lifted her head to smile at me as I cupped one of her breasts in my hand and teased its nipple for a bit before starting to caress her side. After a couple of minutes of my doing that, she looked up at me again, grinned, and reached down to take my penis in her hand. With her apparently ready to get things going again, I gradually reduced the range of my touches until I was focused almost entirely on her breasts. It didn't take much of that before I had the peaks of both of her breasts standing proud; when she started slowly stroking my semi-erect penis, I let my hand trace its way down her body, toward the juncture of her thighs. She looked up at me again and suggested "How about if we go ahead and lie down again?", with a grin. I just grinned at her, and it was just a few moment before the two of us were again horizontal. She hadn't scooted down quite as much as I had to, so it was easy for me to cup her mons in my hand as I laid a finger along her cleft and feeling the heat and humidity of her arousal. For her part, she was doing a FINE job of stroking and massaging my cock back to life as she lay on her side next to me, her head resting on my stomach. I had been slowly curling my finger to dip the tip of it between her labia, and EVER so softly rubbing them into her clitoris, for a couple of minutes when she said "Jim? There's something I've got to tell you, and something I want to ask." From the tone of her voice, and the way she said it, I immediately knew that whatever it was she had to say and ask, I was going to have to think very carefully before I responded. Putting as much reassurance into my voice as I could, I told her "Go ahead and tell and ask, then." Even then, it took her another minute or so before she hesitantly told me "Uh, there's something about me you need to know. About when I have sex, I mean. It's, um, kind of different, and I don't know how you'll feel about it." I managed to sit up enough to give her a kiss on the top of her head before lying back down and answering "Okay, you say it's different. I've been a cab driver a pretty long time, so I don't think you're going to say anything I haven't at least heard about before -- but if it helps any, I'll promise to think about what YOU say before I say anything, okay?" I could feel her relax, at least a little bit, and a moment later she told me "What I've got to tell you is that... well... that I don't really enjoy sex unless... unless..." she paused to release a heavy sigh before continuing "unless the person I'm with is, um, forceful with me." I gave it a few seconds so she'd know I was keeping my promise to think before speaking before I asked "What do you mean by 'forceful'? Do you mean you like the guy to really pound into you? Or do you mean something else?" "I mean something else." "What do you mean, then?" "What I mean is that I don't really get excited unless... unless I'm... unless he's hurting me when he does it. I don't mean with his cock, but like with his hands -- you know, like slapping my butt, and pinching my nipples real hard, or twisting them, and stuff like that. I don't mean like drawing blood, or anything, just... hurting me." I had to think about what she'd said for a while before I was able to ask her "And what was it you wanted to ask me?" "I'm not sure if it's just one thing, or two, but there's something I've always wanted to try, but I've never done. I mean, I didn't even trust my ex-boyfriend enough to ask HIM to do it -- but I know that I can trust YOU. First, I want to be tied up; you know, like stretched out so that I can't really move. The second one, I'm not sure if it's something separate, or not, but I... I want somebody to... to command me. I mean, tell me what to do like I was his slave, like, and he was my master, and I had to do anything he told me. So what I want to know is if you'd do those things." I really had to think about what she'd said and what she was asking, and when I didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, she spoke up again to tell me "I never even told my boyfriend about how I liked it when he'd slap my ass real hard, or how much it used to turn me on when he got really rough with me sometimes. I've never really TOLD anybody that that's the kind of stuff that I like, and fantasize about. I know it's kind of... strange, maybe, so if you don't think it's something you want to do, I'll understand -- and I'll still be MORE than happy to stay here with you, if you want me to, I mean, and suck your cock or let you eat me or fuck me as much as you want. I was just hoping that... that... that I could maybe find out what that other stuff would be like, and finally have somebody that would have sex with me in a way that I really like, too." I left my hand between her thighs, idly toying with her sex, as I thought. -- just as she was stroking and caressing my semi-erect penis, with no more intent of trying to arouse me than I was her. Admittedly, the idea of having a woman stretched out and pretty much immobile was something that had crossed my mind before, and turned me on more than a little bit. And the idea of a woman that was willing to act as my virtual slave was something that I doubt many men haven't entertained at some point in their lives, and here I was being offered the opportunity to do that very thing. Even the thought of having her willing -- even encouraging me -- to 'let go' and treat her pretty much any way I wanted to had a certain appeal. The thing was, I'm not your 'Average Joe', and I couldn't help really THINKING about what she wanted. They were an intriguing set of offers, to be sure; but those were areas of human sexuality and fantasy that I wasn't all that sure I wanted to venture into. After a few minutes, I moved my hand up to caress her side as I told her "Okay, Jenny, I've thought about it -- and decided that I'm willing to at least give it a try." She gasped, and quickly turned her head to look at me as I went on to say "I'm only going to do it for a couple of reasons. First, because YOU asked ME -- as in, it wasn't my idea. Maybe that's a cop-out; I don't know. But it's something that matters to ME. Second, I am NOT going to do anything that I think would really hurt you: like you said, nothing that draws blood. And to make sure of that, you're going to have a 'safety' word that you can use to let me know if YOU think things are going too far. If you say it, then I -- we! -- stop, right then and there, and that's the end of it. Agreed?" I could see the mixture of relief, surprise, and anticipation in her eyes as she nodded and told me "I didn't mean for it to sound like I wanted you to do anything you weren't comfortable with; I'm sorry if I did. Yes, we stop if things start to go too far for either of us. The safety word is good; how about, um... 'Albuquerque'? I've never been there, and it's different enough that it's not something I'm going to say by accident." "'Albuquerque' it is, then", I agreed. I opened my mouth and started to tell her that I'd get something we could use to tie her up when I had a sudden thought, and instead asked her "On the 'slave' bit -- um, should I just call you Slave, or is there something else that would make it better for you?" She understood what I was getting at, and surprised me by blushing slightly before answering "Uh, Slave is okay, but calling me names would, um, be better." With that settled, there was nothing for me to do but tell her "Okay, bitch, now we're going to do things my way! Get your ass up and get over there by that dresser!" I saw her give a little shiver as she realized that I was starting to do as she wanted, and she quickly got up and went over to my dresser. Once she was there, I forcefully -- and profanely -- told her which drawer to open up to get out a couple of my ties; then it was over to the closet where she was instructed to get a couple of my older belts. When she got back to the bed, I was standing next to it; when she got close enough, I took the ties and belts before reaching out and slapping her before telling her "That took entirely too fucking long, you cunt! When I tell you to do something, I expect you to get your lazy ass in gear and do it!" I saw her nipples start to erect in response to the treatment I was giving her, and then told her "Useless cow! On your knees, bitch; I want you to get me hard again with just your mouth -- no hands. Let's see if there's anything your useless ass can do worth a shit!" Her nipples crinkled even more as she quickly moved to kneel in front of me, careful to move her hands behind her back, before she opened her mouth and took my penis into it. She'd started sucking on me as she ran her tongue along the underside of my cock when I slapped her head and told her "I didn't tell you to put your hands behind your back, shithead! Get those hands up in the air, over your head. Straight up! You're gonna by-God learn to do what I tell you!" She applied herself even more to using her lips and tongue to stimulate me even as she raised her arms so that she was reaching straight up. I tossed the belts onto the bed, then draped one tie over my shoulder before tying the other around one of her wrists -- taking my time, so as to try and make her arms and shoulders tired. Then her other wrist got the same treatment with the other tie; by the time I finished -- both of her wrists were tied tightly enough that I could see grimaces of pleasure on her face as she slowly slid her lips up and down the length of my stiffening cock -- her shoulders and arms were tired enough that her arms were slowly wavering in the air. Perfect. Pulling my semi-erect cock out of her mouth, I slapped her again before telling her "Useless bitch. Get over on the bed, Slave. It's time you learned who's boss here!" She quickly scampered over to the bed, and as she started to get on it, I told her "I know how stupid you are, so make sure you lay on your back." Then, after she'd done as I said, I said "Dumbass cunt! Move up! Toward the head of the bed!" as I started moving toward the bed myself, doing my very best to all but radiate Threat and Menace - and seeing the look of eager anticipation on her face. When I got close enough, I told her "Give me your arm, whore", and when she raised the arm that was closest to me, reached down and painfully twisted the nipple of the breast that was farthest from me before saying "THAT arm, stupid!" She gasped at the pain -- but I also saw a shiver of pleasure and perhaps even arousal go through her before she offered me the other arm. Taking hold of the tie, I stretched her arm toward the headboard before demanding the other arm, and stretching it out, too -- it being obvious that I could have done either arm first, but that I was deliberately making things difficult for her. The design of the headboard on my bed made it possible for me to tie the ends of the two ties together, fully stretching her arms over her head. Then it was time to move toward the foot of the bed. I didn't bother 'asking' for one of her legs; I just roughly grabbed her ankle and forcefully pulled her down the bed so that her arms were stretched well past the point of comfort. I slid the end of one of the belts through the buckle, and put the resulting loop around her ankle; then I knelt down and secured the end around one of the legs of the bed. Around the foot of the bed, and I did the same to the other