Castlewood (c) LdyJessika, 1997 By [All rights reserved - copy/duplication prohibited without permission |
Chapter 1 (Readers please note this is written in two points of view the bullet indicates HIS.
Castlewood, long known in the region for its drawn brocade drapes that keep out all light. It looms tall, dark, made of stone and built upon the top portion of the cliffs. The only light ever seen is at night and then only the candles from the upstairs towers. The owner, seldom seen and known only as Lord of Castlewood kept to himself but was quite cordial and well liked.
- I watched as she slept and saw her eyes open slowly as she woke after what seemed to her like only minutes but when she looked at the melted candles she realized it must have been hours. I could tell she thought she was alone by the way she searched the room trying to see where I was. I had covered her with a thick, warm blanket and placed a soft pillow under her head for comfort and then retired to a chair and watched her sleep, her body replete with pleasure and exhaustion. A fire blazed in the stone hearth, bright and warm. I watched her try to move but she found she was still quite secured to the leather, padded table. Could this only be hours since she arrived at my home and that quite by accident? I looked out of the tower's stained glass windows, at the black sky and remembered it all started out so odd but now it seemed so destined for her to be mine.
The car had been giving me trouble for the last ten miles. I knew it was just about to completely overheat when the steam started pouring out from under the hood. "SHIT! Not now! Not the damn water hose". I stopped the car and looked at my surroundings.
I looked down the same dirt road leading to town I had been on for the past 10 miles and mentally noted that I must have at least 35 miles left to go. I reached for my cellular phone to find I was out of range. I mentally said fine I am having a bad hair day, I can deal with this and proceeded to mentally outline my options. I was still on the upper road that would eventually wind its way down off these dam cliffs to the small town at the bay. Impatiently I got out of the car to see what the light was up a long drive off to my right. It was dark, late...I kicked the car...swore at its expensive sleek lines and threatened it with a trade in on a GM 4x4 as soon as I got back to the bay area. It answered me by still spewing forth the last of the water out of the radiator. I started the walk up the road to the light, my only apparent option and the house that loomed before me did nothing to make me feel secure.
- I watched her stare around her surroundings where I would keep her for the night but there was nothing but shadows from the low candles to see. She started to try to move against the soft cuffs that held her in place, found she could not move and whimpered. At that sound I appeared, it seemed to her out of the stone wall. I walked quickly to her looking in her eyes, "I would never leave you alone my pet, you have nothing to fear as I told you when you agreed to stay here with me. You, not me, opened the gate to the property, remember pet?"
The black, iron gates to the property opened with pressure against them from my shoulder, they seemed rather rusted on the hinges but did give way. I saw the doors ahead and they loomed larger and larger as I approached them. The doors were solid oak, seemed to go from the ground to at least 15 feet high and were rather intimidating at their height to my 5'1 height. I stood on tip-toe and stretched to reach the old, brass knocker, banging it at least three times. The door to my surprise was quickly opened. My breath left my body, as I looked at the man standing before me, candle in his hand. I felt myself shudder but was sure he did not notice. He stood about 6', and was rather handsome but it was his piercing eyes that made me freeze and just stare at him.
- She told me that she knew she was the one that had opened the gates. I ignored her remark and started to adjust the cuffs holding her wrists to the top portion of the X on the table and then walked to her ankles and adjusted them so they were not so tight. I walked back to her and leaned down kissing her mouth lightly, roaming my tongue over her soft lips and finally taking her mouth in a possessive longing. Her mouth gave to mine and opened under my pressure. As I knew she would, she gave to me immediately, relaxing under my mouth kissing her sweet lips. I kissed her longer, deeper, letting our lips tell who was the one in lead. Then I looked into her eyes, "Say it pet, say the word that started this week". She looked in my eyes mesmerized and I recalled the first time I saw her at the door when she just stared at me and shuddered. Yes, I saw every move she made at our first meeting and those she tried to cover. She looked now into my eyes and answered quietly as I wished her to, "please".
"Please, my car broke down, I need to use your phone". I could see him look almost through me and could not know his mind ignored everything I said only registering he liked the way I said "please". He told me there were no phones, no electric, no extra transportation but I was welcome to stay the night. I stared at him as if he just told me the sky was green, I said I would walk to town - He said there would be a storm - I said I would walk anyway. I only walked 1/4 of a mile before the rain and lightening made me turn and flee back to Castlewood. The doors opened immediately before the first knock - with what could only be described as a grin he made a wide sweeping gesture with his arm and stepped aside. I looked into those eyes of his and cautiously moved past him into Castlewood. I felt nervous about having to return and stammered, "There is a hell of a storm outside". He peered out the door, "Ahh, so there is". He turned and walked toward another large door expecting me to follow.
He brought me to the library and we walked to in front of a large fireplace. He smiled and just walked out but in a few moments he returned with a large robe and towels. "You may continue to drip on my carpet but my preference is for you to not catch pneumonia, not ruin my expensive, imported carpet and change into this while your clothes dry". He held out the robe and towels and when I took them he again just turned and walked out but said he would return in a few moments with hot chocolate for us.
When he returned I was in the robe sitting on the couch, my legs curled up, looking rather like a lost kitten - but I felt at least I looked as formal as one could drenched from a storm, in a strange house, with an odd man handing you a cup of cocoa. I did notice that at least he had put marshmallows in it. "Here, drink this and relax, the night is going to be rather long". I took the hot cocoa and looked perplexed at his comment. I began to relax and wonder why my first reaction was so strong when he smiled and said, "So, you are on vacation for a week and this is the first night, Sunday night to be exact, rather an odd way to begin?" I laughed nervously and agreed but assured him I was grateful for his hospitality. "Sir, I really appreciate this and hope I am not putting you out by being here". He seemed to look through me again and I could not know that his mind only registered the way I said "Sir".
- She once again said to me, "Sir". I moved to the table and returned with what she thought to be a beautiful chain with two clips at either end. I smiled down at her look of complete curiosity and began to lick her nipples. I sucked them once again to hardness. I could so easily get her nipples to peak for me and I continued sucking and licking until I felt her start to move beneath my lips; trying to move closer to mouth when she thought I was going to deprive her of the feeling. I stood up and took one nipple in my fingers and placed a clip on it. "No!" "NO, Pet?" I smiled down at her, "Pet, I think yes and these are only the screw type so the pressure is adjustable and is hardly anything upon your nipple. Actually they are rather light even for a novice - you shall beg me for the others by the end of the week". I saw her eyes widen at that thought but I already knew she would want more, she was destined to be mine, but more I would move slow with her training and build trust. I swiftly moved and clipped the other nipple and stood back to stare at her spread for me with her nipples clamped. I did note she looked apprehensive but I did so love that look in her eyes - she was apprehensive but underneath already she could feel my protection. "Remember my oath to you, I shall not harm you, do not look so apprehensive". I chuckled and chucked her under the chin, "But then I do so love that look in your eyes".
I did not care for the way he looked through me and I apprehensively said, "Please, I shall return this towel now and I think the rain has stopped. I thank you for the last few hours while I dried off but I really must leave for town now." He took the towel from me, stood up saying nothing but as I walked past him he took my hand and walked me to the front door. He knew our discussion over the last hours of castlewood and him had me intrigued and I moved closer to him just wanting the contact. We walked toward the door and he discussed what our week would be like if I stayed with him here rather than going to a boring town to rest. I could not believe he was talking about this subject so candidly - I, of course, had heard about such things, fantasized about them, even played with them on my computer on line but never imagined I would meet someone. He opened the front door into the night and I looked up into those piercing eyes realizing it was now or not at all. I either believed him or not - I amazed myself as every fiber in my being believed him and his oath.
- "First, I give you my oath that I shall care for you and not harm you in any manner and you will give me your word that you will abide by all that I tell you to do. If you are any way in serious harm or fear you need only say the word "morning". Just say that word and all will stop. I will never bring you harm but to the edge of such pleasure that you will seek and need more. So make your decision now that the rain has stopped but know once it is made it is binding upon both of us for the week."