leg, leaving her painfully stretched out, legs spread, and subject to anything I wanted to do to her. As I moved toward the head of the bed, I gently ran my fingertips along the inside of her leg until it reached the juncture of her thighs - where I took several of her pubic hairs between finger and thumb and pulled them hard enough to make her gasp. I also saw her vaginal lips darken slightly, and knew that she'd felt arousal along with the pain. Moving a little farther, I was near her head as I reached down to toy with one of her erect nipples as I told her "Okay, bitch. You didn't move fast enough when I told you to do things. You had my cock right there in your mouth, and didn't get me hard enough. Since YOU couldn't satisfy me, now I'm just going to have to satisfy myself. Except that I'm going use you to do it, so that your dumb ass can at least START to get some idea of what the hell it is you're supposed to do if you want to please me" -- and giving her nipple a savage twist when I was done. With that, I moved onto the bed, then on to straddle her chest, so that my penis was dangling in her face, before telling her "Now, suck it, whore!" Her arousal was such that she didn't hesitate to open her lips and lift her head to take the end of my cock in her mouth. In just a couple of seconds she was enthusiastically apply a combination of suction, her very talented tongue, and her lips to massage it to a steadily increasing erectness. As I got harder and harder, I leaned forward slightly and started moving my hips -- essentially fucking her mouth. Reaching down, I took a handfull of her hair and wrapped it around my fist, pulling it hard enough to bring tears to her eyes before telling her "Come on, cunt! You can do better than that!", which motivated her to redouble her efforts. It wasn't long before I was slowly sliding my fully erect penis in and out of her mouth as she continued to stimulate me with her lips and tongue. When I was sure that I wasn't going to lose my erection any time soon, I slid myself out of the suction she was applying to me and gave her hair another solid pull before telling her "That's a little better, slut, but you still need to learn" as a couple tears of pain escaped to roll down her face. Scooting back until I was straddling her waist, I reached out and 'played' with her breasts: squeezing them hard enough to make her grimace with the pain; and pinching and pulling and twisting her nipples hard enough to bring tears to her eyes -- all while calling her any number of demeaning and profane names, and all between brief periods of treating her as gently as I normally would have. The contrast between the two only seemed to make her enjoy what I was doing all the more. After a while, I decided to move on to something else; getting off of her, I slowly moved to lie between her legs, pausing every so often to give her a little caress -- or painful pinch -- as the mood struck. When I again had the all-but-hairless center of her womanhood in front of me, I deliberately went about trying to get her as aroused and frustrated as I could. I repeatedly used my lips and tongue on her labia and vaginal opening to bring her to the edge of an orgasm, only to abruptly stop, leaving her whimpering and moaning as she wriggled her hips in an effort to find some way of relieving the torment of being almost 'there'. Then, when she'd fallen back a bit, I'd start in on her again: slipping a finger into her and slowly fucking her with it, or curling my finger inside her to stimulate what was being called the "Grafenberg" or "G" spot, or gently stroking and teasing her erect clitoris. The biggest problem (if it can be called that) I ran into was that with each cycle of that, it was taking her longer to come down from her near-peak, and less time to approach it again. I decided that the solution was to stop stimulating her quite so directly; remembering something I'd done to another woman, and gotten good results with, I opted to kiss my way down one of her legs. When I got to her foot, I started things off by giving it a thorough massage. Following that, I went on to begin kissing it: each of her toes, the arch, the sole, and so on. Only after I'd kissed every square inch of surface at least once did I move on to softly licking her ankle -- which drew a deep moan of arousal from her as she vainly tried to move her foot and ankle away from my attentions. Then it was on to licking her foot in small swathes, until I'd worked my way to her toes; with her toes, I not only licked between them, but took each one of them into my mouth and softly sucked on it as I teased it with the tip of my tongue. I finished with her big toe in my mouth, and by the time I finished with it, she was nearly insane with desire: between pants and moans and groans, she was literally begging me to do something -- anything! -- that would let her reach a climax. By that time, I was ready to take some more direct pleasure with her, and moved back between her legs again. Kneeling between her legs, I looked her over and saw that she had a definite blush of arousal -- one that extended all the way down her chest, to include her breasts. Farther down her body, her labia were fully extended, dark with her excitement, and well-separated; her opening was glistening with her oils, which she'd produced in such quantities that they'd actually run down the crack of her ass to form a not-so-small puddle on the bedding. Leaning forward, I levered my erection down so that the head was between her warm (even hot!) vaginal lips. She tried to arch her back to increase the contact, or even get me inside her, but I moved to deny her. She closed her eyes and released a deep groan of frustration, then opened her eyes again when she felt me wedge myself against her opening. With the head of my cock pressing against her hot, wet opening, I used my hand to again take hold of a small patch of her pubic hair -- and as I pulled on it hard enough to bring tears to her eyes, I arched my hips. Between the pain of having me pulling her pubic hair, and having me filling her with my manhood in a single hard thrust, that was all she seemed to need to trigger her into an orgasm. Surprised by her response, I could only enjoy the sensation of her hot, wet sheath clenching almost painfully tightly around me in time with the waves of release that I could see coursing through her delectable little body. When I felt the spasms tapering off, I could help but perform a simple experiment: releasing the tuft of her hair I had, I reached up to take one of her nipples between my fingers; giving it a vicious twist was enough to make the wave of release that followed MUCH stronger than the one before it. Her orgasm went on much longer than I would have thought it even could; still, her body could only find SO much relief before needing to recover. As I felt the last few faint flutterings of her vagina around where my cock was buried in her, I could see that she was nearing the point of losing consciousness. Rather than letting that happen, and having to wait for her to waken again, I decided to see if I could keep it from happening in the first place: releasing my hold on her erect nipple, I got myself positioned so I could start moving in her. First, I pressed myself against her, bumping her clitoris with my pubic bone a few times to get her attention after a fashion, then slid myself out of her completely -- stopping only when the head of my penis was pressing against the outside of her opening again. In response, she started to liven up again; but I didn't judge that it was enough, for my purposes. So I thrust myself back into her in another single, hard push that had the end of my penis resting against the deepest part of her. The degree to which I filled her, the suddenness of my actions, and the way her body responded to it, were enough to bring her to full wakefullness: her eyes snapped open again and got nearly the size of saucers as she gasped and arched her hips up in response. Having her full attention again, I told her "Now, cunt, you find out what it takes to make me happy! If you don't pay attention and learn something, you'll live to regret it!" With that, I started fucking her -- hard: I was all but pounding myself into her, and it wasn't but a few seconds before she started responding. It was less than a minute of that before she had another orgasm, though not as strong as the previous one. Again, she got incredibly tight around me, but she was also so wet inside that there was MORE than enough lubrication for me to continue sliding myself in and out of her hot, tight channel. Another minute or so, and she climaxed again; that one a little stronger as I maintained my rhythm of slamming into her. I was starting to get a little tired, so I lowered myself to rest on my elbows. I took the opportunity to start taking each of her nipples into my mouth and sucking on them hard enough that I knew it must be painful for her; it also brought them to full erectness, allowing me to bite them, as well. It wasn't but a couple minutes of that before she surprised me with yet another orgasm, nearly as strong as the first. It was soon followed by another, milder one. The stimulation of her hot, wet vagina clenching around me was quickly moving me closer and closer to my own release. But I wanted to enjoy the experience of being inside her for a bit longer, too. I finally decided that there were a couple more things that I could do that I thought would make BOTH of us happy. When I felt her getting close to having yet another climax, I deliberately waited until just before it hit her to suddenly slide my hardness out of her, denying her the release she sought; the look of frustration and surprise on her face was priceless. Getting off of her, I moved to stand next to the bed before leaning over to untie the belt that held her leg in place. I soon had the other belt unfastened, as well, and I could see the puzzlement -- and yes, relief -- on her face as I got onto the bed again. Looking down at her from where I knelt, I told her "You bore me, bitch. I want some action out of you, you useless cow! Turn over, and get on your knees, cunt." She quickly moved to do as I told her - except that she moved toward the headboard, enough so that she was able to put her hands on the bed. I quickly slapped her head and told her "I didn't say anything about moving like that, dumbass! Get back here, and hands off the bed, whore!" She quickly scooted back so that her hands were again stretched out in the air, toward the headboard, as she knelt over in front of me. I moved up behind her and leaned forward to reach around her and cup her breasts in my hands for a few moments before squeezing them hard enough to make her cry out. Even so, before I released them, I gave the hard, erect nubbins of her nipples a vicious twist -- and felt her press herself back against me in aroused response. Putting my hands on her cute, tight little ass, I spread her cheeks so that I could watch as I positioned the head of my cock between her shiny labia -- and again filled her with a single hard thrust of my hips, making her cry out in pleasure. Moving my hands to her hips, I held her steady as I began moving myself in and out of her again. Stretched out as she was, there wasn't much she could do to move, but that didn't stop me from frequently slapping her ass and telling her to get moving. Each blow of my hand only seemed to make her wetter inside as she struggled to comply with my demands. Every so often, I would reach around to give one or the other of her nipples a savage twist, as well. I was literally slamming myself into her when I felt my balls signal that it wasn't going to be long before they unloaded in her. I grabbed a handful of Jenny's hair and pulled her head back harshly before slapping her face and telling her "I'm gonna cum soon, you slut. If you don't make it good, I'll cut your tits off!" That seemed to be all she needed to find yet another release -- the start of which was enough to trigger MINE. Even as I tried to stuff as much of my cock as far into her as I could, I was wetting my thumb with my saliva. As soon as I felt her vagina start to clench around me again, I reached down and quickly stuck it up her ass -- greatly aided by the overflow of her juices that had already lubricated her there. The intensity of her climax easily tripled with that one simple act, and she tried to scream through a (thankfully!) closed mouth, the sound escaping through her little button nose. The dramatic tightening of her vagina was enough to increase the intensity of my release, as well, and I could feel myself trying to coat her tonsils with my jism. About the time my cock and balls stopped trying to fill her with the negligible amount of cum I must have had left, Jenny released a deep sigh and collapsed, my neckties holding her arms out forcing her to fall forward onto her face as she pulled free of my semi-erect penis, my thumb leaving her anus with a loud popping noise. That was enough to make me realize that she'd probably climaxed even harder than I had, and that our activities had undoubtedly had more of an effect on her than me. I quickly moved to untie her arms from the headboard and roll her over onto her back -- and wasn't particularly surprised to see that she was out cold. I gently untied the neckties from around her wrists, then got the loops of my belts from around her ankles. That was followed by a quick trip to the kitchen for drinks and munchies, and after setting those things on the night table, a stop in the bathroom for a couple of damp washcloths and a towel. With everything I'd need in the immediate future nearby, I began doing what I could to clean Jenny up, and help her recover. One washcloth was soon saturated with the combination of the overflow of her woman's juices and my cum. The other was used to finish cleaning her off before I used a clean section of it to gently wipe her face. Then I used the towel to dry the spots I'd used the washcloths on, and gently dry the perspiration from her body, and then my own. By the time I was finished, I could see her eyes starting to flicker, and quickly reached out to grab one of the cans of soda and open it. A few more moments, and her lovely almond eyes opened, though she didn't seem to be able to recognize much of anything. Even that disorientation soon passed, though, and her eyes locked on mine before her entire face lit up as she smiled at me. I gestured with the opened soda, and after she managed a weak nod, I told her "I'm going to get you sitting up, and hold you against me, okay?" The next nod of agreement was a little stronger, and I quickly got her sitting up and resting against my side with only token assistance from her. I held the soda for her as she took the first few sips; once the fluids, sugar, and caffeine began to take effect, she was able to take over managing it by herself. At that point, I figured she was ready for more, and offered her half of one of the PBJ sandwiches I'd made. She got a delighted look on her face, and managed to consume it in short order, washed down with swallows of her soda. By the time it was gone, so was her drink; when I handed her the other half of the sandwich and another drink, she managed to tell me "Thank you. I really need this stuff!" I couldn't resist giving her a small hug before answering "I kinda figured", earning me a smile and mild blush. I was content for us to sit quietly and go through my own soda and hold her close for the next several minutes as she got her fluid and energy levels restored. When her sandwich was gone, and her soda empty, she managed to lean over me to put the empty on the night table and get herself another drink before snuggling into my side again. After a couple more minutes, she quietly said "Boy, that was really... something. I mean, I got turned on when you started ordering me around; and when you started tying me up, I could feel myself getting so wet inside. Then when you started teasing me" -- she turned her head to look up at me balefully -- "it was more than I could STAND. And the way you were... doing things to me, it was even better than I thought it would be." "Well, I've got to admit that it wasn't quite what I thought it would be", I admitted, giving her a hug before continuing "but it isn't something that I think I'd really like to do very much or very often, either." She turned to look up at me again before saying "No, I don't think I'd like to do it very much or very often, either. But it is something I'm glad I, I mean, we, did. I got so excited, and I kept having these incredible orgasms. And that last one was just AMAZING, even before you stuck something in my butt! What was that, anyway? It felt like a baseball bat when you did it!" I couldn't help grinning as I told her "No, no baseball bat. It was just my thumb, was all." She looked at me doubtfully, and I raised my hand as though swearing an oath. That seemed to be enough to convince her, and she happily wriggled into my side again before saying "Anyway, you did pretty much everything I told you I wanted to try, and you did it about as perfectly as I could have asked, and you made this probably the best time having sex I've ever had. It was really, really special, and I've got you to thank for it." The two of us were content to simply sit there, next to each other, for several minutes before she got up enough to swing her leg over me and sit on my lap, facing me. I put my hands on her hips and listened as she told me "Jim, I've had a wonderful time here with you. I know from when I called the cab company that these are supposed to be your days off, and I expect that there are things that you really do need to do. But if it's okay with you, I'd like to stay here with you another day; I'm enjoying being with you so much that I don't want to leave yet if I don't have to. But I'll understand -- really! -- if I can't because there are other things that you have to take care of." I moved my hands to cup her face and gently pulled her toward me so that I could softly kiss her lips before I answered "I'd be delighted to have you stay another day. I like being with YOU, too." She got a joyous expression on her face, and leaned forward to kiss me before telling me "Thank you, Jim. It really means a lot to me that you'd be willing to give up so much of your time to be with me. You're a really special guy; not just for what we just did, but for how you showed me around today, and how nice you've been to me. I'm starting to realize that I've probably been a little, or even a lot, spoiled up until now, and being with you like today and last night is helping me understand what it's like for people that don't have all the advantages I did growing up. And I know, now, that I DID have a lot of things going for me that a lot of other people don't. Last night, at the restaurant, you showed me what it's like for people that don't have as much money and things as me; and today, I know that you took us to places that were all free, or pretty inexpensive to get into. And tonight, you did things with me that I wanted. So what I'd like to do tomorrow is for ME to take you places -- the ones that aren't cheap to get into, so that I can show you some of what I grew up with. And then, tomorrow night, if you're willing to teach me again, I want to make love with you the way that YOU like: I think that you're usually pretty gentle and loving when you're with a girl, and I want to find out what that's like, too." I nodded in understanding before answering "I think I'd like that, Jenny. I know that I don't get to see some of the nicer things and places here in town as often as I'd like; and being able to do them with YOU would be a pleasure. And you're right: when I'm with a woman, I'm usually a lot more, oh, relaxed, than we were tonight. I'd be more than willing to have you stay with me again tomorrow night so I can show you that there's another way to make love with someone." Pleased at what I'd said, she smiled and said "I'm glad. But for now, it's getting late, and I think BOTH of us need to get some sleep -- I know I sure do!" before leaning forward to give me another kiss. Sitting back up again, she got a mischievous grin on her face before telling me "I can feel that you were nice enough to clean me up some before I woke up... but I'm still feeling more than little used, too. And I can see that I left that huge spot on your bed from how wet you were getting me; I don't think either one of us wants to sleep on that, so do you think that there would be enough room for both of us on the couch -- after you take a quick shower with me?" I grinned back at her and answered "No, I don't think either one of us wants to sleep on that huge wet spot" -- she stuck her tongue out at me for teasing her -- "either, and I'd LOVE to take a quick shower with you. As for the couch, I think you'll be surprised at just how much room there WILL be for us." From the way I said that last bit, she knew that I was somehow going to surprise her, but I could see that she couldn't figure out how. She just gave me a Look, then moved to get off of me and stand next to the bed before telling me "Well, come on, then -- let's get that shower so I don't feel so yucky, and so we can get some sleep!" When I was standing next to her, she didn't hesitate to take me by the hand and lead the two of us into the bathroom -- where she had me wait while she got the shower turned on and the temperature adjusted to her satisfaction. When everything was ready, she led the way into the shower, and quickly got started on getting me cleaned up. Once that was done, it was my turn, and I had a great time returning the favor; after I'd gotten her mons rinsed off, she told me "You missed a spot", and when I looked at her in confusion, she just smiled and spread her legs, letting me know that she wanted me to clean her insides, too. It was only a few moments before I had my middle finger back inside the hot confines of her vagina, moving it around to make sure that all of my cum was removed. Apparently, I took a little longer than she thought necessary, because she laughed and told me "Look, that feels really good, but I think you've gotten all your STUFF out -- and if you keep that up, we aren't going to get any sleep tonight!" Even so, I still saw a brief regret cross her face when I gently withdrew my finger from her. After each of us had another quick rinse, it was out of the shower, where we 'helped' each other dry off. That consisted of applying a towel to a spot, then fondling it to make sure it really dry; each of us had to make several attempts before we were satisfied that we'd properly tended the others more 'interesting' bits... From