I slowly closed the door and stepped back into Castlewood. Lord in turn stepped forward and the sound of the bolt being thrown into place echoed through the halls and sealed in place the next week and our fate.
- I tested the clips by pulling up on them and watched her hard nipples pull up. Such lovely nipples. Nice firm breasts, mounds of cream colored flesh till they rose to the beautiful brownish-pink tips to those nipples teasing my senses. Yes, those nipples were now mine and this only the first night to pleasure myself with them. I thought of what I would do on Monday as I moved the long chain upward and bid her take it in her teeth. She did not voice it but I could see the question as to this direction of mine in her eyes. I next told her to very slowly move her head in a yes motion and watched as her nipples pulled. Then I bid her shake her head slowly to the sides and enjoyed her nipples as they pulled to each side. I could see in her eyes that it had just dawned on her one of the reasons I had clipped her lovely nipples with such a long chain. I moved to the dresser for another toy, keeping it well out of her view. I looked back and watched her eyes once again travel over the many aspects of the tower room.
I walked in front of him to the library when I heard him move in the other direction. "Not that way, it is late, we have already discussed so much, we will go to my favorite room, care to see it?" I just stood there not moving so he moved across to me, lifted my hands, kissing their palms. He tucked one firmly in the crook of his arm and we left the refuge of the library and climbed the stairs together. I felt the strength of his hand at the small of my back propelling me forward even as my mind told me that I was nuts for doing this. But just once, this once, I wanted something more in my life than logic, order and business. I wanted him and the promise of what he had told me about.
- I smiled at her habit of watching everything and mentally categorizing things but for now wanted her focus not on the surroundings but on my voice and hands, on her body. I wanted her mind turned off from thinking and her body feeling. I picked up a blindfold and walked back. I could see her eyes widen at the thought of not being able to see. I lifted her head even as she tried to move it to keep it from happening, "Trust, I gave you my oath I would not hurt you, I will protect you with my own life if need be, trust me". She saw the sincerity in my eyes and her head relaxed in my hand as I slipped the blindfold securely in place. I stepped back and watched her breathing fast from not having the control of sight. I spoke to her and stroked her body reassuring her until her breathing became slow and relaxed. It was time to begin.
We reached the first landing and proceeded to the end of a hall where a staircase started to one of the towers. I stood there at the bottom stair, my hand still in the crook of Lord’s arm and hesitated until his voice calmed me and we proceeded up to the tower. I stood at that final tower door, thinking for a few moments but then looked up at him and smiled. He swung the door open and looked at me to make the first move to enter. I stepped over into a world I had wanted for so long but did not realize it. It was time to begin.
- My hands moved over her body from her beautiful cuffed wrists down to her cuffed ankles. Again and again I stroked over her breasts, stomach, inner thighs until her breathing matched my slow strokes and my hands owned her body. "Pull the chain, pet". She would pull it and each time my hands made a pass over her body I bid her pull the chain. Each time she pulled it but harder than the last at her own doing. I stroked her soft inner thighs and could see the moisture glistening on her soft pubic hair. She was so wet, so in need and so ready for her next lesson. She jumped at the sound of the low buzz. "Calm down now pet and just listen to the sound and feel my hands caressing you, tonight will be for your pleasure, you will learn positions tomorrow".