the bathroom, it was into the living room, where I started making 'magician' noises as I showed her that my hands weren't hiding anything (I couldn't have hidden anything, anyway, since both of us were nude), then proceeded to unfold the couch into a bed -- and earning myself a small, tinkling laugh from her before she called me a stinker. As I got some of the bedding from one end table, I told her where the rest was; she got it out, and together we got things ready. Once both of us were lying down, she softly nudged me to let me know that she wanted to lie on my side facing away from her; when I was, she quickly moved to spoon against my back and put her arm around me and hug me. I took her hand and lifted it so that I could give her palm a soft kiss before putting it back again. I heard her release a pleased sigh behind me, and I held my hand over hers as the two of us slowly drifted off. The next morning, I woke up to discover that Jenny and I had reversed positions during the night: I was now spooning against HER back, with the addition of having my hand on her breast. I couldn't resist softly running my thumb across her nipple and felt it erect slightly as she told me "Mmmmmm. It feels so good when you do that. It's not like you're trying to get me turned on or anything, just that you like having my tit in your hand." Mildly surprised that she was awake, I answered "That's because I do like having your tit in my hand. It's warm, and soft and firm at the same time, and your nipple feels like a hard little rubber eraser" before tilting my head to give the back of her neck a kiss - and feeling her shiver in response before she told me "If you keep doing that, we aren't going to have time for me to make YOU some breakfast this morning -- so behave yourself, Mister!", the tone of her voice letting me know that she was at least semi-serious about me not doing it again. Instead, I elected to play with her nipple a little more as I responded "You're making breakfast, huh? Well, whatever you're going to make, I think I'm going to need TWO helpings, so you probably need to get started!" She laughed, and pulled my hand away from her breast so she could scoot over a bit and sit up. Looking down at me, I could see the smile on her face before she told me "Yeah? Well, I think I better have two helpings, too, so I don't run out of energy tonight!" I put a mock-surprised look on my face, making her laugh before she leaned over to give me a good-morning kiss. When our lips parted, I could see how happy she was before she moved to the edge of the bed and stood up. Telling me "You just stay there, and I'll be back in just a bit", she turned and headed for the kitchen. A minute later, I heard my coffeemaker start; just a very few minutes after that, she was back with a cup of coffee. After handing it to me, she said "You just lay there and rest up for tonight; I'll bring breakfast in here." After hearing my "Yes, Ma'am. As you say, Ma'am", she was smiling again as she headed back for the kitchen. I was pretty much done with my coffee, and was wondering whether to go get some more or ask her to bring some, when she reappeared with our breakfast -- and more coffee. Looking at how much she'd made -- scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausages, toast, orange juice -- I wasn't entirely sure that she hadn't made enough for each of us to have two helpings. But once I got a few bites of it in me, I realized just how hungry I was. I also noticed just how much of an appetite SHE had, too; she barely missed eating as much as I did! By the time we were finished, it turned out that she hadn't made too much, after all: aside from the couple of small pieces of sausage and a little bit of scrambled egg that were given to my cat Demosthenes, there wasn't anything left. When Jenny released a soft belch of satisfaction, I couldn't help but laugh, embarrassing her slightly. After each of us had a final cup of coffee, she let me come into the kitchen to help clean up and take care of the dishes -- and patiently tolerated it when I started playing with her cute little ass, or teasing one of her nipples, or any of the other things I did to molest her in the process. With the kitchen cleaned up and the dishes done, it was time for us to share a shower and get ready to go out for the day. Jenny and I had one HELL of a time; we went places I hadn't been to in entirely too long, we did things that I very rarely got to do, we had fun, we laughed, we played grab-ass (sometimes literally!), and just generally had a damn fine time together. For me, it was as much the company I had as it was the places we went and things we did. Still, there came the point where both of us were ready to call it a day, and head back to my place -- and what both of us knew would be keeping us occupied that night. Once I'd closed the door behind us, I turned around, only to have Jenny plaster herself against my front, pulling my head down for a kiss. Surprised, but delighted, I enthusiastically kissed her back; only when our lips parted was I able to ask "I'm not complaining, mind you, but what brought that on?" Her arms wrapped around me, and she hugged me close before answering "I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed being out with you today." "And I had fun being with you, too", I answered, "but you didn't answer my question." She pulled back slightly to look up at me for a few moments before saying "You really don't know, do you?" I shook my head, and she smiled before continuing "I guess that's why: because you were such good company today. At first, I thought you were being on your 'good' behavior, but then I realized that you're just being you -- that you didn't HAVE to make any kind of extra effort to be someone that I was glad, even proud, to be with today. I mean, you weren't some choirboy or anything; goodness knows you patted me on the butt enough times! But you were always careful to only do it when nobody was looking, or could see us. And every place we went, you acted like you went to places like that every day, when know you don't get to visit them very often. It was just that you carried yourself with such... I don't know... class, that you just fit in with everybody else. I know you're educated and everything, but after driving cabs all this time, I wouldn't have been surprised if your didn't quite as... refined as you do. The people we met and talked to, I could see that they figured you were someone like them that they just hadn't met yet; because of how much money my parents have, I've met plenty of fairly wealthy people, and I know how snobby they can be -- so if you were able to get the kinds of reactions from the people we met that you did, there isn't a doubt in my mind that they thought of you as an equal. People like that, they can spot someone that's just pretending or putting on an act from a mile away; THAT'S when I knew that you were just being yourself, and realized just how much class and everything you have." I smile back at her and answer "A lady friend -- that is, a friend who is very much a lady -- told me that 'class' isn't money or job or social status; that it's a matter of respecting yourself and others, and how you treat people. From what I've seen, I think she explained it exactly right." Jenny got a pleased look on her face as she exclaimed "That's it! That's what I was trying to say, and why I think you've got class! You respect yourself, but without being on some kind of ego trip, and you respect other people, too. And you most definitely treat other people like you'd want them to treat you." I just smiled down at her, and gently got her turned around so that I could guide her into the living room. Once there, she found a spot on the couch while I got some Mozart going on my stereo. When I came over to take my own seat, she patted the spot next to her to let me know where she expected me to sit. I did as instructed, and she didn't hesitate to snuggle next to me, and pull my arm around her waist. We spent the better part of a couple of hours just sitting there quietly, content to listen to the music and be next to each other. It was probably midway through the evening when she finally spoke up to say "I know that I really DO have to go home tomorrow, even though I wish I could stay here with you for as long as you'd have me. And it's going to be a long flight home, so I have to get going fairly soon in the morning. But I still want to find out what it's like to make love with you the way you usually do, too." Knowing what she was getting at, my response was to simply nudge her slightly so that I could stand up and put my hand out toward her. She took it, and let me help her get up from the couch, and then lead her back into the bedroom. Once there, I told her "I want to be the one to undress you; do you want to do me, or watch me do it myself?" "I just want to watch you", she answered, and I took a small step back so that she could see me better as I calmly went about getting myself naked for her. I didn't pretend to be putting on any kind of show or anything; but the way I did it let her know that I was fully aware of her presence, and doing it just for HER. Once I was nude, I stood there patiently as she looked me over -- I could tell that she was trying to burn the look of me into her memory so she'd be able to 'see' me again in the future. When her eyes told me that she was ready, I stepped close to her again, and carefully went about removing HER clothes, too. As the different bits and areas of her appeared, I would pause to softly caress them with my fingertips, and gently kiss her exposed skin. By the time I knelt down in front of her to slip her panties down her legs, she was already starting to show an aroused blush on her face and shoulders; and her small breasts were visibly tight, her areolas crinkled with her nipples standing out. Slipping my hands under the waistband of her small, brief panties, I could already detect the distinct aroma of her arousal; I detoured briefly to give the small, firm globes of her cute ass a caress and brief squeeze before slipping her panties down. When the crotch of them pulled away from her mons, the scent of her immediately became even stronger; and when I'd slid her panties a little farther down her thighs, I could see that her clitoris was already peeking out from under its hood, and that her labia were parted and faintly glistening with her oils. Leaning forward, I placed a soft, gentle kiss on her navel and another on her lower belly, just above her sparse pubic thatch. Standing up again, I guided her to turn slightly, then surprised her by picking her up in my arms. After carrying her over to the bed, I gently laid her down on it -- then remained standing next to the bed, so that I could look down at her. It took her only a moment to realize that I was trying to memorize the sight of her, just as she'd done of me, and she readily arranged herself so that I had a full, unimpeded view of her entire body. Once I was satisfied that I wasn't going to forget her any time soon, I moved to lie next to her on the bed. Resting on my side, I put my open hand on her belly before telling her "I know that you enjoyed what we did last night. There were things that you wanted to experience, and I was able to help you find the pleasure that you were after. Now, tonight, it's my chance to show you a different way of finding pleasure, if you'll accept it." She looked up at me with, if not love, then certainly affection, and answered "I do want to know another way. I don't know if it's going to be the kind of physical pleasure I had last night, but I do know that it will be something that touches me in my heart, and in my soul -- because it's YOU doing it, and how much you've come to mean to me. I accept what you're offering me, gladly." Hearing that, I had reason to hope that the young woman that went back to San Francisco wouldn't be the same person that had called for me from the airport just a few days earlier. But all of that was for later. Right then, I had the delectable little bundle of the cute and sexy Jenny to tend to. And 'tend to' her, I did. Leaning over her, I started by kissing her. Not on the lips, as she clearly expected, but on the end of her little button of a nose. Then it was each of her eyes, the corners of her mouth, and the rest of her face -- and only then her lips. She parted them slightly in invitation, but I elected to continue onward, to her throat and neck; from there, it was out to the point of her shoulder and back again, with a detour to softly nibble her earlobes, then back across her throat to the other shoulder. Back at her neck again, I raised up enough to kiss her lips again -- that time, accepting her offer for our tongues to get reacquainted. As our tongues danced in each others mouths, I started moving my hand on her body, my fingertips tracing butterfly-light trails across her skin. I knew my efforts to make her more aware of the rest of her body -- the parts normally considered 'nonsexual' -- were having an effect when I heard Jenny begin softly panting, and felt her begin a subtle writhing under my touch. Even so, I didn't stop what I was doing; I simply continued my efforts, expanding them to include even more of her body. Finally moving to hold my body over hers, I lowered my head and concentrated on teasing her with my lips, and the tip of my tongue: giving her soft little lip-bites on every bit of her velvety skin the I could get my lips on, occasionally touching the tip of my tongue to her and then gently blowing on the resulting dampness, and softly sucking on random bits of her anatomy. During all of this, I was slowly working my way down her body -- shoulders to breasts to belly to hips. To her suprise, I bypassed the area between her thighs in favor of her legs; it was only after I'd worked my way down one leg and then back up the other that I finally settled in to 'tend' to the center of her femininity. Before me, I could see that my patience and efforts had had the desired effect on her: her labia were dark and extended, and the area between them shiny with her woman's essence. At the top of her cleft, her clitoris had shrugged off its hood to stand exposed to my gaze. Again, I took the time to memorize the sight of her before lowering my head to give her clit a soft kiss and quick swipe with the end of my tongue -- earning me a soft gasp and arching of her hips in response. Lowering my head a little farther, I was able to take one of her labia between my lips and begin gently licking the surplus of her oils from it. When there wasn't any more to be had, I readily switched to the other and quickly cleaned it of everything but a faint trace of my saliva. Only then was it time for the 'main attraction': extending my tongue, I tried to see just how much of it I could slip past the tight ring of her vaginal opening. I didn't get as much of it into her as I wanted, but judging from the way her legs spread as she opened herself to me even more, she found the results quite satisfactory. As my tongue continued to probe her, I opened my mouth and fastened myself to her, leech-like. Except that unlike a leech, what I started softly sucking from her wasn't blood, but the lubrication that she'd made in abundance. Her juices were light, and thin, yet still surprisingly oily; the taste of her was musky and tangy, and easily as unique as she was. As pleasant as her oils were on my tongue, it didn't take me long to exhaust the immediate supply -- something I easily corrected through the simple expedient of using my upper lip to begin a soft massaging of her clitoris as I continued to both try and fuck her with my tongue and suckle at her opening. It wasn't but a very few moments before her hands were in my hair, holding me in place as she writhed under my oral assault and produced a nearly constant supply of her nectar for me to consume. I knew from the previous night that it wouldn't be difficult to bring her to one, or even more, powerful orgasms orally -- but what I wanted to do instead was to see how she would respond to more frequent, but perhaps less intense, climaxes. So I contented myself with simply doing what I could to get her aroused -- though slowly, because I was enjoying what I was doing! -- and ending with an 'ordinary' release for her. It took several (pleasureable!) minutes before I felt her beginning to tense up; a couple more, and she slid into a gasping, moaning climax that caused her spasming vagina to push out small wavelets of her juices for me to savor. While she was in the throes of her release, I didn't do anything special to prolong or intensify it for her; for what I had in mind, I wanted it to be easy for her to recover so that we could continue. When the waves of pleasure had lessened to an occasional shudder of her body, I gave her cleft one last swipe with my tongue before raising myself up and moving to cover her body with mine -- though supporting nearly all of my own weight, in consideration of her small size. As I'd hoped, she was able to regain her senses fairly quickly. When she opened her eyes and saw me over her, she wrapped her arms around me and lifted herself off the bed so she could begin showering my face with kisses. When she finally lowered herself to lie on the bed again, the expression on her face was one of pure delight as she told me "That was just incredible! I thought you were maybe going to go nuts sucking on my tits or something, but the way you were kissing me and touching me... it was like I never really knew I had skin before, until you started doing all that stuff. It was so sexy and -- what's the word? Sensual? -- that it was like every little bit of me was getting worked up!" I couldn't help but smile before I lowered my head to give her a kiss, and reply "Sex doesn't just have to be about the parts folks normally think of. And you said something else, yourself: that our time tonight will be something that touches you in your heart and in your soul." She nodded her acceptance of what I said, and I could see her start think about it -- but there were other things that I hoped she'd do. Shifting slightly, I brought my semi-erect penis into contact with the heat and humidity that told me where her opening was; that brought her mind back to where she was, and why she was there. With a smile, and look of eager anticipation, she started lifting her hips off the bed to begin rubbing her labia against my manhood. Her actions helped get me harder, but not enough -- something that quickly frustrated her. In a surprising show of strength, she managed to roll me off of her and onto my back before sitting up long enough to say "I want you in me, dammit!" before reaching out to wrap her cool hand around my penis. After carefully stroking me a few times, she leaned over and took the head of my cock in her mouth. Swirling her tongue around it, she felt me begin to grow longer and harder in her hand, and quickly took over half my length between her lips before adding a gentle suction to the tongue action she was applying. With that kind of stimulation, it wasn't but a couple of minutes before I was fully erect. Satisfied that she'd gotten the results she was after, Jenny bobbed her head up and down my penis a few times, leaving a coating of her saliva as she let me fall from her lips. A few seconds more, and she was astraddle my hips, holding my erection in her hand as she got herself positioned over it. A little minor adjustment, and she had me pressing against the steamy entrance to her vagina; from there, it took her less than a minute to impale herself on my manhood, her firm ass settling onto the tops of my thighs as a look of absolute bliss took her over. Reaching up, I ran my thumbs across her stiffened nipples as I savored the sensation of her hot, wet, tight sheath wrapped around me; there were frequent involuntary flutterings inside her that delighted and stimulated me, making me perfectly content to simply have her holding still as she was while I teased and toyed with the rubbery hardness of her dark nipples. Still, when she finally did start moving on me, I quickly decided that the feeling of her two-sizes-too-small vagina sliding ever so slowly up and down my erection wasn't such a bad sensation, either. Jenny's movements on me started very slow; from the expression on her face, it was almost as though she were actually feeling it for the first time, and found it fascinating. Stimulating too, apparently, because it didn't take long before she was moving herself on me more and more quickly -- and lengthening the range of her movements, as well. Looking at where we were joined, I could see that the coating of saliva she'd left on me had been replaced by a film of her woman's oils. Her vaginal lips were so small that I could only see their very edges as my cock disappeared, then reappeared, between them. Easier to see was the fleshy pearl of her clitoris, again making an appearance to let me know that she was enjoying what she was doing. Well, that was only fair -- I was enjoying her actions, too! As time went by, her bounces on my 'lap' grew shorter but more frequent. Her increasing activity brought a fine sheen of perspiration to her body, making it a sensual experience for me to slide my hands around on her body. It also meant that her actions began to slow as she got tired. I moved my hands to her hips, and after a little bit managed to get her to hold still over me so I could tell her "You're getting tired. Let's shift things around a bit so I can take over for a while. Okay?" She considered it for just a few moments before nodding her agreement and answering "Yeah, I've got to admit that I am getting a little tired..." Sitting up, I took her into my arms then leaned forward enough to gently deposit her on the bed -- making sure that we didn't become uncoupled in the process. Once my hands were free, I cupped her face and leaned down so the two of us could share a deep, passionate kiss before rearranging my legs. When I was done, I was almost sitting on the bed, but with my folded legs holding me slightly off of it; Jenny's legs were draped over mine. That left us in a position where I could start thrusting in and out of her with minimal effort: only about half my penis was moving in her, but that seemed to be enough to satisfy both of us. With it taking so little effort on my part, I was able to make love with her that way for a nice, long time. Long enough, in fact, that she went through not just one but two orgasms -- the second one noticeably stronger than the first. Along the way, I also discovered that if I was willing to push myself a little, I could bend forward far enough to be able to lick and suck on her breasts