I moved in to the room that seemed like a tower chamber of some sort. He wasted no time in bringing me to the center of the room and taking off the robe I wore. I stood naked, vulnerable and tried to snatch back the robe, "We can do this while I wear the robe, okay?" He smiled and answered not by handing me the robe but wrapping his arms around me pulling me to his body. We stayed like this for awhile without speaking and just the feel of his one hand holding my face to his chest while the other stroked up and down my back I began to relax with being naked before him. He stepped back looking at my body, "Your fine the way you are" and with that he threw the robe across the room to a chair. The chill made my nipples harden or was it from looking at the table he led me to. It was the shape of an "X" with cuffs at the top of each end of the "X" and at the lower legs of the "X". There seemed to be a strap around its center as well. The walls seemed to have various chains and latches hanging on them but that corner was in shadow so I could not see them clearly. I think I was rather glad I could not see that far. "You did say if I said the word morning this would all end right away, correct?" He laughed and said yes but said he doubted he would see morning until it actually occurred naturally. Looking around this room I felt he would hear it in about 10 minutes. I sat upon the table as he bid me to and tried to relax. He surprised me by hopping on the table and as he sat on it next to me he just stroked my arm as we spoke in low voices about the room. He then slowly stood up pushing me slowly on my back and continued to chat with me. Eventually he pulled my arms and legs to match the "X" and secured them as well as my waist to the center. I was not that uncomfortable as the table was quite padded and warm from the fire. I could feel my body begin to relax, anticipation start to build, and I needed to hear his voice and feel his hands against me reassuring me, touching me. A blindfold was put over my eyes and after a few moments of fear at not being able to see anything, the constant sound of his voice and feel of his hands comforted me. I slipped into feeling pure sensations as they began to wash over me and I drifted into a world of feeling and over to his safe keeping.
- She was so open and wet as I neared her. I had chosen a particularly small vibrator for her first time with me but one I felt she could take in length and thickness. It was on low and I ran it up her thighs preparing her in thought for where she knew I wanted it. Closer now and I ran it up over those pretty lips protecting my final journey. She began to move but she was so strapped nice and secure in place she could only feel that which I would allow her. I could see her lick her lips at the sensations and could feel her rising passion as she tried to move. "No, pet, I will tell you when you can have it, this is not for you to decide, only for you to feel and listen". I continued with this slow motion around her pussy and each time she was sure I would give her what she wanted and slide it inside her, I slid it away from her needing pussy. She was openly dripping now and automatically pulling harder on her nipples with the chain. Her body had a nice sheen of perspiration on it and her clit was nice and swollen. Once again I brought the vibrator to her opening and this time when she did not demand it but whimpered her need almost silently then and only then did I slide it in her. Her surprised intake of breath and moan of extreme satisfaction was what I wanted to hear. "Does it feel good now? waiting is such a pleasure?". She answered in a moan and I began to slowly move it in her while my fingers played and pinched her swollen clit. She was breathing hard and her body ached for release from such a long time of playing but just as she was about to reach orgasm I pulled it out. I watched, I waited, I watched her almost peak and each time I withdrew the vibrator the intensity grew as the need became more and more demanding on her body. "Ask me for permission to have it in you". She whimpered her please sir and I allowed her to have the vibrator filling her where she felt empty and in need. Again and again I pushed it in her, sliding it, moving it, fucking her with it as it vibrated through her pussy and body. I could see her stomach muscles start to tighten and watched as her hands clenched in fists as she pulled the chain and her nipples pulled tight, and in slight pain. "Tell me pet, do you need it, do you want it, is it now an all consuming fire in your body to cum for only me". Her nipples pulled with her shaking her head and she moaned and whimpered in need, "yes, please, Sir, please". Although she could not see me, I smiled my pleasure at her need and tone. Yes, it was time to bring my pet to pleasure. I bent forward to lick and bite her clit as I turned the vibrator one more turn up to high. She moaned, her body started its spiral to the edge, I pumped it in and out faster, harder as finally I could see and feel she needed to fly free, "NOW, cum for me" and her body clenched and then she whimpered as waves of pleasure and her release from earth’s bounds washed over her. Again she moaned and I sucked her clit harder replacing the vibrator with two fingers that her pussy clenched on over and over. She was spiraling outside her body in a realm of pleasure and it was now the time that I bring her back slowly to my tower. I slowly slid my fingers from her and removed the chain from her teeth, kissing her gently while continuing to stroke her body. I knew she was still quite dazed and did not know what to do next, "Shh, now just rest a moment, I will wash you and remove the blindfold, do not speak yet, just rest. I took off the blindfold and smiled my pleasure at her as she smiled back with a glazed look of passion still in her eyes. The warm, fluffy wash-cloth against her pussy was comforting to her and before I had finished washing her cum from her body she was drifting to sleep. I covered her and would allow her sleep for awhile as I made plans for Monday night, after all, this was my pet’s vacation.