and nipples. It was a trifle awkward for me, and mildly uncomfortable, but a sacrifice I willingly made. By the time our position became bothersome for me, I could tell that Jenny was well on her way toward another climax. I tried to judge whether I'd be able to help her reach it before I became too uncomfortable, and decided that it was probably better to change things around. I gradually slowed my movement in her, and when she looked up at me questioningly, I simply told her "Time for us to change again, okay?" She readily smiled her agreement before responding "Uh, do me from behind again?" I smiled back, and simply said "Glad to!" It took only a few seconds for us to get separated and suitably relocated; as I positioned myself behind her, she looked over her shoulder and admonished me "No tricks this time!" I couldn't help grinning as I answered "I promise: at no point will my fingers leave my hands!" Her soft laugh was cut off by a groan of pleasure as I pressed myself into her, filling her in a single quick thrust. It started out with me holding her by the hips as I pistoned in and out of her tightness; but when I moved my hands to play with her breasts and nipples, and then start caressing her body again, she started rocking back and forth to move herself on and off my manhood. As I'd figured, it didn't take very long before she slid into her fourth -- and strongest -- orgasm of the evening. Granted, none of them had been particularly 'earth shattering' for her; but I thought I could discern that they were coming (pardon the pun!) closer and closer together, as well as being progressively stronger. If things went as I was hoping and thinking they would, she wouldn't have any trouble remembering me, or our time together. Our activities of the previous night had done a pretty good job of relieving any sexual tensions I might have been feeling; that, coupled with our slower and gentler pace was making it a lot easier for me to control myself as to how quickly I needed to find my own release. So as enjoyable as the sensation of her vaginal spasms had felt around my cock, I was still ready to go back to fucking myself in and out of her as her climax ended. I'd just gotten into a nice rhythm again when she gasped out "Christ! What are you, the fucking Superman of sex or something?" "Not Superman. Just taking the time to really enjoy it, is all", I managed to gasp back. "I guess!" I heard, in reply. I was able to 'pace' myself enough that I was able to see her through another orgasm -- though the way her pussy felt around my cock made it a lot closer than I would have liked. Close enough, in fact, that I welcomed the opportunity to regain some control after she'd recovered from her climax and told me that she wanted to be on top of me again. When I slid my dick out of her, I released a small wave of her juices that quickly overwhelmed her pubic hair's ability to absorb it, and began to slowly trickle down the inside of one of her thighs. Ever the gentleman, I backed up far enough that I could lean over and use my tongue to collect them -- and then continue my way up her leg until I was able to put my mouth across her opening and gently suck out any surplus that might also escape. Her deep groan of pleasure let me know that she appreciated my efforts... Rather than just lying back and having her climb on top of me again, I suggested that I sit up enough to rest against the headboard of the bed: that way, it would be easier for us to kiss or do anything else that might come to mind for either one of us. Jenny agreed without hesitation, and a minute later, she was again wrapped around my cock as she sat on my lap while I leaned back and just enjoyed the sensation. Even with the break she'd gotten from having me as the 'active' partner, the orgasms she'd had had still taken a lot out of her. So it wasn't all that long before the rise and fall of her body over mine began to slow again. As before, I put my hands on her hips and got her settled onto my lap again before telling her "If you're up for something a little different, I think I know how we can keep going." It was only after I'd said it that I realized that after the activities of the previous night, something that was just 'a little' different was probably going to sound pretty mainstream to her. The grin she got on her face told me that she'd likely had much the same thought before she answered "I don't think that would be a problem. What is it?" I quickly suggested that she simply turn around, so that she could lean back against my chest; that would let me start moving in her, or if I got tired, think of something else. Unsurprisingly, she didn't have any problem with it, and carefully got herself turned around without having to lift herself off of me -- which was an experience I still think about with pleasure! When she was leaning back against me, I welcomed the opportunity to lower my head slightly and begin kissing and softly biting her shoulder -- then the base of her neck, her earlobe, and around to the back of her neck. As I did, I could feel her becoming even wetter around me, and heard as she started panting and moaning softly in response. Her arousal increased even more when I switched over to repeat my actions on the other side of her; by the time I was kissing the back of her neck again, she was writhing in passion. Moving my hands up from her belly, I cupped her breasts and began a slow squeezing and pulling motion, as though I were trying to 'milk' her -- except that at the end of it, I was softly pulling and tweaking her nipples. It didn't take much of that before both of her small breasts were noticeably tight and firm, and her nipples long and hard. Keeping one hand busy with her breasts, I used the other the softly trace a path down her body and ending between her smooth thighs. Slowly hunching myself up into her, I used the tip of one finger to collect some of her oils from where we were joined and used it to lubricate things as I started to slowly and softly play with her exposed clit, and the area around it. By frequently 'topping off' the lubrication from her ample supply, I was able to avoid causing her any discomfort as I added even more to the sensations I knew she was experiencing: between what I was still doing to her neck and shoulders, my hand on her breasts, slowly sliding my hard dick in and out of her, and twiddling her clitoris, I was doing as much as I possibly could to stimulate her. It wasn't but a very few minutes after I'd started playing with her clitoris that she fell into her sixth orgasm -- one that had her trying to scream through clenched teeth and lips that were tightly closed as a series of powerful spasms wracked her tiny frame; that I didn't let up on my assault on her senses only drew it out for much longer than any of the others she'd had that night. As the post-orgasmic aftershocks going through her body came farther and farther apart, I slowed and finally stopped my attentions to her, giving her the chance to recover. When her breathing had again stabilized, I heard her softly tell me "Damn you! I said no tricks, and you still make me cum hard enough to damn near kill me!" Holding her in my arms, I kissed the top of her head and answered "Oh. I though you just meant no tricks that time - like, no doing what I did last night. You didn't like that?" "Bastard. Yes, I did like it! It's just that I like to have died, I liked it so much. Where the hell did you learn to DO stuff like that? Christ, you need to be on the Olympic sex team, or something!" I couldn't help but laugh briefly before I answered "I learned to do stuff like that from women. Surely you didn't think I was a virgin or anything before we met, did you?" I could hear her soft laugh before she told me "No, I didn't think you were a virgin before we met. But how many women have you have been with that you've learned so much?" "I don't expect that I've been with any more women than any other single guy my age. It's just that I always pay attention to what they tell me they like -- whether it's with their words or their actions. And I've driven around enough women together in the back of my cab to hear what kinds of things a lot of them say they like and don't like; I just keep my mouth shut up front and drive, and they pretty much forget that I'm even there, so I get to hear all kinds of lessons from them. I learned a long time ago that women talk about guys as much as guys talk about women -- and do it in pretty much the same ways, when they think nobody's listening." I had to grin to myself when I saw her ears darken slightly as she blushed, realizing that her 'woman's secret' was out -- at least, to me. She started to move then, only to realize that I was still hard and inside her. Turning her head to look at me in amazement, she demanded "What IS it with you tonight? Did somebody take the Jim I was with last night and give me RoboStud when I wasn't looking? Are you having some kind of uh... problem or something that you can't cum? Am I doing something wrong?" Again, I had to laugh before I answered "In reverse order, the answers to your questions are: no, you're not doing anything wrong; no, I'm not having any kind of 'problem'; yes, I'm still Jim, not RoboStud; and I'm just trying to enjoy being with you like this as much as I can, so I'm trying to make it last longer. If it helps any, all the stuff we did last night is just making it easier for me to, uh, 'hold off' tonight. As a matter of fact, the last couple of times you orgasmed, I got a lot closer to climaxing, too; I don't think it'll be much longer before I can't wait any more, and then I'll be done -- for the night, I think." From the expression on her face, I could tell that she was both delighted that I'd want to make our last night together so special, and both relieved and disappointed that the end of our lovemaking was getting close. "Well, I'm about worn out, so I hope that whatever you want to do next is a little easier on me!" I knew from the tone of voice she was using, she really wasn't complaining -- far from it, I expected. But I still understood that I was going to have to take over for a while; she was understandably tired. "I don't think that'll be a problem", I assured her, adding "Actually, what I was thinking was that it would be nice to have you on your back and me over you -- you know, the old standby. That way, we can still kiss and touch and everything, but I'll be the one doing all the work..." She grinned and said "It isn't 'work' if it feels this good -- but I understand what you mean. Yeah, I think I'd like that; and not just because it means I finally get to rest!" I grinned back at her, and after I gave her a small nudge, she readily lifted herself off my erection and moved to lie on her back next to me. I scooted down and leaned over to give her a series of soft kisses on her face before touching my lips to hers; the kiss we shared was deeply affectionate and loving. When our lips finally parted, I finally started to move over her; she readily spread and lifted her legs to not only make room for me, but to make it easier for me to enter her again. With only minor adjustment, I soon had the end of my penis nestled between her labia and softly pressing against her opening. Before I could enter her again, though, she surprised me by raising up to rest on her elbows. Seeing the puzzlement on my face, she looked faintly embarrassed as she told me "All the times I've had sex, I've never really watched as a guy put it in me. It always feels so good, so this time, I want to SEE it while I'm FEELING it." I simply gave a small shrug of my shoulders and answered "If that's what you want to do, then by all means, knock yourself out." Thus reassured that I didn't mind, she lowered her head slightly and shifted her eyes to where my penis was poised to enter her. So it happened that both of us were watching as I arched my hips and made my manhood disappear into the hot, wet confines of her womanhood. In acceptance of her desire to see and feel it, I entered her as slowly as I could manage; and as more and more of my cock filled her tight channel, I heard her gasp and softly say "God! As good as it feels, it's even sexier to see!" Only when my pelvis was pressed against hers did she lower herself to lie on her back again, her eyes still seeing our sexual reunion. When I started moving in her, though, her attention quickly returned to the physical sensations I was creating within her. Able to simply 'lay back and enjoy it', Jenny's arousal and excitement at having me inside her again quickly reached their previous levels -- and then increased. It wasn't long before she was tossing her head back and forth, her long dark hair whipping around like a cloud of India ink, as she emitted a variety of noises that let me know that what I was doing was pleasing to her. All I was doing, really, was just fucking her: sometimes long, slow strokes that had me almost entirely out of her before I again filled her completely; other times, it was a period of short, rapid thrusts that had my pelvis bumping against hers and applying pressure to her clitoris. Or I'd bury myself in her, and then just 'bump' myself against her, barely moving myself in her. Whatever I did, and how I did it, it seemed to please her and increase her passion. My efforts saw her through a seventh orgasm without my slowing down in the slightest; I was finally starting to feel the stirring in my balls that meant my own release wasn't far off when I felt her vagina begin a fluttering that I'd learned meant her own climax was approaching, as well. I somehow managed to hold off long enough to push her into what was apparently the deepest end of the orgasm pool: I'd slowed my actions so that I was making long, steady strokes into her when I felt her clamp down around me as her body froze in place underneath me. I knew that it was her strongest orgasm of either night because of the change in the way her vagina grasped at my cock: rather than the simple tightening around me she'd exhibited before, that time her internal muscles began a rhythmic spasming that started at the base of my penis and ran toward the head -- it felt like she was literally trying to milk the cum out of me. The sensation of it was so powerful and so different, that it had just that effect: it didn't take me but a moment to try and stuff my cock as far inside her as I possibly could before I began spraying her cervix with my cum in what felt like an almost continuous spray of semen. It was easily the hardest I'd climaxed in a long, long time. I can only figure that she must have felt it, too, because her eyes suddenly flew open and she started making a keening sound whose pitch raised and lowered in time with the spasms I could feel in her vagina. I continued to feel her vagina trying to milk my penis well after I'd deposited every drop of cum I had into her. Looking down at her, I immediately saw that she'd climaxed hard enough that she'd basically lost consciousness as she'd done the night before. So even though I was still semi-hard and delighting in the feel of her around my cock, I carefully withdrew from her so that I could begin trying to help her recover her senses. As I'd done the night before, my first stop was the kitchen where I got several sodas together with a couple of sandwiches. Then, on second thought, I added a few of the snack bars I usually carried in my cab. Once that assortment was on the night table, it was into the bathroom where I took the opportunity to clean off the majority of the fluids that coated me from navel to knees. That done, I got some things together to clean Jenny up a bit. Back in the bedroom, I saw that she didn't appear to have moved in the slightest; a quick check reassured me that she DID have a heartbeat and that she WAS breathing. I didn't bother trying to wipe up all the residue of our lovemaking that was smeared around on her; I was content to simply get most of it so that neither of us would get too sticky before she was mobile again. With a damp washcloth and towel nearby, I got the two of us seated and resting against the headboard as I gently went about trying to bring her back to something more closely resembling an actual living being. It took me longer than I expected; I'd thought that her last orgasm had been like the one she'd had the night before, but it seemed that it, coupled with all the others before it, had hit her a lot harder. I was genuinely starting to wonder if I didn't need to get some medical assistance when I finally saw her eyelids start to flutter. With a little encouragement from me, it wasn't much longer before they opened -- though I could tell that she still wasn't coherent enough to actually 'see' anything. Still, it was progress, and I continued my efforts to nurse her back to reality. Eventually, she was able to focus on me; and shortly after that, I could see that she was getting her thought processes back, as well. So I wasn't all that surprised when the first thing to come out of her mouth a few minutes later was a soft "Son of a bitch." By that time, I was extremely regretful about what I'd done to (with?) her, and immediately apologized, telling her "I know. I'm really, really sorry. I was trying to make you feel as good as I could, but now I know it was too much. I wish I could go back and undo it, but I can't. I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't know that you could cum any harder than you did last night, and I'm as sorry as I can be that I was wrong." She seemed to consider that for a few moments before I heard "Not pissed. Surprised." A few seconds later she managed to whisper "Water?" I quickly reached over to get a can of soda and open it before holding it for her to take a sip from. A couple seconds later, I did it again. The third time, she got her hands up and put them on mine to let me know when she wanted a drink, and when she was finished. By the time the soda was gone, I could see that she was starting to get some of her energy back. Her second soda was used to wash down half of a sandwich; only then did she speak again, asking me "What on earth were you telling me you were sorry for?" "Well, while I was waiting for you to come back to this planet, I realized that I'd gotten too enthusiastic about helping you have orgasms tonight -- I mean, it took you way longer to recover tonight than it did last night. Then the first thing you said was to tell me I was a son of a bitch." She took another sip of her drink and gestured for another sandwich half before telling me "No, I wasn't calling you a son of a bitch, I was just making a comment on how good you made me feel. After how much you showed me you care for me, and how good you made me feel with all those orgasms and everything, why would I be upset with you?" Well and truly confused, I answered "Uh, how about the fact that you pretty much passed out? And stayed out for so long? Honest to God, I was starting to think I was going to have to call a doctor or something when I finally saw you starting to come out of it!" She shook her head and washed down the food she hand in her mouth before saying "Okay, I guess I can understand that. But I wasn't mad at you last night, so what made you think I'd be upset this time? I mean, you didn't really didn't do anything different; you just did MORE of it, is all. And it's not like I couldn't have told you to stop if it was getting too much for me, or anything. I'm just surprised that I could cum that hard -- even after what happened last night. Yeah, I'm surprised as hell at what happened. But I'm most DEFINITELY not pissed at you about it; if anything, I guess I should be grateful to you for helping me find out what happens when I do climax that hard." I have never been under the illusion that I understood a woman's thought processes; and after hearing what she'd just said to me, I knew that there wasn't the slightest chance that I ever WOULD understand what goes on in their heads. Jenny took my silence as an opportunity to finish the half-sandwich she had, and drain the rest of her soda before leaning across me to deposit the can on the night table. When she released a soft belch, she quickly turned her head to look up at me in embarrassment -- and both of us started laughing. I was still chuckling when she picked up another can of soda, but stopped when she paused on the way back to stick the cold can against my chest before sitting next to me again. Once she'd settled into my side again, and opened her soda, I told her "Okay, so you're not mad at me" -- she shook her head in confirmation -- "and you're saying that I got all worried and everything pretty much about nothing?" "Yup, that's about the size of it. Like I said, I can understand why you were worried, and I think you're an absolute dear for it. But there really wasn't any point to it, as far as I'm concerned. I got WAY more than I ever could have expected, but I don't think you did anything bad, or wrong. I'm just glad I found out what happens to me with you -- I know you care for me, and that I can trust you -- instead of somebody that would, like, ravish me or something while I was out, instead of caring for me like you did. At least with you, I know I'm not going to wake up and find out that somebody had fucked me in the ass, or that I had cum running out of every hole in my body or anything." She turned to look up at me with a grin before adding "At least, those things wouldn't happen unless I knew about it BEFORE I passed out!" The idea that she might be agreeable to letting me have her ass was an interesting one, to be sure. But after the activities of the last couple of evenings, I didn't feel like I was in any kind of shape to really check into the matter. So I fell back to the 'safe' response of hugging her closer to me, and let her finish her drink. When the soda can was empty, I reached over to take it from her and set it aside so that she wouldn't have to move from where she was tucked into my side. We stayed like for a little while, until she apologetically told me "Uh, I have to get up for a minute..." I moved my arm from around her waist, letting her know that I'd heard her, and waited patiently while she got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She was back a few minutes later, and when she started to get into bed, I patted my lap to let her know I wanted her to sit on it. She smiled and did just that, facing me, only to be surprised when I brought my knees up so that my legs formed a backrest for her. A look at the clock while she was in the bathroom had let me know that it still wasn't very late, and I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get to know her even more than I had over the previous couple of