I woke and thought moments had passed until I looked at the candles. I felt fear, I was alone but then he came to me it seemed out of the stone walls and calmed me once again. He looked at me and smiled, "Morning". I did not want it to stop, I was not afraid anymore of him and my mind and body never felt such freedom, "No, it is okay, I did not say the safe word morning, I do not feel afraid anymore". I knew I was rather disoriented from just waking but wanted him to understand that I did not mean it if I had for some reason said the word. He smoothed my hair and moved to the cuffs and removed them, he began to rub my wrists and arms, legs and ankles. He helped me put on his bathrobe and stepped aside pointing to the stain glass windows - I then realized he was only telling me it was morning. He smiled at me when he saw me relax and realize that he was not telling me to leave. He held out his hand and this time I did not hesitate reaching for it. We walked from the tower to the lower floor. Monday with my Lord had arrived.
We walked to the middle floor of the house. Although it was summer the house remained cool from the stone and the lack of sun allowed in except for the top portions of the windows that remained uncovered. We entered his bedroom and I was rather surprised to see rather modern looking surroundings. The furniture as opposed to the dark oak Victorian library was a beautiful polished mahogany. At one end of the bedroom stood a massive bed with two night tables and a reading lamp. "I thought there is no electricity here, but you have a lamp?"
He looked directly into my eyes and said in a low voice, "If you look closely, pet you will see it is battery powered – I do not lie."
I felt rather sheepish at the tone I had used but turned and surveyed the other end of the room where a desk sat full of strewn books and papers next to the window. In the middle of the room I could see a round table with a platter of fruits, cheeses, nuts and crackers, already placed with two glasses of ice water. I do not know how he moved so quietly but when I turned I found him sitting up in the bed watching me with those piercing eyes of his. I did not even notice he had moved and undressed I was so busy studying his room. He just sat there with his closed expression studying me.
- I watched her walk around my bedroom, touching this and that. She seemed so enthralled by each item no-matter how simple the item was. Perhaps it was the sun filtering in through the upper stain glass windows, throwing rainbow colors over her but she looked ethereal to me, as she moved about my master bedroom. "Pet, enough now, bring the platter over here." I knew she would retrieve the platter and come to me. After she placed the platter on the night table she sat on the edge of the bed. I opened my arms and as she moved to me I enfolded her against me and pulled her down onto the bed. I held her head between my hands and looked deep into her eyes and saw my reflection, her owner. This time I kissed her lips gently and she gave to me so easily now but I had things planned for later and now I must feed my pet as well as have some sustenance myself.
He stayed in the bed and I went to retrieve the platter and bring it to him. After kissing me we proceeded to talk low about as he called it our previous session.
"Pet, that is what I shall call you for the next few days and you shall call me Sir, did you find the tower pleasurable?"
I could feel myself blushing trying to think how to justify that I had found being bound, out of control with my eyes closed pleasurable when I had no idea something like that would ever feel to me like I was floating free. "I was rather surprised but yes, it was quite an experience!" I felt it but could not bring myself to explain that it was the most sensual experience I had ever had in my entire life. Not that I had not dated and made love quite passionately but there is making love and then now there was this!
"Well pet, I can see you are still dealing with this as a work project so we shall eat for a bit and then you can explain to me what type of experience."
He turned and fed me a piece of fruit which juice dripped down my chin and he licked it off me. I had never had that done and thought I would die telling my best friend about this but who would never believe this whole vacation anyway. I wanted to do the same feeding him but each time he would take it from my hand and feed himself and look at me until I realized that I was not to do that for some reason. "Pet, hand me the glass of water, please."
"Here, Sir, it is nice and cold with ice." He looked at me and had a grin I can only describe as quite wicked, took the ice and replaced the glass of water on the table.