days. With little encouragement on my part, we spent the better part of the next couple of hours just talking; well, mostly with HER talking and me listening as she told me about her plans, and what she wanted to do with her life. My contributions consisted mostly of asking leading questions, and offering an occasional observation or suggestion. As she started to wind down, I figured it was late enough that some sleep would probably be a good idea -- and got a second on the unvoiced motion when she opened her mouth for a fierce yawn. When it was over, she looked a trifle embarrassed, and I just smiled and told her "Don't worry about it; I was starting to think it was bedtime, too." She told me "It's been nice, resting here like this -- but I am most definitely NOT ready to try taking a shower; even with you there, I'd probably fall asleep or something. So if you'll hand me that stuff" -- she gestured to the towel and washcloth I hadn't used -- "I'll just give everything a quick once-over, and hope that we don't get stuck together tonight!" Once I'd handed the things to her, she raised up and unconcernedly used the washcloth to wipe herself down, from belly button to halfway down her thighs, front and back. After she'd taken care of herself, she did much the same for me; except that she limited her attentions to my pelvis. When she was done, she started to move with the obvious intent of taking them to the bathroom. I gently stopped her and said "Don't worry about it; that stuff will be all right on the night table tonight." She looked at me uncertainly, and I just nodded in affirmation. With a slight shrug of her shoulders, she set the towel on the night table and the still-damp washcloth on top of it before moving off of me. I scooted down the bed far enough that I could lie down, and Jenny soon had herself next to me, lying on her side so that her head was on my shoulder and an arm and leg draped across me. I had my arm around her, and gave her a gentle hug and kissed the top of her head before reaching over to turn out the lights. I doubt either one of us had any trouble falling asleep. Unsurprisingly, I was the first one to wake up the next morning. Still sorry for all that I'd put her through the night before, I made sure not to disturb her as I first made a Priority 1 visit to the bathroom (taking the towel and washcloth with me), then headed for the kitchen to get some coffee started. Once I'd gotten a cup into my system, I was able to give some thought to the idea of breakfast. Before that, though, I went in to check on Jenny -- and found that she'd apparently just woken up: she was looking around as if wondering where I might have gotten off to. When she saw me, she gave me an absolutely radiant smile before stretching hard enough that I could hear her muscles creak even where I was. Afterwards, she told me "Thanks for letting me sleep a little longer. How long have you been up? Is that coffee I smell?" Grinning at her, I answered "No problem. I've only been up a little while, and yes, that's coffee." She started to get up, and I quickly told her "No, just lie there and take it easy; I'll bring you some before I start breakfast - which will be in bed." She looked pleased at the prospect (of resting some more, or breakfast in bed, I'm not sure), and told me "Sounds wonderful -- thank you." As promised, I was back in short order with a large cup of coffee for her; she seemed to perk up some after her first sip. Satisfied that her immediate needs were taken care of, I left her alone to take care of anything that she needed to do while I got things going in the kitchen. When I got back to the bedroom with our breakfast, she was sitting up against the headboard with her coffeecup in her hand. Setting our breakfast tray on the table, I quickly topped off her cup before moving to sit next to her and then setting the tray on my lap. I hadn't had any interest (or the energy, to tell the truth) in making anything too elaborate for breakfast, so what we had was a dish each of scrambled eggs, crisp bacon, and Southern-style hashbrowns (the small, cubed kind). Off to the side was a stack of warm flour tortillas, and smaller dishes with some shredded cheddar and American cheese, and some salsa. She followed my example of taking a tortilla and filling it with her preferred proportions of eggs, bacon, and potato, garnished with cheese and salsa. I'd made plenty, and both of us went through a couple of breakfast burritos each. Along the way, my cat Demosthenes showed up to sit and watch us. He'd learned not to get too close to any food people had, but that didn't stop him from sitting there as though telling us "I'm not begging, you understand, but I certainly wouldn't object if you wanted to share some of that delicious smelling food..." Demosthenes and Jenny had taken to each other easily enough that first day, so Jenny was perfectly willing -- after I told her I didn't mind -- to give him an occasional nibble: scrambled egg was acceptable, potato was a no-go, and bits of bacon as the preferred treat. The act he put on was even enough to convince ME to give him a little bit. When we'd finished demolishing the food, I set the tray aside while Jenny and I kept our coffee cups. I topped off both, and we sat there simply content to BE with each other. Jenny finished her coffee before I did, and after setting the empty cup on the tray, moved to sit on my lap. Discovering that my cup was nearly empty, too, she took it and set it next to hers before leaning forward to rest against my chest. I happily put my arms around her, and held her. Several minutes went by before I heard her say "Jim, I've had one HELL of a time, being here with you. I came here with the idea that I could, well, use you to help me get over my boyfriend dumping me for that strip club bimbo. But what happened was that I got a whole lot more than I bargained for. I don't know if you were trying to do it on purpose or not, and I really don't care; but while I've been here with you, I've learned a LOT more than I ever expected I would -- or COULD, for that matter. You've shown me what it's like to really care for somebody, and what it's like to have someone care that much for ME. As much as you've made me happy here in bed -- and boy, have you ever made me happy! -- it's how happy you've made me feel out of bed that matters to me the most, now. While we were talking last night, I realized what kind of person I've been, and how I could, and SHOULD, be living my life better. Until I met you, I never really thought much about other people; I mean, as far as trying to look at things from their perspective. And until last night, when I was on your lap, I never really thought about what I wanted to DO with my life: where I wanted to go, and what I wanted to do with it, and all that. But this morning, while you were fixing breakfast for us, I did start thinking about it; and now I'm starting to get an idea of what it is that I really want." I gave her a hug, but before I could say anything, she went on "Thanks to what you've said TO me, and done FOR me, while I've been here, I know that there are things that I need to change -- about myself, and my life. It's not that I think I was really a bad person, either; it's just that I know now that I could be a lot BETTER person. And because of the example you've set for me while I've been here, I know that I can and will be that better person. I don't think it's going to happen quickly or easily, but I'm determined that it WILL happen. I'm going to change my life, and change it for the better. So what I'm trying to tell you is that the self-centered spoiled little girl that came here is staying here; the person that's going back to San Francisco today is an adult woman with her head on straight -- and I know that I have YOU to thank for it." I thought about what I wanted to say for a few moments before telling her "I wasn't trying to do anything to change you" -- she interrupted to tell me "I know that" -- "or make you feel like there was anything 'wrong' with you. All I was really trying to do was help you have a good time and enjoy our time together; and maybe, maybe, let you see that there was another way of thinking about things so that you could decide if there was anything about yourself that YOU wanted to be different. Maybe I held up a mirror so you could really see yourself, but it's still your choice as to how much of what you want to be different about yourself -- if anything. I don't think I've GIVEN you anything; at best, all I did was help you find what was already inside you." "Whether you think you've given me anything, or not, I know that you DID. And I want you to know that I respect you, and love you, for it. I don't mean that I love you like I want to stay here with you forever, or anything like that; I've still got my family and home and job back in San Francisco. What I do mean is that I love you as someone that has given me a tremendous gift because you CARE about me -- and that I care about you in the same way." There wasn't anything I figured I needed to say to that, so I contented myself with giving her a kiss on top of her head, hugging her, and continuing to hold her in my arms. We stayed like that for quite some time before I heard her say "As nice as this is" -- "Yup!", I interjected -- "I really do have to get back home today." She pulled away from me slightly so that she could look up into my face as she said "IF you think you can behave yourself, I'm willing to let you take a shower with me before I have to pack", with a smile. I smiled back and answered "If I have to behave myself, is there really any point to taking a shower together? How about if I promise to mostly behave, instead?" Her smile got even wider before she replied "Okay, I can live with that!" Before she could move, I slid my hands down to hold the firm globes of her ass, and give them a little squeeze while looking at her with a raised eyebrow. She responded to the implied question by telling me "Okay, that's mostly behaving!" before easing herself off of me. I quickly followed her, and once both of us were standing, she led the way into the bathroom. As she got the shower started and adjusted, and then as we we cleaning each other up, I behaved myself. Mostly. Afterward, as she got her things packed, got the bedroom and kitchen straightened out. When she was done packing, we 'helped' each other get dressed, and I took her to the airport. Once I'd gotten her luggage unloaded and under the care of a skycap, she turned to face me and say "Thank you again, Jim, for everything" before pulling my head down and giving me a kiss that left no doubt in my mind just how much she cared for me. I could see a small tear in her eye before she turned and headed into the terminal to get her ticket and catch her flight. Back in my cab, I took a few moments to think back over the previous few days, and marvel at all that had happened. As I was making my way out of the airport, I got flagged down by a couple of women that had obviously just gotten into town. I stopped to take the fare, and after getting their luggage and them loaded into the cab, headed back into town. In the back, I could hear as the two of them exchanged stories about their respective husbands shortcomings -- particularly in the bedroom. I couldn't help but smile to myself the rest of the ride in...