- I took the ice and before she knew what I wanted from her I opened her robe and lightly rubbed the tips of her beautiful nipples. Her immediate sigh and low moans sounded like music to me. She lay back on the soft pillows and moved with the ice in tune with her body. As I took the ice almost away from her body, her back would arch following it and as it ground deep upon her breast she would lower into the soft mattress as if trying to flee the cold coursing through her nipples. I watched her nipples in turn redden from my ministrations set to her body’s needs and desires. She went to reach her arms around my neck, "No, pet place them under your head", I wanted no distractions from playing her body like a finely tuned instrument. I moved a new ice cube down her belly leaving a trail of ice water that I proceeded to lick off her body, lower, lower.
- The ice moved lower to her beautiful mound of pubic hair, so soft that I sifted my long fingers through them as the ice trailed over them. She shuddered from the cold and small goose bumps appeared on her thighs but I kept the covers away from her hands, "No, pet, learn the pleasure of cold and heat, your body soon will overcome the cold and burn with passion." The ice now rubbing cold sensations on her clit and my tongue dancing over her hot opening made her body begin to move and grind on my tongue seeking the warmth of my mouth. I had her thighs spread over my shoulders and now I delved my tongue into her sweetness and tasted of her essence. The ice was dripping down her pussy now and my tongue was cold as it moved in and out of her with the dripping ice water. Her body again drifted to me and I controlled her movements and heated passion. I pulled away for a moment, "Pet, tell me when you wish to come for me, I will pull you to me." I moved back to the core of her heat and licked and bit at her until she began to moan and grind against me.
- Her voice said in that whisper I had come to know and need to hear, "Please, now, now, let me come please, Lord."
- She was not prepared for the heat I unleashed on her body as I drove my tongue deep in her channel and pulled her hips against my face in a fury of sucking and piercing motions owning her with my tongue. On and on until I felt her spiral and spasms driving two fingers in as I sucked her clit in a final barrage on her senses. Her hands came from in back of her head to hold my face against her needing body where she wanted my tongue to possess her. She screamed by name as she pulled me into her and whimpered from the strength of her orgasm washing over her body. She fell back and I slid my tongue lightly over her again and again before stopping this session. She was looking down at me as I grinned up between her thighs, "Ah my pet better than any of the fruit on the platter wouldn’t you say?"
- Pet fell back on the fluffy pillows exhausted once again. I moved back up next to her pulling the covers over us and we slept.
I woke to find him still sleeping next to me and it gave me time to think on the past day and to look at his features as he slept. Such an odd man it seemed yet he was the most intelligent man I have spoken with in quite awhile. Still there was so much to learn about him but then I questioned myself why I would want to when in a few days I would be leaving for home and with quite a tale to tell my best friend. This was not exactly something you put on a postcard such as, "Dear Marnie, Having a wonderful time being tied to posts glad your not here, we seem to have only one set of cuffs. Love and see you soon." My mind started to think that perhaps this was enough and I should really get my car and get to town, after all the storm was over. I quietly crept out of bed to look out the window. I could see the road from here and looked for my car since the window was facing the road where I had left it. It was missing.
I was startled when I heard his deep voice, "Pet, why are you out of bed?"
"Oh I did not realize you were awake"
He had that intense look as his voice grew low, "That is okay, you do not realize quite a bit yet but in time you will."
I just looked at him, as it seemed there was another cryptic message somewhere hidden in there, but I ignored it as my car was my main concern now and this vacation had to have some reality come to play in it. I felt rather vexed at him since he probably did not even own a car much less a portable phone left in the car so why would he care that mine was stolen during the night. My back was to him as I thought Ugh! This is what I get for meeting up and being attracted to a weirdo – sometimes I am such a dolt!
" I do not mean to push the issue Sir but my car that was apparently broken down in front of the house last night now seems to have been stolen." I immediately recognized the same grin he had when told me it was indeed raining and now I waited for the news he was about to impart to me.
"Ah yes, the car with the broken water hose soon to be replaced, uh was it with a truck it seems, that car is safe and sound in the garage on the back portion of the grounds."
"And Sir, just how did it find its way there?"
"Why tow truck of course my pet." "Wait pet, let me guess now you are going to ask whose tow truck?" I actually was going to ask that question but just smiled instead since I was so relieved my car was safe. I did not even give the car a passing thought for the rest of the day and as night fell my mind was only on my next session with Lord. (cont.)